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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. I think it's fine. It's not Nintendo's job to make sure that "whales" don't overspend. If you lack that level of personal responsibility, the best way for you to learn your lesson is for you to have to live life $1,000 poorer.

  2. 2 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

    Guess this'll be my last chance to ask anything as well. Hopefully my questions have been decent enough.

    16. Favorite Mario Kart, and favorite track?

    17. Which FE game that you haven't played would you be most interested in trying?

    18. In and/or outside FE, are there specific character types that you tend to gravitate toward, or do your favorites have a lot of variety?

    19. Most questions seem to have revolved around RPGs, but are there any other genres or franchises outside that category that you enjoy (I guess ignoring Mario Kart, since that has been brought up too)?

    20. When it comes to stories in movies, books, games, or anything else really, do you prefer plots that are straightforward and have generally upbeat and hopeful themes, or plots that are more complex with pessimistic themes, blurred morality, failure, and mixed if not outright unhappy/unfulfilling endings? Or are both enjoyable in their own ways, and any preference just depends on what you're in the mood to watch/read/hear at the time?


    Your questions have been great! I've enjoyed getting to know another homeschooler. We gotta watch each other's backs, you know!

    16. While I have many fond memories of 64, it has a few issues that make it hard to play. Of the games I've played, I'd have to say Wii, though 8 Ultimate is probably the best (I just don't have a Switch). In every game, Rainbow Road is always my favorite track, as well as usually the most challenging. 

    17. Radiant Dawn. I have a Wii, but it's too darn expensive!

    18. I like characters who get a lot of story attention. I don't really care if they are cliche or not as long as they have a consistent personality and get actual development.

    19. The two reasons I play video games are for story value and fun. RPGs typically have the best stories, along with requiring less physical coordination (which I suck at.) A game usually isn't that much fun for me unless I can play it with others, so Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, and other competitive local multiplayer games are usually what I stick with. The major exceptions are games like Mario, which, while not multiplayer, are fun to play in a large group with people watching.

    20. Both are enjoyable in their own ways. I enjoy games like Persona, that mix both worlds. Some games are just too dark for me, though, like Dark Souls or any game with the words "devil", "demon", or "doom" in the title.

    1 hour ago, Clarine said:

    Oh, you are fond of hoopskirts? I say, just dismiss all your fears and wear such a thing! Hold, you are still male—you may disregard my previous notion.

    My word, do you truly wish to employ such a feeble technique against me? Mind you, we already clarified that we were to both possess magical abilities and as such, I am not one to be merciful so easily. Simply put, I can most easily polymorph you into something far more entertaining, burn or freeze you alive or perhaps strip you of your free-will. But of course, I suppose I can entertain anything you might say.

    You are aware I am psychologically advanced, no? One could even say I play mind games for a living.

    XLI. Might there be anything else you wish for me to ask?

    XLII. Do you know anything of the absurd cultural practice known as Feng Shui?

    XLIII. Are you one to believe there is "good in everybody's heart"?

    XLIV. Might you consider yourself to be a so-called "goody two-shoes" or perfectly moral individual?

    XLV. If world piece is to ever be achieved, what might the world's next goal be?

    XLVI. Would an individual such as yourself be able to remain sane if you are to be immortal and watch as your family disappear as time passes?

    XLVII. Just how romantic do you find yourself to be?

    XLVIII. May I ask, what are you sentiments regarding myself?

    XLIX. Of the Seven Deadly Sins, which of these do you find to be the most relevant to yourself?

    L. Do you find blending in with the common majority to be most pleasing or perhaps overly vexing?

    XLI. Nobody has asked me about politics yet. Since it's the end of the interview and I don't have to worry about being tarred and feathered.

    XLII. I do now that I googled it. We agree on something! It is absurd.

    XLIII. No, some people are beyond saving. We can't really tell who is or who isn't, though. 

    XLIV. Absolutely not! I might seem a better man, but that is simply because I know the darkness too well.

    XLV. First off, world peace will never be achieved. It's logically impossible. Second, if by some miracle world peace were to be come about, humanity's next goal would be the similarly impossible pursuit of immortality.

    XLVI. No. I'm not as attached to the people in life as I am to life itself.

    XLVII. Deeply. I find simply being around women to be a highly intoxicating experience, and I see no reason to hide the way I feel.

    XLVIII. I think you're a lonely person, pretending to be bored. It's a bummer. You seem like you could be a sweet and charming individual if you were to associate with the rest of us.

    XLIX. Pride.

    L. Blending in is vexing. So usually, I just act like myself. People seem to be okay with that.

  3. What about the Gameboy Classic edition? The original Gameboy/Gameboy Color sold much better than the N64, and it would probably be much cheaper to produce.

    In the case that an N64 Classic does come out soon:

    I don't know much about Lucasarts' licensing protocol, but Rogue Squadron was a pretty big deal. I haven't seen it on any of your prospective lists.

    Also, Animal Crossing was originally released on the N64, in Japan at least. We already have the English translation on the Gamecube, so they could put them both together, assuming that we aren't getting a Gamecube Classic for a while. It's unlikely, but possible.

    I doubt Mother 3 would get released. It wasn't 99% complete like Star Fox 2, and they already released it on the GBA. Just wait for the GBA Classic to come out, and they'll probably use "Official English Translation" as a selling point. Then again, with how popular the fan translation is, I don't know if that's the best idea.

    Also, can Nintendo put M-rated titles on this if they're planned on marketing it to kids in any way?

  4. 13 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    61) To where?

    Not completly untrue, but it kind of depends on what absolutely necessary entails. Let's not go off topic to much though.

    This sounds... very awkward to wear, although I think that about a lot of stuff girls wear...

    Damn, that's some confidence you have there. I'm greatly anticipating this now!

    I was kind of imagining the two of you having a fencing duel (with real swords) for the fate of the world. I was talking about sacrificing some morals instead of all of them, but the answer was satisfactory, so whatever.

    Since this interview is nearing it's conclusion and I'm not sure whether I'll have time to ask questions later today, it's time for the final set of questions (probably):

    62) Are you sad the interview is almost over?

    63) What was your favorite question this time around?

    64) Would you have liked to see more questions?

    And the final question you knew was coming:

    65) Current impression of me?

    66) Do you think you got to know me enough for the above question? :P


    61) To England. I have some... business to take care of there.

    62) A little bit. Honestly, it's been tough keeping up with all of the questions, but I feel like people around here might know me a little better now.

    63) I liked it when @Arcanite was asking me all of those questions about "my type".

    64) I guess so. But I feel like I got asked a pretty good amount.

    65) You're a nice guy. You seem pretty cool and intelligent.

    66) No. But that's why I want you to be the next interviewee!

    Thanks for all of the questions, Bartozio!

  5. 4 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

    Yeah... there's... a lot of Amish up here.

    ... Yes.

    I see; I was simply curious as to why you would say so. Though, I'll assume that you didn't use a computer often in your youth?

    LVII. Which one are you:

      Hide contents


    LVIII. Least favorite class in Fire Emblem?

    LIX. Favorite Roman emperor?

    LX. Least favorite Roman emperor?

    LXI. Are you aware that almost every time I've been about to post my questions, you make a comment answering the previous questions in this interview?

    LXII. Have you enjoyed your interview?

    LXIII. If I might ask, first and current impressions of one Rex Glacies?

    LXIV. Breaking from my present trend of asking seven questions but  What would be a question you would like to be asked, and what is the answer to that question?

    LVII. Original.

    LVIII. Griffon rider never made much sense to me.

    LIX. Augustus.

    LX. Nero.

    LXI. Yeah. We must be in sync or something.

    LXII. Yes, I have.

    LXIII. At first, you seemed like a smart guy. Now I feel like you are one of the people on this forum with whom I can agree with on much.

    LXIV. "Hey Sully, what's the most romantic thing you've ever done?" Why, that's a good question. Once, I was in the back of a truck with a beautiful lady, and it was getting dark, and then


    she fell asleep on my shoulder. So romantic! 

    I know, I set myself up for that one!

  6. 4 hours ago, Bartozio said:

    Eh, Roy doesn't really come off as sheltered to me. At least not more then other FE protaganists. Zephiel fits the desciption perfectly though.

    I was indeed referring to Wonder Woman!

    53) What do you want for a prize?

    Not really, but maybe I'll give it a watch when I'm bored.

    something tells me you do not like Communism...

    54) Am I right about that?

    55) Do you not like the principal idea behind it, or just how it often turns out?

    56) What do you think if socialism in general?

    57) Like Lissa's?

    I can't remember her being listed among your favorites...

    58) Thoughts on Lissa?

    59) On a scale on 1 to 10, how would you rate chances of this plan succeeding?

    60) If it did not end up working, would you be willing to sacrifice some of your morals to save the world?

    53) Plane tickets.

    54) Heck yeah!

    55) The principal behind it is enormously flawed, which causes disastrous consequences.

    56) The entire concept of the government controlling any more of our lives than absolutely necessary is counter-intuitive to the human experience. Humans are motivated to live productive lives when they cannot rely on government to manage their lives for them. Enter socialism, and you lose bureaucratic efficiency, moral accountability and personal motivation. I could talk about it more, but that would be going off topic.

    57) Similar. Most of the girls I know wear hoopskirts that are much wider than Lissa's. In fact, they tend to be longer than the ladies are tall. That's a bit much when you're doing close-quarters dancing, though.

    58) She's okay. Kinda cute, but I've seen better (hoopskirts, I mean).

    59) 9. Maniacs like her have poor resistance to my kind of psychological warfare.

    60) I might would have to kill her, or at least harm her in the chance that my other weapons failed. But I wouldn't consider that sacrificing my morals, as I would have a moral responsibility to save the world. I doubt I would have to hurt her, though. From what I hear, sh is actually quite dainty and probably easy to overpower.

  7. 2 hours ago, Clarine said:

    XXVI. One may never know. I do possess a parasol and I suppose the same methods could be applied to such a thing, no?

    XXVII. Please, truly—I cannot be a ten on the scale, can I? At most, I am a nine. After all, I am not one to be smitten with my own mirror image, at least not yet.

    XXX. ...Do not even entertain such an absurd notion.

    Most certainly, I would be most delighted to defeating you most excellently.

    Hold, you are insinuating that I am Zephiel and you are Roy?

    XXXI. What might you do if you are ever to meet a clone of yourself?

    XXXII. If you possess the power to directly change two events in the past to affect the future, what would they be?

    XXXIII. If an individual such as yourself is to partake in a high stakes poker game, against me, do you believe you would lose most of your money?

    XXXIV. Do you deem yourself to be a poor farm boy, or perhaps something akin to a peasant villager?

    XXXV. It is abundantly clear we are both sheltered in our own way. Just what are your sentiments regarding sheltered but more wealthy individuals?

    XXXVI. If you are to locate the existence of a genie, what might your three wishes be?

    XXXVII. Do you believe hiring servants such as butlers or maids to do your daily work is unsettling or strange?

    XXXVIII. Just how eloquent do you believe your speech is?

    XXXIX. As an expansion to what you might do if you were female, what would your ideal attire be if such happens to be the case?

    XL. And of course, if you are ever to face against a super-villain magical version of myself, what might your plan be to emerge victorious?

    XXXI. Tell him how to avoid making all of the mistakes that I have made.

    XXXII. I would stop World War I from happening, and I would assassinate Karl Marx. 

    XXXIII. Probably. I've never played poker before, but I have a weakness for beautiful women and card games that gets the best of me every now and again.

    XXXIV. I've been a poor farm boy. Currently I'm more like a lower middle-class farm boy. Would you consider somebody possessing my level of intelligence a peasant simply because they work the land?

    XXXV. I pity them even more than normal sheltered people. A normal shut-in will eventually have to go into the world and meet people. A wealthy shut-in has no incentive to do so, and could live their entire life without knowing what normal people are like.

    XXXVI. Unceasing inspiration, the ability to stop time at will, and an immunity to all forms of arrogance.

    XXXVII. I think it's fine if you are too busy to do those things yourself. I can't imagine a life free of labor, however. That would get dull, fast.

    XXXVIII. In person, I've got a slight southern accent that gives away my roots. I'm fully capable of talking eloquently but I prefer to talk like everybody else, so that nobody feels like I am superior to them.

    XXXIX. I have a thing for girls in hoopskirts. I can't really imagine myself wearing anything of the sort.

    XL. I would battle you psychologically, by showing you just how mistaken you are about humanity so that you would peacefully lay down your arms. It goes against my nature to cause harm to a lady.

  8. 1 hour ago, Bartozio said:

    48) Are you of the opinion that everything you do should be usefull in some scenario?

    This actually sounds pretty good. We already know Lady @Clarine made plans to conquer the world, and now we have a hero who will (try to) stop her! I can see it already:

    "A young sheltered hero setting out in the wide world, getting to know that world and fighting off a villain who has grown tired of humanities ugliness". Sounds like a great story.

    ...Wait, I feel like I've seen this before...

    49) Can you tell where I've seen this before? (Hint: it's not very obscure, and it's something that came out recently.)

    50) Do you watch a lot of movies?

    51) What's your favorite one and why?

    52) Should I watch it if I haven't seen it already?

    48) No, but I believe that when you must choose between doing one thing that is necessary and another thing that is not you should probably do the necessary thing first. 

    49) FE6 in a nutshell. But that didn't come out recently... could it be Wonder Woman?

    50) I watch a fair amount.

    51) Mary Poppins! It has music, humor, hidden emotional depth, British accents, and penguins! Everything you need for a great movie.

    52) I don't know. Do you like musicals? 

  9. 2 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

    "Another homeschooler?" Interesting; there appears to be more homeschoolers in this world than I had thought. Or, maybe forums like these are prone to drawing them out...

    I should; thank you.

    And... by accident?

    Oh wow, awesome! I've always wanted to learn to fence!

    L. Opinions of Pennsylvania?

    LI. Which weapon from Fire Emblem (like, sword, axe, dark magic, etc.) would you choose?

    LII. What version of magic in Fire Emblem is your favorite? (E.g. the GBA system where there is light, dark, and anima, Gaiden/Echoes where you use up HP, etc.)

    LIII. Samurai or ninja?

    LIV. Would you say you get along with your siblings rather well?

    LV. Have you figured out what my numbering system of asking questions is yet?

    LVI. My final homeschooling question probably not. Risking offense myself, why do you use "homeschooling" as an excuse for if you offend someone?

    L. The only Pennsylvanians I know are the Amish. I'm on pretty good terms with them, though, so I have to say that Pennsylvania is okay, at least by yankee standards.

    LI. Axe. 

    LII. They all have problems. I guess my favorite is GBA. I was surprised at how well Echoes' system worked, though. In future games, the strongest tomes should use HP.

    LIII. Samurai.

    LIV. Well, we're all friends, but we're still at each other's throats all of the time. The siblings I'm closest with tend to be the siblings I spend the least time around.

    LV. You mean how you do it by the sevens? Are you trying to be lucky, holy, or do you just want good all-beef hot dogs?

    LVI. Because I, along with many other homechoolers, am sheltered as a result of being homeschooled. On occasions, I accidentally offend someone because I don't know any better. For instance, once when my mother asked me how I did on my math test, I said "oh, yeah, I f---ed it." That was because I thought the F-word and the word "flunk" both meant the same thing. So if my lack of worldly knowledge offends someone, I want them to know why.

    1 hour ago, DefaultBeep said:

    There seems to be a pretty solid amount of homeschoolers nowadays, but this is likely just a funny coincidence more than an indicator of the number of homeschoolers out there. Although, if there's any place for us to gravitate to, I'd say that forums are probably a popular option.

    Good opinion, I approve.

    I'm glad that I could prove myself. It's been so long since my sister and I have seen it, and no one else that I know has ever heard of it, so I was beginning to think the adventures of Kevin and crew were all a fever dream. Except that I can easily verify it by its existence on Wikipedia and other sites, but that doesn't work with the narrative.

    11. I feel like I have to ask now: favorite VeggieTales episode/movie? And if it's separate, favorite Silly Song with Larry? Either current favorites, or just ones you remember fondly from your childhood.

    12. Do you prefer when music made by Christians have a clear Christian message, or would you rather they keep any mention of their faith to be subtle, or not present at all?

    13. Somewhat related, do you prefer classic worship music straight out of hymns, or the more modern style with standard rock/pop instruments?

    14. Any interest in sports, watching and/or playing? And if so, which ones?

    15. While we're both homeschoolers, I'm noticing that we've had some differences in how we were raised; namely, I've never lived on a farm. What's a standard daily routine at your home? You can be as specific or as nonspecific as you like, I'm just curious to know.

    11. Veggietales movie: The Star of Christmas. Favorite silly song: "The Dance of the Cucumber".

    12. I think there's a place for all types. I like bands like Switchfoot or NEEDTOBREATHE who play on secular stations while maintaining Christian values, but I also highly respect artists like Steven Curtis Chapman and Michael W. Smith who sing about unabashedly Christian topics. What I cannot take is most of these new bands who think that there is something God-honoring about being cheesy. Then again, if that's what Christians are into, I can't really blame them.

    13. I've experienced the best of both worlds  and I prefer a mix of the two.

    14. Just the Super Bowl. And that's really just for the commercials.

    15. 5:45 A.M. Get out of bed, get dressed, and go to milking. 9:00 A.M. Come in, eat breakfast. 9:30 A.M. Do school. 1:30 P.M. Stop school, eat lunch. 2:00 P.M. Take a break. 4:00 P.M. Head back out to milking. 7:00 P.M. Come in, eat supper, take rest of night off. 12:00 A.M. Bedtime (for me, at least).

    28 minutes ago, Clarine said:

    My word, you must be truly ignorant or simply optimistic. A lady does not possess a pleasant fragrance, perfect complexion or any of these skills by default. In fact, one must truly maintain themselves to fit and be acceptable in society. But of course, such is being stated by a mildly wealthy lady that dresses more complexly than many others so you may take it as you will. I suppose I must concede and also state the fact living a feminine life is far superior—one can only imagine the dreadful experience of me being masculine in any way.

    Oh, you too can fence?

    XXVI. If the opportunity is to ever present itself, might you be one to practice fencing once more?
    XXVII. How would you rate your narcissism?
    XXVIII. May I ask, how easily do you find yourself forming "friendships"?
    XXIX. Just what are five of your negative traits?
    XXX. Of course, would you deem yourself to be a romantic individual?

    I say, you truly are quite the foil to me morally. Perhaps such can merely be said in regard to many individuals, no?

    XXVI. Maybe. Fencing isn't that useful in the real world. Whens the last time somebody stole your purse and you happened to have a foil on your person?

    XXVII. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being as narcissistic as you are, Clarine, I'm at about 3.

    XXVIII. Depends on what you mean by "friendship". I make "friends" rather quickly, but there is nobody in my life who I can confide in.

    XXIX. Arrogance, laziness, lack of self-control, overconfidence, ignorance.

    XXX. Very. But there are no women near me physically that I could shower my affections upon, so looks like I'm stuck with you.

    I am your foil, aren't I? Maybe if I'm a superhero in the future, you will be my archnemesis. 

  10. 32 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    Not what I was thinking of, but it does seem pretty cool.

    43) I seem to recall you have several types of swords you can use for fencing. Which one do you use?

    44) How long have you been fencing?

    45) Do you consider yourself good at fencing?

    It sounds more like you prefer the role society gives women over the role it gives men then that you actually think women are better. I can understand your reasoning though.

    46) You're aware you could get to fight a lot more often if you practiced something like boxing or MMA right?

    47) What fighting sport (where you don't use a weapon) would you find most intresting?

    43) The last time I used a real sword, it was a saber. But that was years ago. On the farm, we have fence posts that have the exact length and weight of real-life foils, so I use those instead. I can't afford a real sword.

    44) I went to class for it about six years ago.

    45) Not really. I was the best fencer in my class, but that was back when I was twelve and I haven't exactly been practicing.

    46) Yeah, I could probably do that, if I had the time. I get beat up enough by cows though. All of that training and exercise just doesn't fit in my schedule.

    47) Whichever one has the least rules, so probably MMA, right?


  11. 10 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    I think I've heard you mention fighting a few times now.

    39) Have you been in a lot fights?

    40) Have you ever practiced matrial arts?

    40x) If so, which one? If not, why not?

    41) Do you like super heroes?

    This is... an intresting opinion for a guy... I guess...

    42) Why do you think women are better?

    43) Where you dropped on the head as a child?

    I like this answer. You have some pretty cool ideas mate!

    44) Do you like economics?

    39) Plenty. I can never get enough, though.

    40) Does fencing count? While I can fight with my fists, that is less the result of official training and more the result of physical strength and a good combat mindset.

    40x) I can fence!

    41) I like them, but most super hero movies are just so corny. Not at all like the Dark Knight Trilogy.

    42) They smell better and look cute. They sit around and cook and clean and raise children. I think that sounds funner than being a breadwinner. Plus, romance comes easy to them. They don't have to go and look for a mate, their mates come looking for them. 

    Granted, most of the women I know are actually cows. That might be affecting my perspective.

    43) I actually was! That's one of the reasons I'm such a creep!

    44) Economics is important, but it's not my specialty. I'm more of a visionary, and I let other people do the paperwork. 

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