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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. 21. Do you believe in emotions?

    22. Do you believe in love?

    23. Do you believe in absolutes?

    24. Do you believe in pure evil?

    25. Do you believe in the supernatural?

    26. Do you believe in life on other planets?

    27. Do you believe in God?

    28. Do you believe our senses can be trusted?

    29. Do you believe the moon landing actually happened?

    30. Do you believe human perfection is attainable?

    31. What was your favorite subject in school?

    32. What is your favorite sport?

    33. Can you handle yourself in a fight?

    34. Do you consider yourself to be attractive?

    35. What is your ideal woman like?

    36. What's your favorite non-FE video game of all time?

    37. What's your favorite non-FE video game series of all time?

    38. What's your favorite video game console of all time?

    39. What's one video game you wish you owned, but don't?

    40. What's one video game console you wish you owned, but don't?

  2. 22 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    I managed to get past the prologue today. Only took me a full day of playing.

    I feel like I'm going to sink way to much time into this game.... It's a pretty good game so far though. Bit childish here and there, but pretty good overall.

      Reveal hidden contents

    These people really suck at investegating though. Oh, we're looking at people who might dusted the safe. But these people were with us during the roberry, so it couldn't have been them!

    Oh, nobody in a school uniform has arrived here. The person we're looking for wore a school uniform when we met her a few days ago, so she couldn't have come here!

    I wish I was a thief in this world. It would be such an easy job


    This would also make a great tittle for the thread!


    Cool, now I get to walk you through a game I like! Trails is pretty time consuming, but I never got bored of it, which is something that usually happens eventually in any non-FE games I play. Keep us up to date!


    What did you expect? They're kids! Would you be solving mysteries when you were sixteen? I love how realistic this game is! The kids are stupid, just like IRL!



  3. Ladies and Gentlemen:

    It has now been long enough that I would assume Ena isn't coming back. He probably fell in love and forgot about us. Therefore, we have a few choices:

    1) We could try to continue this RP. This would be rather difficult, as this thread is Ena's and the rest of us have no idea where the general storyline is going. Also, none of us have experience with running an RP, with the exception of Hylian Air Force I suppose. It's not impossible, though. 

    2) We let this RP die and maybe recycle some of our characters in another game. Trouble is, there aren't any other games like this with open sign-ups (Cosmic Mirror isn't what I'd call a traditional FERP). If one of the old games were to open for sign-ups, well, you'd have all of that backstory to catch up on.

    3) We start a new RP! And suffer the same problems as far as having an experienced GM goes. 

    4) We wait for a new RP to start.

    5) We do nothing and no one is happy.

    I'd be willing to help out should anyone else try to bring choices 1 or 3 to fruition. What say you? We should come to a consensus about this. 


  4. 6. Are you a cat person or a dog person?

    7. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

    8. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

    9. Are you more artistic-oriented or mechanical-oriented?

    10. Are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner?

    11. What is the toughest job you have ever done?

    12. What is the dirtiest job you have ever done?

    13. What is the most rewarding job you have ever done?

    14. What is the riskiest thing you have ever done?

    15. What is the most risqué thing you have ever done?

    16. What is your favorite number?

    17. What is your favorite color?

    18. What is your favorite year before you were born?

    19. What is your favorite year after you were born?

    20. What is your favorite season?

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