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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. 2 minutes ago, Tryhard said:

    It's not so much that it isn't possible, it's that I wager it's these type of people like in the conference Trump went to that would ban homosexual activity, at the very least reverse the legalisation of gay marriage if they were to have unilateral power. The problem being that they believe telling people through politics and law what is acceptable and moral based on their religion - it's standard authoritarian behaviour.

    I won't argue with that. However, a lot of people on the religious right are genuinely concerned that the homosexual lobby will push too far and begin to limit their religious expression. There are a lot of people who are fine with homosexuals living life their way, but are afraid that the government might eventually force them to do things that they find morally wrong (i.e. catering for gay weddings or hiring lesbian worship leaders). Just because someone takes a political stand that is religiously motivated doesn't make them inherently wrong. You have to judge these things on a case-by-case basis. 

  2. She's so fresh. Who told her it would be a good idea to get on a battlefield? "Listen, miss. I have good reason to believe that our employers are involved in a human trafficking scheme of some sort. I had my suspicions but I didn't act on them because I thought I could trust Maurice, but apparently he knows something that he hasn't told us." It was all starting to make sense to him. "Cecilie, I'm giving you a chance to get out of this battle. It's the least I can do to protect you. If you pick a side in this fight, you could end up seriously hurt. Please, consider your options carefully."

  3. "Fair points, my large friend. But until I can know for myself the truth in your words, I will refrain from making any permanent decisions." Radle knew that there were other captives, but he did not want to act in a way that might endanger them. Then again, Maurice is not one for using hostages. Even he isn't that cowardly. "Fine then, I will join your side... for now. However, I do not believe that this mage here is in favor of this fight either. Allow me to get her out of harm's way first."

    Radle turned toward Cecilie. "Miss Cecilie, these gentlemen will let you go if you would prefer not to fight. Looking at their strength, it seems like that might be the most prudent option for you if you would like to avoid getting hurt." The girl looked confused. "Trust me. I won't be able to protect you against their numbers. Plus, I still have a few questions I need to ask our employer."

    Radle becomes Blue unit and talks to Cecilie. 

  4. 11 hours ago, Tryhard said:

    I really thought we were past this fundamentalist authoritarian view, and it's especially saddening since people often forget there is the religious left and center outside of the most-heard-about fundamentalist far-right religious views because they tend to be quieter, more peaceful and actually believe in secularism.

    There's also a quiet and peaceful religious evangelical right. Joel Osteen and Andy Stanley are two of the most popular evangelical pastors in America, and they are anything but far-right fundamentalists.

  5. The large brigand was speaking to Radle. The swordsman recognized the man as Abeloth the Hulk, an especially sizable axe-user. While Abeloth was feared for his strength, Radle had heard rumors that he was really a rather soft fellow who was generally misunderstood. At any rate, the man wanted to talk, and Radle had questions he needed answered.

    "Why, if it isn't the Mighty Abeloth! You indeed have the right idea. I'm slightly suspicious of my current employer. If you could share why, exactly, you are attacking this location, I would be most appreciative."


  6. 3 hours ago, Intercopter said:

    Speaking of which, is it possible that Asther and Radle worked together at some point in their career? Asther himself has been a sellsword for a number of years, maybe they had the same employer on occasion?

    It's possible. Radle actually isn't a mercenary, but he took his current job because he trusted Maurice. 

    If someone recruits me, I can probably kill Maurice, but that EXP would go better with one of you guys.

  7. 5 hours ago, Rezzy said:

    As for the spanking question, "beating" your kids isn't something you should do, but spanking isn't beating, just a quick tap on the butt.  And you don't need anything other than your hand.  Adults are strong enough to get the point across without using a belt, or in my case a wooden spoon, (my mother's weapon of choice).  Spanking should only be used in certain circumstances, and not willy nilly.

    Rezzy has it right, as usual. She is the Wendy in our Lost Boy world.

    44. Wouldn't it be great if Rezzy were to adopt me?

    45. Would @Clarine have turned out better or worse if she had been spanked?

    46. Why do you ask the same 5 questions to every interviewee? Are you looking for someone in particular?

    47. What do you usually get at a vending machine?

    48. Do you gamble?

    49. Do you have more friends virtually or IRL?

    50. Would you be a manly man (like me) who hits on lots of girls, or one of those... other men. EDIT: Stupid homeschooler me, I just realized that could be read a totally different way! I mean, do you hit on girls or not. Sorry!

  8. 15 minutes ago, KingStaragna said:

    Do you guys think it's possible that Rekia knows either Cecilie or Radle?

    Well, Radle is a bit of a wanderer himself, so it's not improbable that they have met at some time or another. Whoever recruits Radle is going to have to have a good reason for him to dislike Maurice, though. Right now he wants to fight for the side with the highest ideals.

    Come to think of it, Radle is currently protecting Cecilie, so if she were to change sides, he probably would as well.

  9. Y'know, you're actually a pretty nice guy! Even your most questionable activity of munching butts makes a little sense, in context.

    22. Isn't it great that @Arcanite supports child abuse?

    23. If you were to join a religion just for kicks, which one would it be?

    24. Of all the states in the United States, which is the greatest state?

    25 What is your opinion of the American South?

    26. What is your opinion of Virginia?

    27. Isn't it unbelievable that @Arcanite doesn't know who Sean Connery is?

    28. Isn't the new Taylor Swift single the greatest of them all?

    29. Ever listen to polka?

    30. Do you like sketch comedy?

    31. Do you like sketchy comedy?

    32. How good are you at lying?

    33. What is a pet peeve you have that no one else does?

    34. Aside from his role as Bond, what are some of your other favorite Sean Connery roles?

    35. Do you like Mission Impossible?

    36. If you had to munch an FE character's butt, which one would it be?

    37. Would you munch the butt referenced here: "Your rounded thighs are like jewels,  the work of a master hand."

    38. 2D Mario or 3D Mario?

    39. 2D Zelda or 3D Zelda?

    40. Christian Bale Batman, Ben Affleck Batman, or Lego Batman?

    41. Favorite Christmas movie?

    42. Ever listen to this:


  10. "Don't think we're done talking about this, Maurice! I don't want money if I have to feel guilty about it!" This is what I hate about being a mercenary. Radle heard the sound of weapons. So the fighting has already started... maybe these foes will be able to enlighten me as to what's really going on.

    Just then he saw the young female mage standing in the doorway. "Cecilie, was it? Get behind me. I'm better suited for dodging these attacks." He realized he had put himself in range of both an archer and a barbarian, but he trusted himself to be able to dodge any blows they sent his way.

    Radle moves to D12.

  11. 2 hours ago, Res said:

    They definitely makes up a sizable portion of his voter base, but let's not forget that over 70% of Evangelical Christians - the moralizers - voted for and support Trump. I also know of quite a few middle-aged, middle-class folk who voted for him for more genuine reasons. 

    Well, a vote for Trump is a vote against Hillary! Or so the theory goes. Don't get the wrong idea about us Evangelicals. We aren't all that pleased with the president's morals. However, Hillary would have likely been a worse situation for us. At least a lot of Trump's appointees fit with the Evangelical mold. Folks like Mike Pence, Jeff Sessions, and Neal Gorsuch are all fairly respectable within the Christian community.

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