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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. Nice work. I wouldn't take Inigo's girlishness too hard. One thing I've noticed from watching cosplayers and other artists is that a great deal of anime males have features and especially hairstyles that only women have in real life. I mean, even Chrom's hair is kinda girly from a western perspective.

  2. This thread got big again.

    Could somebody please clarify this whole "potential human" concept? What makes a creature human is not its level of development but its DNA. Saying otherwise would be like saying that my niece is only a "potential" human because she still has all of her baby teeth. Am I over simplifying this? It seems like the logical scientific conclusion.

    I think before we can end abortion (a worthy cause in my opinion), we need to alter other aspects of society first. For one, adoption could be much easier. Also, if extramarital sex was not so heavily encouraged by society then unplanned, unsustainable pregnancies would be a little rarer. I know that we love the whole "it's your body do what you want with it" thing, but we also need to clarify that one's personal freedom does not grant them immunity to the consequences of their actions.

  3. 41. Who's your favorite Durarara!! character?

    42. Do you have a favorite art style?

    43. What's the deal with you and prime numbers?

    44. Do you know what the current largest prime number is?

    45. What's more important to you in a game: story or gameplay?

    46. What's your least favorite anime cliche?

    47. Do you think you'll ever own a handgun?

    48. What's the toughest decision you've ever made?

    49. Preferred brand of toothpaste?

    50. Preferred brand of toothbrush?

  4. 31. Have you ever watched Durarara!!?

    32. Urban or rural?

    33. Do you dress the way everybody else dresses, or do you set your own trend?

    34. Ever played Dutch Blitz?

    35. Of all the years you've lived so far, which was your favorite?

    36. Ever have a childhood sweetheart?

    37. What's your type?

    38. Are you any good with computers?

    39. What's your most feared natural disaster?

    40. What is your preferred piece of furniture for sitting on?

  5. 21. What is your opinion of Zeke and Tatiana in Echoes?

    22. Do you usually buy insurance plans for purchases you make?

    23. What's your dream job?

    24. What video game console do you spend the most time on?

    25. What streaming app do you use the most?

    26. Any fond memories of the Netherlands?

    27. Should I visit?

    28. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?

    29. Are your siblings older than you or younger?

    30. What is your relationship with them like?


  6. 1 hour ago, Tryhard said:

    That's something that often confused me about American Libertarians - they often come from families with military backgrounds and see no problem with funding the military (not just funding the military, but in a massive way more than anything else), but take umbrage with social programs. I would think that the military and state organisations like the police would fall under that banner, but American Libertarians often love them - or at least the ones I've seen.

    (The other thing is that many of them can be heavily against immigration, but they are supposedly about maximising personal freedom. Wouldn't everyone want to come to a Libertarian paradise?) 

    Allow me to give you the Libertarian logic here: Libertarians, like Republicans, often see the military and the police as two major programs necessary to maintaining a Libertarian country. It's the concept of "protecting our freedom": the military wards off terrorists and invaders from outside of the country and the police protect those within the country by enforcing laws designed to maximize personal freedom. However, when it comes to something like welfare or social security, they think that the government safety net is too large and doesn't provide enough incentive for lower-class individuals to work to improve their lives. "After all, why should I pay money that I worked hard to earn so that somebody else can live without working?" They see government welfare programs as replacing traditional charities provided by churches and foundations and forcing all Americans to be generous against their will.  

    The trouble with Libertarianism is that it's so hard to define. You have to look at all of the different Libertarian with a very broad spectrum in order to think that they all agree. For instance, one Libertarian might say that a mother has a right as an individual to abort whatever is in her body, but another might say that the fetus has an individual right to stay alive. Some Libertarians think the government should provide a small amount of welfare for the disabled, elderly, single moms and so on while others think that it should provide none at all. You mentioned that the Libertarians you know are very pro-military, however, there are a great many Libertarians who prefer isolationism, where we don't interfere with what happens in other countries unless America is directly in danger, in which case it is our responsibility to protect ourselves but not necessarily to rebuild the governments we destroy along the way. These Libertarians actually push for a smaller defense budget. The Iraq war was not popular with Libertarians.

    Finally, Libertarians do subscribe to a certain form of nationalism. If you follow their logic, they don't see there as being anything wrong with that. "America's prosperity should be a higher priority to Americans. Let other nations worry about whether they are prosperous or not. If Mexico is a terrible place to live, that's Mexico's problem. It's not our responsibility as a nation to deal with Mexico's problems, or to accept their immigrants who are fleeing from those problems." It goes hand in hand with isolationism. Instead of Nazi nationalism, which says that Germany is the best nation and is entitled to whatever it wants, isolationism says that America is the best nation and all of the other nations should just leave it alone... or else.

    This is a very simple overview and it fails to cover a lot of important tenets of Libertarianism, but I think you get the idea. It certainly is an interesting viewpoint. From my own perspective, it seems to work well enough with economics. I'm not so sure about their foreign and social policies.



  7. 1 hour ago, Mortarion said:

    A few things;

    -Fiscally speaking, Republican voters are definitely in the libertarian category, albeit the US' malformed vision of what Libertarian is. When it comes to matters of social policy however...

    -Why would they bother to vote for a party if they don't represent their beliefs? The idea that they just vote for someone who will 'leave them alone' isn't even close to true, because they'd be voting for the Libertarian party if that were the case.

    The Libertarian party is much too weak for most to actually consider voting for it. Most of the Libetarians I know frequently vote Republican because in their opinion, the Democrat party is doing more to take away individual rights in this country and the Republican party stands a better chance of doing something about it. I guess they'd rather have guns than pot. It's also worth noting that a lot of conservatives do, in fact, support the Republican ideals of strong military and certain social policies along with Libertarian ideals of individual freedom and such.

    For instance, I have a friend who thinks that marijuana should be legal, guns should be deregulated, and gay marriage is a constitutional right (while probably thinking the government shouldn't mess with marriage at all). However, he thinks that we should have a tough foreign policy when dealing with nations like Iran and North Korea, and that any state that would prosecute a murderer should illegalize abortion. On voting day, he's going to have to choose between a Democrat candidate who stands for a few of his ideals, a Republican candidate who stands for several of his ideals, or a Libertarian candidate who stands for many of his ideals but stands little chance of being elected. My friend often compromises and goes with the Republican.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Mortarion said:

    Where the hell do you get that idea from? Just because they have the word 'Socialist' in their name doesn't make them actually socialist, especially considering the rampant anti-communist rhetoric

    Yeah, you're right. I suppose it's just a coincidence that many GOP politicians employ racist dog-whistles, actively panders to racists, and that the current GOP President has the explicit support of White Nationalists/Supremacists and Neo-Nazis. I'm also sure that they have the best intentions in mind with their discriminatory voter-ID laws and gerrymandering, and I'm definitely sure that the numerous studies that demonstrated racism/sexism and other such beliefs were a far bigger predictor of support Trump than 'economic anxiety' are just fake news spouted by triggered libtard snowflakes who are just trying to slander our glorious God-Emperor Trump because muh safe spaces/PC Culture/EssJayDoubleUs.

    There is a difference between a communist and a socialist. And the Nazis were arguably as anti-capitalist as anti-communist. A state where the state controls almost everything seems fairly socialist to me. 

    And I don't really have a response for that last paragraph. If you really prefer thinking that me and 120 million other people in this country are that stupid and bigoted, then you obviously aren't going to change your mind because of anything I can say. 


  9. 2 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

    Yeahhhhhh; No. You don't get to play that card against me. Now calm yourself and use your head for a moment.

    If I were to describe a NAZI by political belief and preferred policy. Without using the word NAZI, or any national or party identification. I would be describing:

    An emphatic nationalist who believes that the greatest threat facing his country is the subversive influence of diversity and multiculturalism, and who would have his government take corrective action to increase ethnic homogeneity and limit the social and political power of minority outgroups. Preferred actions against target outgroups will include mass incarceration, mass deportation, physical exclusion from national entry or admission, and broadly permissive use of lethal force by persons wielding state police power.  

    This is not a trick question. What segment of the American political spectrum does that correspond with?

    EDIT: You know who didn't think the comparison between the nationalist right and the Nazi party was "clueless and disrespectful?" The Americans who fought the fucking Nazis.

    This is a 3 minute film produced by the United States government in 1943; educating citizens on how to identify a fascist politician and stop fascists from coming to power in America.

    Please watch it. Its so, so relevant to whats going on today.



    And if I were to describe a Nazi from an economic standpoint, you would get something that sounds a lot like a socialist. What segment of the American political spectrum does that correspond with? Why don't we just call a spade a spade, a Republican a Republican, and a Nazi a Nazi. Because there is a HUGE difference, and it really is quite offensive to ignore it. 

    Conservatives aren't racist by nature. Yeah, some of their policies affect some minorities more than others, but they don't have a platform that says that America is for white people only. They aren't campaigning to rid America of colored people. They aren't Nazis. End of story. Exaggerating things like that is how riots get started. Heck, that's how a lot of wars get started! 

    If you're just referring to Trump and only inadvertently put millions of Americans in the same boat as Adolf Hitler, then you would do well to tread more carefully next time. @Lushen's post looks like it was referring to the entire right wing. I sincerely hope you weren't. 

  10. 6. Do you care about politics?

    7. Do you like girls? 

    8. What's the worst injury you've ever received?

    9. What's something you wouldn't want someone in the real world knowing about?

    10. Have you ever read Lord of the Flies?

    11. Have you ever read Lord of the Rings?

    12. Have you ever listened to a Lorde album?

    13. If you dislike FE11, then why is Camus your avatar?

    14. What is the riskiest thing you've ever done?

    15. What is the most risque thing you've ever done?

    16. Do you have more friends online or in real life?

    17. Can you handle yourself in a fight?

    18. Do you play chess?

    19. How do you react to the sight of blood?

    20. Do you speak any other languages?

  11. On 7/22/2015 at 7:03 AM, blah the Prussian said:

    Seriously? Trump sounds like a guy who alternate histories will be written about in 2050.

    On 7/22/2015 at 9:47 AM, libtard snowflake said:

    Trump needs Kanye on his ticket so he could reach out to disenfranchised youth. Thier personalities complement each other too.

    But on a serious note I think Trump and his aides are playing the public like an instrument. I refuse to believe a grown man like him would intentionally make comments like that. He's a celebrity firstly, so I think he would know that inflammatory comments generate publicity, and for a celebrity like him, any publicity is good publicity. This is shown by his poll ratings. But delegates do the nominations, and though the race has only begun he probably have pissed them off enough to dash all hope of nomination. He probably won't end his streak so he will continue to piss them off further reducing the possibility of him being nominated.

    On 7/24/2015 at 8:20 AM, blah the Prussian said:

    Whatever happens, I'm casting my vote for the Monarchist Party.XD

    In all seriousness, I hope Trump wins the Republican nomination. He's completely unelectable.

    You know, sometimes I wonder if we're living in an alternate history too. These past two years sure played out differently than I had ever thought they would.

  12. If anybody's house is haunted, it's mine. It's over 110 years old and has been the site of at least three deaths, one of which happened to a young man with no apparent cause. When we moved in, the cabinets were full of rat skeletons and mutilated baby dolls, and the refrigerator was full of pickled... things (we aren't sure what they actually were). Furthermore, we are 100 yards from the spot where the man who fired the first shot of the Civil War shot himself after the war ended. But I generally little stock in such things.


  13. Just now, Rex Glacies said:

    Ah, thank you. I would probably agree - that we can likely agree.

    You seem to very romantic... how... curious...

    Hmm... I might oblige.

    LXV. In your childhood, would you say you spent more time with girls or boys?

    LXVI. Are you more liberal or conservative?

    LXVII. Is freedom ultimately good or wrong?

    LXVIII. A political issue that you are most concerned about? (As in, would you say healthcare is a greater problem than the refugee crisis, or is the legalization of certain drugs more important than other issues in the U.S.? You don't need to say where you stand on the issue; just what you think the biggest problem is.)

    LXIX. Favorite parable Jesus told/act that Jesus did?

    LXX. Are you excited for your trip to... was it Miami?


    LXV. You got off of your sevens game you're really messing me up I didn't really spend much time with anyone. Probably spent more time with boys.

    LXVI. Conservative.

    LXVII. Freedom is the ultimate expression of the human experience. That said, humans are messed up. So technically both.

    LXVIII. The biggest problem facing the U.S. right now is the U.S. government. Both sides of the political aisle need to get their act together and do what they're being paid to do, or else we'll need to have a little revolution.

    LXIX. The Sermon on the Mount. I don't know why preachers ever preach on the Sermon on the Mount, it's a fully functioning sermon on its own and doesn't really need to be explained.

    LXX. My trip is a cruise of the West Caribbean. But it leaves out of Miami. I'm always excited to get a break.


  14. 51 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    And so it begins...

    67) I kind of need some time to set the perfect stage for this battle, do you mind waiting a bit?

    Aw, thanks for the compliment. It fits better then the last time!

    Not that I mind, but I thought you'd be gone next week.

    68) Wouldn't that mean you'd be unable to ask me any questions if I'm next?

    No problem, I greatly enjoyed interogating interviewing you!

    When I first heard his tactic I thought there'd be no way it would work. But he seems pretty confident in his skills, so I'm quite curious to see whether he's a naive fool or a true master of the art!

    Apparently there's more time then I thought, but I'm kind of out of questions now...

    69) Do you think I should be allowed to ask more questions, even though it's already sunday?


    10 hours ago, Clarine said:

    LI. Huh? And just why might you assume that? Of course I am sweet and charming but I am simply bored.

    Very well, allow me to bestow you your final set of questions.

    LII. And why are you so confident in regard to defeating me if we are to magically duel against each other?

    LIII. If I may ask, what would your most ideal unrealistic occupation be?

    LIV. What are your sentiments regarding the occult?

    LV. And of course, what are your sentiments regarding magic? Mind you, I am not referring to illusions or parlour tricks.

    LVI. Do you consider yourself to be "stylish"?

    LVII. I must risk offense and ask, do you always find yourself distracted by attractive women?

    LVIII. Oh, of course—just how would you describe your ideal spouse?

    LIX. Just how easily are you scared and if I may ask, what are your greatest fears?

    LX. Might you be able to perhaps entertain me with some of your embarrassing or curious experiences?

    LI. People who have no friends are generally lonely. Maybe you've never not been lonely and you have no context.

    LII. Light magic is effective against dark magic.

    LIII. I could see myself as some sort of paladin.

    LIV. I think it exists, but no one actually comprehends it in its entirety.

    LV. I doubt its existence as a mystical source of power, but it could potentially come to be as a manifestation of some future scientific advance. Some of today's conveniences would be considered to be magical to past civilizations, after all.

    LVI. No. I'm actually rather clumsy.

    LVII. To me, almost all women are attractive. I'm fairly good at not being distracted, though. 

    LVIII. Independent and willing to be open. She doesn't have to be perfect. In fact, I would prefer that she have some glaring imperfections, so that I could feel more comfortable about my own. However, she needs to understand her imperfections and be willing to improve. She also cannot be a hothead. I simply cannot tolerate a hothead.

    LIX. There isn't much that scares me. For some reason, I have an irrational fear of wasps. It doesn't make sense, really. I fear wasps like few other things on earth, yet somehow I'm the one who always gets stung. This summer alone, I've been assaulted by four wasps for no apparent reason. Why me?  

    LX. Once, me and my little brother were playing in the woods when my little brother fell into a creek. I dove in after him and rescued him from drowning. However, little Harry still thinks that he owes me nothing. I could have left him there!

    1 hour ago, Natalie said:

    I'm back again just before your interview ends! Sorry if any of these have already been asked.


    51. 5 things from previous FE games you'd like to see repeated in future games?

    52. Favourite colour?

    53. What's the best way to spend a day off/holiday?

    54. If you were to call a child a FE name, what would you choose (male and female)?

    55. Have you enjoyed your interview?

    It's never too late for you, Natalie!

    51. Dungeon crawling, repairable weapons, playable pirates, dismount, and shields.

    52. Navy blue.

    53. Napping, reading, and gaming.

    54. Ike.

    55. Yes, very much. Thank you for nominating me.

    1 hour ago, Bartozio said:

    And so it begins...

    67) I kind of need some time to set the perfect stage for this battle, do you mind waiting a bit?

    Aw, thanks for the compliment. It fits better then the last time!

    Not that I mind, but I thought you'd be gone next week.

    68) Wouldn't that mean you'd be unable to ask me any questions if I'm next?

    No problem, I greatly enjoyed interogating interviewing you!

    When I first heard his tactic I thought there'd be no way it would work. But he seems pretty confident in his skills, so I'm quite curious to see whether he's a naive fool or a true master of the art!

    Apparently there's more time then I thought, but I'm kind of out of questions now...

    69) Do you think I should be allowed to ask more questions, even though it's already sunday?

    67) Not at all. Just give me a call when you're ready. 

    68) I don't leave until the end of next week. I'll be sure to ask you my pressing questions before then.

    69) My guess is that wherever Hatty lives, it's not quite Sunday yet, or at least not Sunday morning. So I think you're fine.

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