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Everything posted by Lightcosmo

  1. Pretty sure this is doable via mods, just change his guest flag to "able to switch to" similar to Dunban.
  2. No, they just let you know who's currently traveling with the party at that point.
  3. The Wii version also experiences extreme frame drops in later game areas, so good thing your playing DE!
  4. They might be referring to the Wii version where at times it could be difficult to see where you were going.
  5. PM was was killed a while before Ultimate's release. It was more popular than Trash, no doubt about it.
  6. True! I see. Thank you! PM was erased from existence during Tr4sh's era. Xd
  7. Things like Project M for Brawl as well when that was big.
  8. And as for Steam: well when you have the game files literally sitting on the computer, the devs should expect them to be modded: See: Trails of Cold Steel files.
  9. I mean, the game's that i have modded are usually ones that i own, why can't i do what i want with my property?
  10. So not really enough to say it's worth it? That's fine, as long as i have my playable Lucina mod (and Eirika somewhat) i don't really mind either way. XD
  11. Question for those that played Engage's DLC: was it worth the money? I assume it was $30?
  12. I think both of these can be wrapped up into "someone is just made different" from those at Nintendo.
  13. Yeah i don't know the details, just heard about it was all. Considering everytime the Switch updates, Homebrew updates come right after? I agree that's it's not going to stop. I don't feel bad or anything, i mean i use mods all of the time, since i find their games lackluster and prefer to play my own way.
  14. If i recall, they were ceasing development since Nintendo came in and was like:
  15. See, i dislike the choice of "lower the player's level" since your HP is bad the fights cant flow like they should without you dead all of the time. This doesn't really equate to challenge imo. Edit: I don't want "Titan Stamp" blasts to be considered "challenging", since that's just the opposite. I don't believe so. More than likely, yeah.
  16. Why not give us the option to reset the affinity of Blade's?
  17. And even then, the sheer power from affinity charts being complete and affinity levels being high, the fights are still broken.
  18. "Kinda" being the key phrase here. And being able to multiply their stats means nothing if they are low in the first place.
  19. Nintendo is going around and taking down Switch Emulators. Sad days for modders.
  20. I dunno... I think they could have done more with the actual storyline fights and possibly added more UM's. Why not allow us to raise the enemy levels? I guess I just dont find that enjoyable.
  21. Then you dont get all the bells and whistles NG+ has like a 3rd accessory slot, for example. The ability to send unique Blades on Merc missions. (Such as Pyra and Mythra)
  22. Why is Monolith so insistent on having a lame NG+? C'mon, Monolith, make NG+ a true challenge instead of a "I get to wreck the enemies that wrecked me on my first playthrough" kinda thing.
  23. Yeah sadly NG+ kinda ruins the experience imo by having all affinity chart abilities already unlocked still unlocked. I mean, since you dont care about XC either way it doesnt matter.
  24. Main Blades are locked to (X) character so that wont work. Also you cant remove Pyra/Mythra until NG+.
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