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Everything posted by Lightcosmo

  1. Use Glimmer to grant Rex Critical Rate up, use double spamming edge till basically dead, then chain attack. Repeat till level 99.
  2. You should be able to rocket to 99 with not issue if you desire. If I recall it took about an hour most of the time coming from the chain attacks going on so long. Lmao
  3. Also, camping Glimmer can work wonders, actually. Her healing is amazing.
  4. Ofc chain attack for maximum gains, and lower your level back to around 50's for maximun gains
  5. Just change the difficulty to easy, fight the 60, level up, then change it back to hard.
  6. The level 80 is easy as long as you have sleep protection.
  7. The extra UMs were easy except the level 90's.
  8. Yeah, fighting low level enemies and grinding it out.
  9. Time-stopping on an Arte is the most annoying thing in a Tales of game. I dislike fighting against Cress in ToX 2 for this very reason. Every few seconds, it's just time stop with Dimensional Blade, and you can't even slide around him since the hitbox is so janky it hits from behind him regardless to what it looks like.
  10. I never get tired of this: You can even see Gramps shrugging like "Rex, you moron...", i love that!
  11. Ruben: Trails was always the series for you:
  12. I dont think they would have all the necessary animations so the game would probably just lock up if anything.
  13. Ofc idk if its changable in XC3, as I havent modded it at all yet.
  14. If anything, its similar to the guest flags XC1 has set for the guests you have. Like Dickson for example.
  15. I wouldn't think this would work, honestly. Especially in EP III.
  16. if you arent using it, your seriously hampering yourself. If course early game it doesnt matter as much but late game the player can have 6 or 7 boost points at max, so it can be invaluable to turn skip a broken enemy.
  17. I think that is one of the issues, it's consistent. This means the player can without a doubt, literally control the tide of the fight just using common sense for the most part since the turns will be pre determined, there is no surprises generally speaking. No real reason for the player to think, since you can play auto pilot due to going 1st being usually more influential than not. Whereas if fastest "X" character isn't always 1st, well now the player has the decide or plan differently. Of course in XS this can be changed purely with the "Boost" mechanic, allowing for turn skips with a cost. But since that also applies to the enemy, that's fine.
  18. One of the best things about XS Ep III's battle system. It is turn based, and yet the SPD stat does not inheretly mean "this character goes 1st" every time. In fact, every "round" they could end up going last every time due to the games variance. This makes SPD not a dominant stat in a turn based game, who would've thought it? XD
  19. Honestly i might argue XS Ep III takes some things a bit too quickly, not having much explenation.
  20. I mean, how can one say "I think FE has terrible villains and is amazing" yet on the other end "XC2 has bad art therefore its bad"? Is that really evaluating fairly?
  21. Thinking about the whole "XC2 has some bad blade designs", thats how many are normally going to feel about art, like or dislike. I mean, expecting them to have 100% perfection seems silly in the grand picture, the odds are about as likely as most games having 100% perfect gameplay.
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