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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. 1 hour ago, Bedimal Eliwan said:

    So what makes "Silver Fist" better than "Iron Fist"? Hit rate, so that they can overcome any terrain / speed avoid?

    Seeing as nothing has "Tomes" alone makes me feel like they should have separate names-- instead of being "Tomes (+Light/Advanced/Dark)".

    There's nothing in particular that screams "X is absurd".

    What's the point of the Str-Mag split? Only 5 of your 45 classes use both stats unless you intend on having some use for either stat outside of the typical "increases damage of attack type" or you include magic-using weaponry for physical classes (in which case I feel like it would only be fair to give mages some way to use their physical stat).

    There will be only about 4-5 "fist" type weapons. That said, one of them might grant a damage bonus. It would have to be small, though.

    The magic system has a lot of flaws I wish I could figure out a way around. As you mentioned, the naming system is a little confusing. I still don't have any good ideas for that one.

    You're also right about STR-MAG. I wish I could make a list like this without hybrid classes, but I feel like that would really limit class diversity. It wouldn't be that much of a problem without branching promotions, though. A potential way around this would be to make staves equipable and usable as physical weapons.

    Thanks for the input! 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    Interesting, though I notice some weapons lack "weapon master" classes; are there going to be varying Weapon Rank caps?

    Also, what do Fists do?  Are they like brass knuckles/claws, or do Fist-users just flat out fight barehanded?  Do they have some kind of secondary effect, like Daggers in Fates?

    I considered making the Commando a lance-only class, but I kind of feel like one of the unique things about lances is that there is no "lancemaster" class. It's just a feeling, though. I think that the classic Swordmaster-Berserker-Sniper trio is good enough. You'll be able to get an S-rank in one weapon type, just like in the GBA games

    Fists have two distinct advantages: they never break, and they automatically double-attack, making them kind of like Brave weapons. They all have 0 MT though, meaning that you'll be relying on STR alone.

  3. So, I made this.

    It's basically just a Google Doc containing my "ideal" class system. Sheet 1 has all of the unpromoted class bases, and sheet 2 has promotion gains.

    To help you make sense of the magic classes, here's my explanation of the magic system:

    All magic-users can use basic Anima tomes (Wind, Elfire, Arcthunder, etc.) Wind is effective against fliers. Fire is effective against beast units (i.e. horses and pegasi). Thunder is effective against dragon units (i.e. wyverns). Light magic can only be used by certain classes, it has double weapon triangle advantage over all other magic types. Dark magic can only be used by certain classes, it has very high might but drains the user's HP like in SoV. Advanced anima can only be used by certain classes, it's an umbrella designation for several "weird" spells (like Tide, Quake, Frost, etc.).

    The "Mercenary Captain/Knight Commander" and the "Prodigy" classes are both special and shouldn't be compared to other classes.

    I'd like your input. Are any of the classes extremely unbalanced or anything like that? Keep in mind that this is a work in progress. I might add skills later.

    Thanks for the advice!

    EDIT: I just added stat caps for all of the promoted classes.

  4. Virion and Panne: I felt like Awakening was sorely lacking in supports that built up on the backstory instead of being centered around combining each character's quirks. This support is kind of cool because it tells us a lot about Virion's past before his grand exposition in Chapter 12. It shows Virion's "leader" side, which we don't get to see very often. 

    Lon'qu and Gregor: This also builds on the backstory, while giving us a look at Gregor's hidden strength and wisdom. Now if there was only a Gregor/Basilio convo out there...

    Matthew and Legault: All of Legault's convos are really good, but this one stands out. Hearing Legault explain his motivation for leaving the Black Fang really helps to flesh out one of the best plot elements in the game, showing how even in the midst of their assassinations and manipulations, the Black Fang was like a family to many of its members. Seeing the way Legault treats Matthew as a younger version of himself is pretty neat too.

  5. Hey, I see you don't have a Jeigan yet. Mind if I come aboard?


    Name: Radle Gest


    Age: 26

    Description: tall, slim young man with light skin, straight black hair, and green eyes. Dresses in a simple gray coat with tattered trousers. Doesn't seem to care much for his appearance, with his best looked after possession being his sword.

    Personality: Lighthearted and friendly. Possesses a strong sense of justice, but generally lacks and opinion on matters of politics and religion. Seems to have been hurt sometime in the past, but has since gotten over it. Fancies himself as a travelling counselor, helping others open up with their problems through his calm and understanding manner. Can be a bit of a flirt sometimes, but is inexperienced with serious relationships. 

    Backstory: As an orphan, Radle was raised by his older sister Krysa in a crowded city in Stedgard. He has no memories from before the age of six, relying on information provided by his sister in order to remember his parents. When he was twelve, Krysa was kidnapped and sold into slavery in some other nation. From that point on, Radle took care of himself. Joint issues with both local authorities and and a few nearby gangs motivated him to leave the city. He now drifts about the countryside, riding along with mercenaries and merchants and listening to their stories. He takes up odd jobs for a living. While he is skilled with the sword, he rarely uses it.

    Class: Swordmaster

    Level: 1

    HP: 31(55)

    STR: 7(30)

    MAG: 3(0)

    SKL: 12 (50)

    SPD: 12 (50)

    LCK: 10(55)

    DEF: 6(25)

    RES: 2(15)

    MOV: 6

    CON: 8

    Weapon Rank: A Swords

    Inventory: Silver Sword, Vulnerary

    Affinity: Light

    Hopefully I got everything right.

  6. So, I've been on the forums for about a year now and have been slightly interested in the RP culture here. Recently, I had a friend suggest to me that I should look into joining an online RP because I want to become a professional storyteller, and he said that RPs are a great way to get experience with that. So do you guys have any advice about this? Is Serenes a good place to start for a first-timer, or is there somewhere else you'd recommend? What are the biggest things I need to know before getting into something like this? My schedule is kinda tricky, should I even be thinking about role-playing or should I get storytelling experience through some other avenue? 

    Thanks for the advice!

  7. Mystical and threatening, but not too urgent for the situations that it is used in. It would be better if this wasn't one of like, 8 songs that play over the entire 100-hour deal.

    7/10 from an artistic standpoint, 3/10 personally because I played this game and got tired of all of its music.

    Mute City from F-Zero

  8. 53 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Who was being killed for not worshipping the same god? The conquistadors were exactly what their name implies. Conquerers. They were there to pillage the natural resources and take control of the land. Any wholesale slaughtering they were doing was done without any religious motivation.

    Indeed. Very few modern religions actually mandate murder. The trouble is that many with ulterior motives will twist religious texts out of their original context in order to push their own agenda and impose it on others.

    I mean, seriously, do you think the Jesus who said to love your enemies and even forgave his own murderers would want people to be killing other people in His name? No, but that's exactly what happened all throughout the Middle Ages.

  9. 5 hours ago, Nobody said:

    From Software and Atlus.

    I can't list a single bad game from either of those developers (admitadly, I haven't played any of the non souls/BB games from From, but still, it's not like they have made any not Souls like game since 2009)

    Sorry, but have you ever heard of Conception? I don't know if Atlus developed it or just published it, but that is a stupid game. In fact, you should get the demo just so you can be amazed at the sheer stupidity of it.

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