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Replica Model

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Everything posted by Replica Model

  1. Wait, I have a fourth silly quote. I just spaced it out to show it has two lines to it.
  2. Tales of Xillia and Etrian Odyssey III. A 3D HD environment with your explorers' guild going around the world of Rieze Maxia. Or Xillia characters exploring the seas and stratums of Armoroad.
  3. I personally don't care how the tournament goes, just as long as I can understand the rules. Its up to you Shelie.
  4. I remember watching my big brother playing Advance Wars on the GBA when I was 5 or 6 and it looked fun with all the tanks and explosions, bombers taking out Battleships and all so I asked him if I could try for a bit and before I knew it I was addicted and wouldn't give it up. It was the new best thing for me! I wasn't very good at it of course but it was fun to command an army but over time by watching how the computers play and playing off their strategy I became a heeeck of a lot better. I LITERALLY played it for the next 5 years until my dad mentioned FE SD to me (and thats a different story), and to this day I am the God of Advance Wars.... at least in my house. Today, I play a lot of other RPGs (its my most played and favored genre) while Advance Wars and FE took the majority of my child.
  5. I made an edit at page 4 to one of my silly quotes so I'll just merge that one to my original post on page 2 to made it easier for Shelie to find the quotes I want to use.
  6. I'm sure it will! I finished the demo entirely got all 7 play bonuses and can't wait for the full game! Got the Collector's Edition pre-ordered, I just got to pay five more dollars and all I got to do is.... wait.... patiently.... Gawds...
  7. What topic? What is the square root of pi eaten twice?
  8. Looks like I broke the 3-way tie. Edit: Bravely Default FTW! I got to wait a month though.... Yeah, I'm American... Does Japan already have the sequel? Or is it in development?
  9. Arizona, USA. I moved from California a few months ago which was my home state and home town by the way.
  10. Forget this post. Just merging my edited quotes onto page 2.
  11. My Rutger got crit'd by the brigand boss on Ch.5 which was on Hard mode so I had to restart again.
  12. Dreams of being a beautifully disgusting unicorn. What does a teenager dream?
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