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Everything posted by Lightcosmo

  1. Okay, Smash U has 8 repalletes for most characters, why? Like I said, this game has no heart, that's why. I can agree, I'm happy they used Zero Mission/Fusion ZSS since I speedrun those games so i'm biased. Course, that was Smash 4, so no credit for U there. But overall? Sloppy work by them.
  2. Sure, sure but his moveset was a total letdown. and besides, I liked Ikes zelgius armored alt in PM, See that's the thing about Nintendo, they won't put alts in. why? because its a good idea, that's why.
  3. Sure, but it doesn't compare to PM. The characters are very source based, to me. I mean, Sonic is a great example, he is one of my favs in PM simply cause I love his Sonic Battle moveset, and things like Looped taunting is very funny to do. Also, I dig the Jet Set and SA2B sonic alts. In U he's just... bleh.
  4. Sorta, yeah. I pretty much play for the alts, and the neat movesets. like I enjoy Link being able to play his Ocarina, or Ike making Fire on the ground during QD, the small things are just nice touches to me, which U is lacking so much. Hoping Banjo and Kazooie add some life to the game.
  5. Ah, neat. Ive been to tournaments, but only for PM. as I said, it's easily my favorite to play. Nothing wrong with laid back playstyle.
  6. This might sound silly, but where is the concert hall? I can't for the life of me, find it. do you have to pay for it?
  7. How competitive are you? Also, i'm sorry to hear people treated you so poorly, that's too bad. Those people obviously aren't worth your time, then. But in my opinion, this game is a mess. I was hoping they would address so many issues, but nope. More wants, by the way.
  8. This is great to see! After the first one, I was pretty impressed. I agree with most of this. I'm not sure how they would address the puzzle issue to make it user-friendly as well. I mean, i'm honestly terrible at puzzles so i'm not sure a hardcore Zelda would be for me.
  9. Well i'm not familiar with how back your system knowledge goes, but i'm a 64 gamer, I grew up with it, so I grew to love the pair. also there is no reason to be rude, as I said I don't watch videos, so I wasn't sure. Just cause i'm not all "oh E3 must watch!" I don't watch videos, never have. my internet can't load them since it's soooo slow. so I can only rely on others for info. What would you like to see, then?
  10. I never understood why the Swordskills were locked to Swordfighters for passdown. You know a lot more than me. My info was pretty basic compared to this, I would rely on this info, much better than mine, since i'm awful at fire emblem anyway.
  11. Well they cater to the masses, why be surprised? Banjo and Kazooie is super popular. Are they getting a stage as well or are they just characters? So i'm equally as disappointed in case you thought you were the only one here.
  12. We don't always get what we want. I wanted more alts, I didn't get my wish. Oh well, i'm happy I got something, is all. I'm sick of 8 repalletes, I think it's inexcusable. I am a PM player and I love their alts, and then I see Nintendos crap and am disgusted. Also, that's not even considering all the small things I enjoy in PM compared to Smash U that I was disappointed in. Yet, I take what I can get. Excuse my harsh language.
  13. I don't know, why not? I don't know Bayonetta, but I was happy for her fans for Smash 4. I hate Cloud, but I was happy for his fans. Nothing wrong with having a more positive attitude, I suppose?
  14. Yeah, this is kinda unfair, I mean i'm a huge Banjo Kazooie fan, so i'm happy they're in! You should be happy for people getting their favorites in, even if you don't know the series/character. I haven't seen the videos yet, but i'm sure they'll be great! Heck, I didn't even want a DLC character at first, so how can I complain?
  15. Isn't it good to establish character flaws, though? I don't think it's all that strange, if she likes him. I mean, she doesn't know if he likes her back, that's why she tries to make him comfortable by making the situation less tense.
  16. Really, I didn't gather most of this, considering it's hard to take the story line seriously when you have characters saying things like the in place swearing symbols, it's just silly. And he hardly interacts with the others, making him a pain to see on screen.
  17. I just passed this point, and to me it seems like shes trying to show him how to be more honest and voice his feelings, no matter how nervous or scared he is. Besides, she teases him a lot throughout the game so it's not that unusual.
  18. Ahhh, I've tried this, but I think i'm doing something wrong. I can only get luck to around 750-800 or so. Right the bard, I forgot about those, not really an optimal option, considering how bad my luck is that could take a while.
  19. What makes Cloud an appealing character, though? I like FF VIII so much more for that reason.
  20. The writing in FF VII is terrible to me, I don't understand how people can say it's story is so fantastic. It's so bland, just like the characters. Hoping it gets addressed, at least somewhat, though I doubt it it's nice to hope, right?
  21. Whoops that's not what I meant! Sorry, I was thinking about something else! Thanks though. I forgot that either way! Meant kosmos- what's the chance on her? Looking back I do have him, I guess. I'm dumb, ignore me. Oh wait, I'm missing Akhos's parter blade, as well. How do I get her?
  22. Sure, I think theres more to it, but that's the basics, really.
  23. Getting characters to love each other requires you to have them stand next to each other every turn. Certain pairing go by quicker like Ayra/Holyn for one, and doing talks between characters often gives lover points, usually 100, I think? Just pick what you like, really.
  24. Really? I liked the field skills, it made the Blades feel more special, I think. As far as the summoning thing went, i'm on both sides, on one end I liked getting them for the 1st time, on the other hand, I still don't have Mikhail and probably won't. I loved Tantal as an area, it was gorgeous to look at and I loved the morning time theme there. It was so open exploration wise, and I like the characterization there.
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