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Everything posted by Zxtakuto

  1. NilesxElise. Enjoy a magic oriented Nina. #Thankgodthesupportisn'tascreepyasitcouldofbeen
  2. here's the inheritence app https://inheritance-planner.herokuapp.com/ your welcome.
  3. Orochi!Selkie Witch if you have the dlc Onymoji if not.
  4. Mao (Disgaea 3) Grandmaster (FE13) Kain Highwind (FF4) Wyvern Lord (GBA) Add (Elsword) Druid (FE8) Silvi (Agarest Generations of War) Falcon Knight Mercedes (Odin Sphere) Sniper Here's a few i thought of.
  5. Dark Knight Effie (S rank Leo) and General Effie! Forrest
  6. As a response to your worry about Rhajats strength (quoting isn't working for me right now) rhajat should have around 50-60 strength growth as a mechanist if i calculated it right.
  7. well since were allowed to pick 2 Strategist Sakura (S Jakob )
  8. Onymoji Saizo (S rank Sakura) enjoy a magic user
  9. to recruit yukimura you have to level up the automotons up to level 3 in birthright only.
  10. A magic focused Avatar is much better on conquest since the promotion for the nohr prince/princess is more magical focused as well as getting acces to tomes giving it a magic weapon that can double and has more of a chance of triggering offensive skills rather than relying on the dragonstone. also about conquest, yeah..... good luck to ya.
  11. Not really. Her role is more like the last two Avatars. a friend and ally of the Lord that has nearly as much importance to the plot
  12. When you said Pegasus Knight reinforcements i thought you were refering to Falcon Knights not kinshi knights. when i said spear i meant the 2 ranged locked lance but it the same idea.
  13. was berkuka equipped with a Spear because the enemy ai will prioritise units thst can't retaliate above all else
  14. I'll be kind and and give you a magic user Oni Chieften Hayato
  15. the left side of the map is filled with enemies with 0 defence but max resistance and the right side is filled with enemies with 0 resistance but max defence. once the two paths meet up you get stuff such as the samurai you mentioned and a max strength but low hp (15 if i remeber correctly) beserker
  16. the code doesn't change it just takes the person to the last castle you used.
  17. Incase you want some variety Path: Hoshido Address: 00657-90070-31032-35094
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