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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. "Hahahaa! I'm kidding, of course. You're way too young to be that guy's girlfriend!" But Radle could see that the frightened little girl was not amused. He got down on one knee and began speaking in a more serious tone. "Listen, miss. I've already decided that after you're safe, I'm going to get to the bottom of this. If there's someone who needs to pay, I'll make them pay. So don't let it be said that I," he rose as the grin returned to his face, "your dear uncle Radle, have ever let you down!"

  2. Hey again Chloey! Sorry I missed most of your interview. I SWEAR that it's not because you aren't an interesting person, I've just been cramming school lately. You are very interesting and I will read this interview in full once I have the time.

    11. What does a "vegemite sandwich" taste like?

    12. What does it mean to "chunder"?

    13. Does everybody in Australia like the Men at Work?

    14. When I was a kid, there was this Australian guy on TV called "Steve the Crocodile Hunter". I used to love watching him all the time but then he died. Have you ever heard of him?

    15. How has your interview been?

  3. Azura looks great! The only problem is that she looks a little bit... round. Not like the overweight kind of round, but more like a pretzel stick. I guess what I mean to say is that her body could probably use to be slightly wider. But I think you captured her face perfectly! I don't get what makes the hair edible, though...

  4. Radle stepped down into the dungeon and found the right cell. As he put the key in the lock, he heard... two voices. How many girls are we keeping here? His orders were only to bring out the one called Isabel. He'd figure out what to do with the other one later. He opened the door.

    "Miss Isabel?" A look from the girl confirmed her identity. "I hate to interrupt, but your boyfriend has come for you."

    As he escorted her out of her cell, he let her know how he felt about the ordeal. "Sorry to keep you detained like this. I really do hate situations like this, but it doesn't seem like there's much else that can be done. I hope whatever the problem seems to be is resolved." 

    For some reason, he doubted that last point. There was something about people in black robes that always suggested that there was more trouble in store. Whoever that man was, he wasn't being very subtle...


  5. 1 hour ago, Res said:

    Yup; the link I posted on the previous page mentioned you can be imprisoned for possession of 1 gram of crack (vs 100 grams for coke - and which is used more by black people and which by white?!)

    Is that really racist? Last I checked, being black doesn't predispose you to like some drugs more than others. Being poor or living in the inner city do, but just because there are more blacks in the inner city doesn't make different standards for different drugs inherently racist. They might still be wrong, but just not racially motivated. 

    Out here where I live in the country heroin seems to be the drug of choice. Most of the users are poor whites, but the standards are stricter than for either crack or cocaine. I guess part of that is because heroin is so much more potent, but can't the same be said about crack and cocaine? 

  6. "Hey there, mister! I don't know exactly what's going on here, but I'm sorry that your girlfriend got involved. Feel free to get off your horse, and I'll show you to your lady."

    Radle observed the young man with the black hair. Thank goodness he's here. While he didn't know all of the details of the situation, any job that required keeping women captive didn't sit very well with him. But now everything was going to be okay, provided...

    "Can I see what you have in that parcel there?"

  7. 16 hours ago, Res said:

    And what of harm to the baby? The majority of babies aborted after 20 weeks are aborted because they have issues incompatible with life. A lot of issues aren't picked up until the crucial 20 week ultrasound (or are detected at the first ultrasound, typically held around 12 weeks, but are often 'wait and see' cases since sometimes issues either resolve, or the fetus was simply too small/underdeveloped to detect anomalies with a high degree of accuracy). 

    Tim Murphy is an excellent example of why it's hard to take the pro-life stance seriously; it's actually not uncommon for people with a pro-life stance to change their mind when they find themselves (or their partners) in a precarious position. As I said earlier, some of the women I've known who swore they would never have an abortion ended up having one - usually for medical reasons, but even people who have abortions for the most tragic medical reasons still require there to be safe, legal abortion providers available to them. 


    I think the reason people want to draw the line at 20 weeks is because "it's practically a real baby by then", or something like that. I mean, would you support killing a 1-year-old child because they were "incompatible with life"? There are probably some people who would, but if a nation were to make one illegal, it wouldn't be unreasonable to make the other illegal as well.

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