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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. How many of us are there? "To be certain, I'm not sure what our numbers our... or who our leader is... or what we're fighting for... wow, I don't know anything! I guess you were in trouble, and I figured the manly thing to do would be to help you out, but... I don't know who all these other people are!"

    The soldier wanted the keys. Well, I certainly don't need them. "Here you go, lance-man. Don't keep Rekia waiting! He might hurt himself if he has nothing better to do." That was how the rabid pegasus episode got started, wasn't it? 

  2. "Don't listen to the big dolt with the lance. We're happy to answer any of your questions." The soldier was not a very graceful speaker. "Mr. Lancer... that's right, I don't know your name yet... why don't you look out the door and make sure that the coast is clear?"

  3. Just now, Thany said:

    Not at all, it would be faster to carry her then to let her move every 2-3 spaces with her broken legs XP

    It's settled then! My Attack Speed will be horrible... I sure hope Ena doesn't bring out any peg knights or something else like that!

  4. The girl was getting emotional. Who can blame her? In the back of his mind, Radle remembered a time in his youth when he'd felt so helpless that he could do nothing but cry. For him, there had never been anyone to turn to... but he wasn't about to let it be that way for Solare. "Here. Let me carry you. I'm sure your horse is alright. There are a few in the stable outside. Maybe one of them is yours?"


  5. "I figured there would be others locked up here. I'm Radle, by the way. Why don't you come on out of here? There might still be some bad men around, and I want to get you out of danger as quickly as possible." Radle met the girl's frightened eyes with his most reassuring gaze. 

  6. On 11/2/2017 at 9:32 PM, IEatLasers said:

    i was curious about like dances because I love dances but other kinds are 

    well so I was giving lap dances to see how it feels and it’s really fun xD so yeah I was watching videos for research how to but then I watched because it was fun to watch 

    then I gave my pillow like 20 lap dances until it looked good and was funn 

    including the stripping portion

    i stripped for my bed 

    *covers face* 

    You're very open and honest. I appreciate that! But you still might want to be careful what you reveal about yourself on the internet... then again, I kind of asked for it!

    11. How did you feel when you found out you were going to be INTERVIEWED!

    12. Did you enjoy your interview?

    13. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

    14. Do you believe in life on other planets? 

    15. Do you believe in God?

    16. Do you believe in love?

    17. Why is Path of Radiance your favorite Fire Emblem game?

    18. If Fire Emblem were to crossover with another series, what would you want that series to be?

    19. What's the most difficult task you've ever undertaken?

    20. Do you like cows?

  7. "Do you have a name, miss?" Radle could see that being sympathetic was not the lancer's forte. He moved in to take over the situation.

    Radle moves to C2 and talks to Solare.

  8. I'm really late to the party, aren't I? No matter. I'm interested in learning more about you.

    1. Impressions of me?

    2. How were you introduced to FE?

    3. How were you introduced to SF?

    4. What are some non-FE games that you like?

    5. What's your favorite style of music?

    6. Ever been down the San Antonio Riverwalk?

    7. Ever visit the Alamo?

    8. What's your favorite ice cream flavor/brand?

    9. What is the riskiest thing you've ever done?

    10. What is the most risque thing you've ever done?

  9. My biggest issue with illegal immigrants is that if America can't find jobs for all of the people who are currently in this country, we really shouldn't be letting too many others in. We should really only be letting in refugees from desperate situations. I've known and worked alongside several illegal immigrants in my life, and while they are very nice people most of the time, it doesn't make a lot of since for them to be here working when they aren't supposed to be while other Americans are trying to get jobs but can't. Then again, a lot of employers (myself included) actually prefer them. You can pay an alien Latino the same thing you would pay a white teen and get one thing that kids these days rarely have: work ethic.  

  10. 10 minutes ago, Res said:

    If both working hard and working smart (or either...) were requirements to being rich, a good 80% of the wealthy people I've worked for should be incredibly poor. 

    Unless somebody (like you) was working hard or smart to keep them that way. The only way you get wealthy is when somebody does the work. While it may not be fair, that money doesn't just appear magically. Lottery money generally doesn't stick around for long.

    Isn't that the entire point of getting a lot of money? Not having to work hard and smart? Some people are just content with that. It's not moral or productive, and it doesn't necessarily make one happy, but that's really what you'd expect in a lot of situations.

  11. 32 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    What's wrong with a lady in a bikini?  What am I supposed to wear to swim?

    What about Bride Titania?

    Well, since you asked, allow this sheltered homeschooler to inform you how to swim in a much more modest manner. You could:

    1) Wear a tankini or something else that covers the midriff.

    2) Wear men's swimming attire and something spandexy and shirt-like.

    3) Go full on Puritan, wear nothing at all and make sure there are no men around!

    There! The solution to your problems! Just don't make option 3 your next avatar.

    I know I'm dating myself by a few hundred years, but it's because I genuinely care about you. You're our mother figure, Rezzy! Don't lead your children down the path of vanity and sexiness!

  12. On 10/26/2017 at 4:43 PM, Natalie said:

    Aww thank you so much!


    I was going to save this for Tuesday but unfortunately I'm going to be away, so i decided to post this now.

    I've literally spent hours drawing candy.


    Drawing two figures was much more of a challenge than I expected, and I'm not really sure how well I pulled it off. I tried to balance colours so neither drew more attention than the other, but I've been looking at it for too long to be able to tell if I managed to or not. I also struggled with having the background so dark. 

    Any feedback is very much appreciated~


    Stay spooky this Halloween guys!



    Very scary... are you gonna do other holiday-themed drawings? Like Pilgrim costumes for Thanksgiving (even though you Brits have nothing to be thankful for) or Elf outfits for Christmas? 

    By the way @Rezzy, you need to adjust your signature. It claims (incorrectly) that Natalie's graceful hand is responsible for the half-naked abomination interesting picture that is your current avatar. I will not let my goddess's name be tarnished in such a way! 

  13. 4 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:


    4 hours ago, Rezzy said:


    Dang it, I had 10,000 more questions to ask the mole. I guess we'll get to share more homeschooled experiences whenever the next time is that another homeschooler gets interviewed.

    5 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    Nominate me for interview 150 tho

    And while you're at it, I lay claim to 160 and 180


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