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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. Seeing as I'm being interviewed:



    This is a picture of me rewiring a light fixture. Not my sexiest pose, but it's one of the only pictures of myself I could find. The blonde munchkin is my little brother.


    This is a picture of me with my sister's family. I'm the guy in the blue shirt.


  2. Thanks for nominating me everybody! I'll make this an interview you won't forget!

    16 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

    1. Do you prefer this track or this track? This is the most important question you'll be asked, by the way.

    They're both pretty good, but I like the second track more. I'm a sucker for key changes.


    9 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    Hello there Gully McSully!

    1. What is this randomly strange interest in me? 

    2. What do you think of me?

    3. Ya like jazz? :smug:

    4. Do another impression of me. (I'm gonna hate this)

    5. Wanna raise that limit so I can kill you with questions?

    1. Is it really that strange? I find you interesting from a psychological viewpoint. 

    2. I think that you are a nice robot. When I have kids, maybe I'll let you babysit.

    3. I've only ever been able to tolerate one style of jazz: Latin jazz. All the rest makes me feel hectic and irritated.

    4. Sorry, I think Hatty- er, um, I mean @Claudius I rules the imitation game now.

    5. There is no more limit! And that includes personal boundaries! Kill away, my robot friend!

    11 minutes ago, Claudius I said:

    1. Which FE games have you played?
    2. How did you become God of the Milking Parlor?
    3. Are you into philosophy?
    4. How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?
    5. Here's my impression of your impression of @Arcanite: WOOPDEEDOOPDEEDOO will you be alifiting the flipping question limit please say yes please please pweeeese with a cherry on top and a side dish of sweet potatoes with cheese????????

    1. I've played 7, 8, 9, 13, and 15  through to completion. I've completed part of 6 and Fates: Conquest. I haven't messed with the rest much, but I've seen LPs.

    2. By default. I'm better at managing the milking process than any single non-Amish farmer in the US, and I figured that there probably wasn't some Amish kid calling themselves by that title, so I claimed it for myself.

    3. A little bit. I think people often get too carried away asking all of those questions without answers, but I must admit I find it to be quite an interesting subject of thought.

    4. That's a good question.

    5. The limit is gone. You should do more impressions.

    11 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    6. Can you tell Hatt-Man to shut up?

    6. I lack the authority to do so.

    8 minutes ago, Claudius I said:

    6. Can you tell Arcanite to stop being mean to me? : (

    6. Once again, I lack the authority to do so. Can't you work out your problems without involving me?

    6 minutes ago, Rezzy said:


    1: Do I have to separate you?

    My thoughts exactly. You two better shape up before Rezzy gives you both time-out.


  3. 1 hour ago, Clarine said:

    Forgive me, for I know not of an official measurement in which I can state. I suppose a skirt being slightly above "knee length" is acceptable. Anything shorter would be deemed as a risqué attire choice. If you wish, you may bestow me any references if such is required.

    Fret not, for I too am one to be fond of collecting blades. In fact, I do wish to possess a collection of all types of weapons, especially oddities of conflicts, combat and war.

    Are you a denizen of a countryside environment?

    Yeah. I'm a country boy.

    Are you a city-dweller?

  4. Just now, Arcanite said:

    I think it is only a matter of time before you all kill each other. Originally us robots were going to destroy you all, but instead we decided to let you destroy yourselves since it seems inevitable


    What is Virginia like?

    Imagine that the United States of America was a rock band. Virginia would be like the greatest hits album. While we can't lay complete claim to much, all of the great (and not so great) things about the other states can be found in Virginia. We get Florida's humid 110 degree days in the summer and Minnesota's snow covered February. We have sunny beaches to the east and beautiful mountains to the west. We have historic cities (Williamsburg), artsy cities (Charlottesville), army cities (Norfolk), and wealthy cities full of politicians, lawyers, and immigrants (Alexandria in a nutshell). Considering that we lack the size of Texas or California, I think it's really something that a single state can have that much diversity.

    Visit Virginia, Arcstolfo! We welcome you with open arms!

    What is your heart made out of?

  5. I love cows! They're smarter than dogs, cuter than cats, and they make milk and beef! They have so much personality. They have better defined character traits than most video game characters and a good portion of the actual human population. It's like having the cast of a Fire Emblem game mooing at you from your backyard.

    What's your favorite unrealistic anime hair color?

  6. 1 minute ago, GuardianGrarl said:

    To be honest, it's the second best Final Fantasy in the series. Just beating out the overrated VII. And just under the underrated, but beloved VI. The characters are fun and lively as opposed to the previous two games, which had depressing downers as our protagonists. The story took itself serious enough, but wasn't afraid to poke fun at itself. And the combat system took the game back to it's roots with some good old fashion spells that I didn't have to spend an hour drawing out of enemies. 


    I think that the characters are what drew me into it, since in my opinion, there was never really a bad character in the game. Steiner and Vivi are among my favorites in the game and in the series as a whole. (Though if I had to give it a flaw, it's that the final, final boss is the most out of place, where the hell did this come from final boss in the entire series. And yes, I'm taking Cloud of Darkness from III into account.)


    What are you most afraid of in the entire world?

    Living without optimism.

    What do you think the worst Final Fantasy is?

  7. 4 minutes ago, GuardianGrarl said:

    Favorite story? As in book? Video Game story? Movie? Or favorite story on a random phone app that was recommended to me through advertisements?

    Well, in order to answer this question fully, I will be answer them all as best as I possibly can.

    My favorite book's story would have to be 'Ender's Game' by Orson Scott or '1984' by George Orwell. One is a Sci-Fi adventure that has a lot of interesting action pieces and has a very interesting premise with a protagonist that has a good conflict about him. While in 1984, I like the dystopian future, even more so if it serves as a warning to real life events. The 'average Joe' of the story makes a good character for the story to revolve around and while I'm not a overly big fan of the romance, it more serves as a driving force that gives the antagonist a reason to interact with the protagonist. Both stories have good endings that I was satisfied that there doesn't need to be more to it.

    Favorite Video Game story? Final Fantasy VI. Or III if you're American. Final Fantasy VI is not only my favorite video game with a great story. It's also my favorite video game. Period. A huge cast of memorable characters with tons of memorable moments in the story, that I can't get into great detail here, because if there is even a 1% chance that I will spoil the game for anyone, it would ruin the entire game. (Okay, over exaggeration, but still. That's how much I love Final Fantasy VI) A fantastic villain and an ending that leaves me satisfy. And if Final Fantasy VI gets a sequel like Final Fantasy IV did, I'll break into Square's headquarters and confront the evil mastermind behind it.

    Movie? This is a little tougher, but I'll have to say 'Psycho'. While not overly complex, it's great in it's simplicity. It has a simple premise, simple execution, but there's a reason why it's a classic and people hated the remake. You can't make better what was born perfect.

    And through reading this one app called 'Hooked', it has a bunch of stories that are conveyed through characters texting each other. While most of them are quite stupid, there was one story that I actually quite liked. A story called 'Watcher'. I won't go into details, spoilers and all that, but I truly enjoyed the ending. I have a passion for endings apparently.

    You're right about Final Fantasy VI. It's awesome. But I like IX better for personal reasons. 

    So what's your opinion of Final Fantasy IX?

  8. Just now, Aya Shameimaru said:

    Have you ever been worried about hurricanes?

    As in "I wonder if I'll be able to go on my Caribbean cruise with this hurricane going on?" Yes. Very. I would be on a Caribbean cruise right now were it not for Irma. As in "Oh, no, what if the roof flies off of the house and all of the chickens get blown away and my blue suede shoes get drenched?" Not really. I live about 200 miles from the coast, so I only pick up a bit of extra wind and rain from these kinds of things.

    Who is the person in your signature and why do you like them?

  9. 8 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

    How strong would you say your knowledge on other cultures?

    A home

    and despite it being overly nerdy, I wouldn't mind owning a blade or two. Just for decoration 

    Pretty average. I know a fair amount about Mexicans because I used to work with a bunch. I'm pretty sure they were here illegally, but it was a "don't ask, don't tell" kind of thing. They were very friendly and made me lots of tamales. I love tamales. 

    What's your opinion of Final Fantasy IX?

  10. 1 minute ago, Clarine said:

    Do excuse me, but might I ask, what are you sentiments on the so-called "innuendos"?

    You mean like "sexual innuendo"? As much as I love harmless pickup lines, I find most hardcore sexual references to be tasteless, pointless, and utterly unbefitting of a gentleman's conduct. I could accept innuendo as part of the plot of a book or movie, but when an author/director deliberately puts it in there just so we can see characters in morally compromising positions for sex appeal, it crosses the line from being cunning storytelling to becoming a shady marketing tactic. 

    I mean, at some point you have to bite the bullet: unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view), porn exists. The internet will be full of naked versions of any valuable characters you create, so there's really no reason for you to lower yourself to that level when there will be others who have no reputation to protect doing the same thing. Save the sexy sidestory for the swimsuit DLC or even better, let fanfiction writers come up with it. I prefer to keep my hands clean.

    What's your favorite story?

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