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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. 11: Have you ever played a Final Fantasy game?

    12: What quality do you like the most in other people?

    13: What quality do you dislike the most in other people?

    14: What's your favorite supporting actor?

    15: Do you ever listen to musicals?

    16: Are you interested in politics?

    17: If you could be the ruler of the world, would you?

    18: What's your favorite videogame console ever?

    19: Do you ever read books?

    20: How are you enjoying your interview so far?

  2. Once I had a dream where I woke up in a fantasy world, made friends, fought battles, and slew the king of ultimate evil with the sword of truth. Then a voice called out to me and said, "It's time to come back!" and I woke up. To this day, I still occasionally wonder if that was really a dream, or if some kind of superior being transported me across time and space to help people in another dimension. 

    Crazier things have happened.

  3. 6: Of all the years in your life, which have you enjoyed the most so far?

    7: What's the weather like where you're at right now?

    8: What is the riskiest thing you've ever done?

    9: What is the most risque thing you've ever done?

    10: Do you have close relations with your family?

    4 hours ago, Astolfo! said:

    Don't weasel your way out of this, you know just as well as I do that I don't talk or type like that!

    And I thought we were supposed to get married!

    Oh look, it's a weasel emoticon! I made it myself:


    I thought Clarine called that off for us! Plus you still haven't revealed your gender. I'm into those full disclosure relationships.

  4. 6: Of all the years in your life, which have you enjoyed the most so far?

    7: What's the weather like where you're at right now?

    8: What is the riskiest thing you've ever done?

    9: What is the most risque thing you've ever done?

    10: Do you have close relations with your family?

    4 hours ago, Astolfo! said:

    Don't weasel your way out of this, you know just as well as I do that I don't talk or type like that!

    And I thought we were supposed to get married!

    Oh look, it's a weasel emoticon! I made it myself:


    I thought Clarine called that off for us! Plus you still haven't revealed your gender. I'm into those full disclosure relationships.

  5. Hey DodgeDusk!

    1: Opinions of me?

    2: I hadn't ever heard of you until this interview began. Where on the forums would one be most likely to run into you?

    3: Where in real life would one be most likely to run into you?

    4: What do you think of Nier: Automata's storyline?

    5: Let me do my @Astolfo! impression:


  6. 11 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

    First, you're acting like we need to forgive you for being homeschooled. I was too and I still found out about it thanks to my best friend, so that part of it is invalid, plus you should never be apologizing for how you were schooled - it implies that one manner of schooling is objectively better or worse than others, which is most certainly not true, I would have caused a teacher to kill someone if I'd stayed in public school so homeschooling was the best for me, and it was probably the best for you as well.

    Now the question must be asked.

    What exactly are you willing to look into? There are animes(Animes? That doesn't sound right) out there that are good but risqué, some that are good because they're so bad, some that are good because they recognize they're just redoing the same basic plot all over again and make fun of this, the list goes on for a LOOONG time. Also, do you need the voices to be in English or will subtitles work? Because One Piece for example is MUCH better in Japanese with subtitles.

    5 hours ago, Aya Shameimaru said:

    Sorry if I might go out of topic, but what has being homeschooled exactly to do with having no knowledge about anime?
    I wasn't homeschooled, and I never had to deal with anime at all (even until now). I don't know if it had not been popular in my country. Well Pokémon was a thing of course, but I don't even know if I may call it as a classic anime. It's rather a JP cartoon series for me. 
    I just don't really understand the excuse because I can't see a relation at all. Of course anime is rather popular by younger people, but there also animes from the 80s which the parents might have watched, so it's not impossible to get introduced by them.

    As for the topic I can't really help unfortunately because I'm sitting in the same boat with the OP. I was indirectly introduced into animes by playing JRPGs. I only watched a few parts of the Tales of Zestiria X and Devil Survivor anime. I can't recommend them to anyone at all even if you're a real fan of these games. It didn't rise my interest in anime at all.

    I was joking. I'm not actually apologizing for being a homeschooler, homeschoolers are awesome. Sometimes, homeschooling parents are criticized for not providing enough social stimulation for their kids, so we like to joke about how "socially inept" we are sometimes. However, it is true that I am very sheltered in regards to anime. Before today, I'd only heard it be referenced around the forums. I never really watched TV anyway because I'm homeschooled.

    Thanks for the suggestions. I'll start watching what I can soon.

  7. Forgive me. I'm homeschooled. 

    But seriously, I have NO previous anime experience, aside from what you see in video games. I hear there are some good storylines and I want to get introduced. What are some of the more popular/higher quality/easier to get into anime series out there?

    I don't have a lot of money, so anything that's free would be great. I have Netflix, Amazon Prime, and, of course, YouTube. Oh yeah, and I don't speak Japanese. So it would have to have an English translation.

    Thanks for the advice guys!


  8. This is an okay conversation premise. Before finalizing it, I would add a little flourish. I edited it below to bring it up to GBAFE standards. This is what your narrative should look like in the finished script.


    Tenn: Pssst! Taren!

    Taren: What is it?

    Tenn: There's a spider on my bed!

    Taren: This again? Fine… there, I've got it.

    Tenn: Thank you.

    Taren: Why the heck couldn’t you be a man and do it yourself?

    Tenn: WelI... it was a really big spider.

    Taren: C'mon, Tenn. You’re a big boy. You should be able to handle a tiny bug.

    Tenn: ...I know, but…

    Taren: That was really sad. Y’know, we ladies are supposed to be the ones who squeal at little critters.

    Tenn: Okay, okay... just promise not to tell anyone else. A reputation as stellar as mine can’t be blackened simply because I have... certain fears.

    Taren: The day you have a "stellar reputation" is the day that I... oh never mind.

    Tenn: It was a really big spider.

    Taren: Yeah right.

  9. You mentioned that you wanted questions about your outlook on life. So here are a few:

    202: From your previous statements, I think you might be an egoist of the Epicurean tradition. That basically means that you believe that you are the greatest person in the world simply because you exist. It also means that you believe life is meaningless and that there is no afterlife, so whether your actions are right or wrong depends on the worldly consequences they produce for you. You also show a bit of stoicism in the fact that you are passionately dispassionate. Would this be an accurate assessment of your worldview?

    203: Provided the above is at least mostly true, are you aware that if everyone were to believe the same as you, the infrastructure of civilization as we know it would collapse?

    204: What is your opinion of anarchy as a social system?

    205: Do you believe in true virtue, or do you think morality is a social construct?

  10. 151: Which version of the Final Fantasy "Prelude" is your favorite?

    152: Which version of the Final Fantasy "Main Theme" is your favorite?

    153: What is your favorite smell?

    154: What is your favorite color?

    155: What is your favorite taste?

    156: What is your favorite sound?

    157: What is your favorite feeling?

    158: What does your dad do for a living?

    159: If you were forced to do a job, what would you want it to be?

    160: Does your brother have the same superiority complex as you?

    161: What's your strong suit (in cards)?

    162: What's your favorite card game?

    163: What is the most money you have ever won gambling?

    164: What is the most money you have ever lost gambling?

    165: What is your opinion of strip poker?

    166: Do you consider yourself beautiful by your own standards?

    167: Do you think society would consider you beautiful by its standards?

    168: Do your parents support your path in life?

    169: What is a classic painting you wish you owned?

    170: What is a classic sculpture you wish you owned?

    171: Can you ride horseback?

    172: Do you like boats?

    173: What is your ideal temperature?

    174: What is your opinion of the painting presented below, Flaming June by Sir Frederick Leighton?


    Flaming June, by Frederic Lord Leighton (1830-1896).jpg

    175: Do you like ice cream?

    176: What is your favorite fruit?

    177: Do you ever worry about your security?

    178: Do you play most of your video games in your bedroom, or somewhere else?

    179: Do you appreciate flattery?

    180: What do you perceive to be your deepest flaw?

    181: Do you sleep with your bedroom door locked? 

    182: Do you ever wear headphones?

    183: I noticed that you use the American spelling of most words (color instead of colour, etc.) Why?

    184: Do you ever see yourself driving an automobile?

    185: Do you have a Nintendo Switch?

    186: Do you ever play old video games?

    187: Does a story ever leave you feeling emotionally moved? 

    188: How involved were your parents in your upbringing?

    189: Have you ever tried role-playing?

    190: Do you have any political views?

    191: Do you ever have nightmares?

    192: Do you know how to change a light bulb?

    193: Can you tell a joke? It doesn't have to be funny.

    194: How well do you handle jokes made at your own expense?

    195: What's your favorite kind of candy?

    196: What's your favorite kind of chocolate?

    197: Do you spend time outdoors on a daily basis?

    198: Do you like nature?

    199: What's your least favorite insect?

    200: Do you mind if I pray for you?

    That's all I've got. Have a good night! 

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