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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. 21 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    You wanna go m8

    I'll send you blasting off so fast it'll make team rocket jealous

    I'm homeschooled so I don't understand anything you just said. Here's my best guess:


    22 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    Would you like to go make babies?

    I'll strap you to a rocket and make Team Rocket (is this a Pokemon reference? I don't know) jealous.

    You're really weird, you know that?

  2. Your interview is almost over. Here are my final questions:

    51: How did you enjoy your interview?

    52: Can you handle yourself in a fight?

    53: Do women intimidate you at all?

    54: Would you consider yourself a hipster?

    55: If you had to change your hair color, what would you change it to?

    56: What is most worth protecting to you? 

    57: Your tasteless binary genital humor has stolen @Astolfo!'s innocence and scarred him/her for life. Do you intend to apologize?

    58: What instruments would you like to play?

    59: Which of your birthdays did you enjoy the most?

    60: Where do you intend to be in 5 years?

    61: Where do you intend to be in 10 years?

    62: Where do you intend to be in 20 years?

    63: Where do you intend to be in 50 years?

    64: Do you hate thinking that far down the line?

    65: Have you ever met a Buddhist?

    66: Have you ever met a nudist?

    67: Have you ever met a Buddhist nudist?

    68: What is your opinion of Buddhist nudists?

    69: Would you ever consider becoming a Buddhist nudist?

    70: How about just a Buddhist?

    71: How about just a nudist?

    72: You mentioned that marriage was outdated. What would you replace it with?

    73: Me and @Rex Glacies are starting a death metal band. Have any name ideas?

    74: What's your favorite board game?

    75: What's your favorite dream?

    76: What's your worst nightmare?

    77: Do you keep a diary?

    78: Do you ever work out?

    79: I've been looking at you and @Natalie's pictures together and I think you guys look great together! Have any ideas for a couple's name?

    80: What's your opinion of Virginians?

    81: What's your opinion of southerners in general?

    82: What's your opinion of my signature?

    83: If you had to join the military, what branch would you be in?

    84: What is one New Yorker who has earned your respect?

    85: What is one New Yorker who has earned your disrespect?

    86: What do you think of people like me who use euphemisms instead of swear words (i.e. "Aw, fudge!" "Son of a biscuit!" "H-E-double hockey sticks!")?

    87: Have you ever listened to anything by the Eagles?

    88: What is your least favorite music genre?

    89: Do you like boats?

    90: The following questions are blank. Fill them in with the answers to questions you wish that somebody had asked you but no one ever did:__________________?

    91: _________________?

    92: _________________?

    93: _________________?

    94: _________________?

    95: _________________?

    96: _________________?

    97: _________________?

    98: _________________? 

    99: _________________?

    100: How has your opinion of me changed over the past 100 questions?

    It's been great getting to know you, Ronnie. If I ever go to NYC (which I most certainly never will) you need to show me around. See you around the forums, then!

  3. 1 hour ago, Rapier said:

    I actually agree with this one.

    Every action requires interest (or intent), it is impossible to act without any interest in something specific (be it analogous, ie. "I don't like cleaning the tableware but I will because I don't want to get sick or attract rats/cockroaches", or direct, ie. "I'm doing this because I like this") and that specific thing is necessarily a fulfillment of one or more of our needs. Someone who quotes my post wishes to respond me for their own arbitrary reasons, for example, to prove me wrong because they value truth (interest -> action -> fulfillment), because they like questioning and refuting others or whatever other motive. It is entirely possible for someone to skip my post or roll their eyes and move on with their lives, but someone who responds me necessarily does so only because they wish (this necessarily precedes action).

    We only act in behalf of our needs (which is not selfless, but also very far from painting humans as essentially egotistical beings. Both are silly idealized extreme traits), and that's not necessarily a bad thing, for example, doing charity for the fuzzy, accomplishing feel you get after helping another person isn't being selfless (but it produces beneficial results).

    Now, for a possible counter-example that seems to debunk my theory, which I feel the need to address before it is brought to the table: Taking an apparently selfless action, such as sacrificing yourself for someone in a situation where you have no direct gains, ultimately does not make it selfless, because you desire for that person's well being and this is the only reason you're acting at all - if they weren't important to you and linked to one or more of your needs, this would never happen.

    Thus, that theory seems very plausible to me, at least logically since I lack evidence on human psychology backing up those claims and this is merely derived from what seems to make sense.

    You're probably right. However, what you are saying doesn't necessarily contrast with what everybody else is saying here. People could follow Kantian ethics or religious ethics out of complete self-interest without it conflicting with the reasoning behind those moral views. For instance, the reasons somebody would want to become a Christian are mostly self-motivated. Things like "I don't wanna go to hell", "I wanna live a more spiritual life", "I want to be nicer to other people because being nice makes me feel good" are the reasons why people join a lot of religions, and most religions understand that and are built to appeal to your self-interest. So what you are saying could be true, but that wouldn't necessarily mean that anybody who appeals to another standard of morality would be incorrect in doing so. 

    I'm a Christian. I believe that, in a world where I believe that God exists, the most logical thing to do is as He says. So I would jump in front of a bus to save a little girl out of my own self-interest in doing what God would have me do in a given situation. Thus, I ascribe to my moral standard and yours at the same time. They aren't mutually exclusive.

  4. On 9/5/2017 at 10:41 PM, Robert of Normandy said:

    Same question you asked me.

    I've met one person in real life, but only once. I've not interacted with anyone from the site IRL much else.

    Nope. I know a bunch of people and it's likely that one or two of them are on the forums though. Tell you what: tomorrow morning, let's all wear signs that say "I'm on Serenes Forest!" and see if we bump into each other.

    What is the reason for your current username?

  5. Wow, this sank low pretty fast. I guess that's partly my fault. Sorry about the whole dying thing, @Natalie.

    41: Would you be offended if, based on what you have said here, I wouldn't want you to be within 20 feet of my little sister?

    42: Do you have a favorite football team?

    43: What's your favorite Sazh quote in FF13?

    44: Have you ever played the greatest FF, FF9?

    45: What's the greatest injury you have ever received?

    46: I was the first guy to nominate you for this interview, but you are starting make me regret it. What is one saintly thing you have had a part in during your life?

    47: What is your least favorite natural disaster?

    48: Do you ever experience motion sickness?

    49: What will your last words be?

    50: What do you want to be written on your tombstone?

  6. 6 minutes ago, Tryhard said:

    There is a difference between right wing and authoritarian. You can get more authoritarian than the GOP, fascists being an example. At the same time, they are very authoritarian and like big government despite what they claim, poking into people's private lives especially regarding abortion and gay marriage, and aren't even all that committed to traditionally fiscal conservative values considering they love neo-conservatism, massive military funding, corporate write-offs, and a global presence. That said, they pretty much apply to that heavy "individuals have to do everything" mentality which most modern first world countries have left behind. Some Republicans are worse than others, but I don't think you can say that they like immigrants or foreign people.

    I don't understand how anyone can think the GOP makes too many compromises. They shut down the government over Obamacare. They don't agree with Democrats over anything except in regards to terrible foreign policy and favoring corporations heavily. What, in your mind, is more right wing than the GOP more so than what they already do?

    On that topic, liberalism has been a catch all term for opposition to conservatism, when it really isn't. It's opposed to authoritarianism, in the same way libertarians are. Most liberals in the US are fairly centrist, and the scale is so fucked that while Americans think the Democrat and Republican dichotomy is a left vs right one, pick anywhere else in the world and most of them know the US is skewed so heavy to the right with the Democrats being centrists at best, more accurately center-right and the GOP being a far-right party. Progressives are the real opposing element to conservatism, in the way that while conservatives feel they need to preserve what is good, progressives want to fix what is bad. That's why I find it so funny when Republicans in the US complain and bemoan about "the left", obviously referring to Democrats. Most of them fucking aren't.

    I'll take your correction for my terminology. When I said "far right" I meant "radically conservative". I grew up with right and left meaning conservative and liberal, which as I understand is a fairly common point of view in America as many journalists and political commentators on both sides of the political aisle use that as well. 

  7. 16 hours ago, Tryhard said:

    I mean the more birthism, radical pandering to theocratic religion, criticising Obama for ridiculous things instead of the actual wrongs he did part of the GOP. And what I mean is that they deserve to be dismantled because they have proven they do not know how to govern and for a reasonable alternative for the Democrats to actually come out of it. Give me something else other than far-right authoritarian trash. The Republicans are not equal to the Democrats even in that example you give.

    I dunno where you're getting that I wouldn't want more political parties because I would, but even if I was a conservative, the GOP are too far-right for them to be taken seriously.

    America needs to learn its lesson again just as they did with Bush. Or didn't.

    You know, it gets a lot more far right that the GOP. I know a lot of people who think the GOP is too shallow and makes too many compromises. I come from a very far-right crowd, so maybe I could help you all understand what we really think. Because statements like 

    On 9/5/2017 at 11:31 PM, Mortarion said:

    ...there's no denying that his particular brand of xenophobia, jingoism and pseudo-fascist authoritarianism appeals to the Republican base.

    seem highly assumptive to me.


  8. 3 minutes ago, Astolfo! said:

    So Natalie and I talked it over

    Apparently we were meant to be together forever and ever

    Basically what Im saying is

    She is my baby gurl now

    Are you mad that I stole your baby?

    I'm mad that @Natalie stole my baby! But I guess that means you're a guy, so I don't want you to be my baby anymore anyway. Goodbye, @Astolfo!. It was good while it lasted.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Astolfo! said:

    So Natalie and I talked it over

    Apparently we were meant to be together forever and ever

    Basically what Im saying is

    She is my baby gurl now

    Are you mad that I stole your baby?

    I'm mad that @Natalie stole my baby! But I guess that means you're a guy, so I don't want you to be my baby anymore anyway. Goodbye, @Astolfo!. It was good while it lasted.

  10. 11: Do you care about politics at all?

    12: Guns or bows?

    13: Swords, lances, or axes?

    14: Fire, wind, thunder, light, or dark?

    15: Taguel or Laguz?

    16: We all live on a yellow submarine?

    17: Is it okay for people like @Astolfo! to use the interview questions to bash other people?

    18: What, to you, constitutes a "hater"?

    19: Isn't Taylor Swift's new single the best ever?

    20: Do you like going to suit and tie events?

  11. 2 hours ago, Clarine said:

    Salutations, Sully. If one might ask, I was not waiting on this page; such is simply a tab on my browser.

    Very well, I shall state this most simply: yes. Very. With my attitude that many may deem to be akin to that of a "spoilt princess", my lack of patience (in which makes me nearly incapable of waiting in queues) and my overly demanding and my so-called fussy behaviour; one would rarely even consider not seeing me as "childish". In fact, I have been led to believe even my parents still see me as naught but a child. If I may add, my physical appearance is similar to one of a child's, with my youthful face and short height in comparison to those around me.

    What are you sentiments regarding Japanese media?

    Some of it's good, some of it's annoying. I like video games, and I'm okay with anime art in still pictures, but you won't find me reading a comic book backwards. That's just too weird for me.

  12. 57 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

    Hey I have a question. Why did you guys nominate me? I'm not special lol

    I think everyone's special! You're cool. And you looked like you had the time on your hands for an interview. 

    6: Have you ever played a Persona game?

    7: What do you like so much about Final Fantasy 13?

    8: What is the riskiest thing you've ever done?

    9: What is the most risque thing you've ever done?

    10: Do you believe in the supernatural?


  13. 3 hours ago, Claudius I said:

    What made you join SF?

    I originally joined because I had written up the perfect storyline for a Fire Emblem game and I figured I had a better chance of making a fangame than actually getting hired by Intelligent Systems. I spent several months in the Fan Projects subforum learning the ins and outs of game balancing from the designers there before I realized I would never get anywhere with programming. In my following state of depression, I wound up spending more time here in the "crazy" part of the forums. And here I am today! I still have that storyline, and it is the best FE storyline to ever be written, but I'm holding out for the big leagues. They'll see how promising I am... someday.

    Could others consider you "childish"?

  14. 1 hour ago, Astolfo! said:

    I mean it's better I guess? LOL

    what is this shade

      Reveal hidden contents

    Did you follow me just to tweak your impression?


    I followed you because I love you! Why would you think otherwise?

    Oh yeah, and it occurs to me that @Ronnie has never actually posted on this @Ronnie thread, which is why I am @Ronnie notifying him by @Ronnie mentioning him frequently. Is this @Ronnie a common practice, or is there another @Ronnie way of doing this?

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