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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. 5 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

    I've had a lot of public school friends tell me the exact same thing over the years. What none of them seemed to realize, though, is that as a homeschooler, I had unlimited Internet access at almost all hours of the day. That's a dangerous tool for a curious kid to have.

    Something you need to confess? Your friend Sully is here to help with homeschool-related problems.


  2. 1 minute ago, DefaultBeep said:

    Wait, why would I need to be a woman and you to be an atheist? What's so wrong with testing your back strength by lifting weights or other, similar workout techniques? As a homeschooler, I don't understand.

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    Also, me using the homeschooler excuse would probably work better if you weren't also homeschooled, but I just couldn't resist.


    Great. Now I feel guilty for defiling your mind. 


  3. 7 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:


    I mean, he's a Knight. From Nohr.

    No double-post fact time?

    EDIT: And then I accidentally double-posted myself instead of editing my previous post. Guess I'll add a random fact. 

    Did you know that cows don't actually have four stomachs? They have one stomach with four compartments.

  4. 1. Impression of me?

    2. I think I get the first part of your name (some sort of pervert probably), but how about the .ops? Is that a file type?


    4. Do you ever plan on getting married?

    5. Do you ever plan on having children?

    6. What's your type?

    7. What are some Fire Emblem characters who qualify as your type?

    8. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

    9. We're finding a future husband for @Natalie. Got anybody in mind?

    10. What's the first word that comes to your mind when I say "duck"?

    11. How would you pronounce the word "pupi"? Notice: the answer to this question determines whether you are a good person or not.

    12. Do you like milk?

    13. Do you like beef?

    14. Do you like cows?

    15. What kind of TV shows do you watch?

    16. What kind of music do you listen to?

    17. I'm protective of my little sister. Should I let her come anywhere near you?

    18. Do you get tired of people getting their entire impression of you from your username and avatar?

    19. What is the riskiest thing you have ever done?

    20. What is the most risque thing you have ever done?

    21. Do you mind if I ask you weird questions from here on out?


  5. "And so my investigation begins..." Radle had no intention of breaking his promise with the little girl called Isabel. From the beginning, the situation had bothered him, and now he was going to get to the bottom of it. He had quite a few questions to ask. However, instead of talking to the hooded figure, he decided to go see Maurice first. He knew Maurice... or at least he thought he did.

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