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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. 7 hours ago, Clarine said:

    I do not believe "inspiration" is an emotion.

    Very well, allow me to bestow you a series of scenario-based questions.

    XXI. If you are to wake up to discover yourself with magic powers, how would you react and what might you do?
    XXII. And now—if you are to awaken from your slumber as the opposite sex, how would you react and what might you do?
    XXIII. Now if you are to suddenly be transported into the world of Fire Emblem, how would you react and what might you do?
    XXIV. If you are to discover that nobody in the world remembers you, how would you react and what might you do?
    XXV. If you find a large aluminium briefcase with two-million dollars inside it, what might you do with the money?

    XXI. I would want to use them for good. Since I'm talented as a fighter, I would probably use them to protect people. Like a superhero or something.

    XXII. I think I'd be OK. Women are overall just better than men, and while I would prefer to remain as the gender I am most accustomed to, being a woman looks like an overall easier and happier life. 

    XXIII. I would find a good tactician who is good at doing ironman runs. Because if I were to be my own tactician in classic mode, I would die quickly.

    XXIV. I would start a new life somewhere else. I don't want to be a bother to the people who used to know me before collective amnesia set in, and it would be a great opportunity to form new connections without emotional baggage tying me down.

    XXV. I'd start my dream charity: a charity that tells other charities how they can be more efficient.

    7 hours ago, GuardianGrarl said:

    1. Who do you consider to be the worst Final Fantasy Character?

    2. If you had to pick a Final Fantasy Class to be, what class would it be?

    3. Who is your Final Fantasy Waifu (if you even have one)? Alternative question: Who is the best Final Fantasy Female?

    1. I never knew what Zell's deal was. None of FFVIII's characters were that amazing, but at least the others got some development.

    2. Thief! But the one that fits me best is probably Mystic Knight.

    3. I really like Aerith's character, but I wouldn't consider her a "waifu". More like a sister figure. If you're asking who the hottest Final Fantasy character is, then obviously: Beatrix.

    6 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

    I'm the worst player in my family by far, so you have my empathy.

    6. Do you have a favorite/most nostalgic game for the N64?

    7. Opinions on modern country music vs. classic country? Better, worse, about the same, or no real thoughts either way?

    8. I think I saw you post a clip from VeggieTales earlier in the thread, but have you ever seen 3-2-1 Penguins? Similar concept, but I'm not sure how widespread it was in comparison.

    9. Were/are you or any of your siblings "rebellious" or otherwise wanting to "escape" the homeschooled life, or was/is everyone content with it overall?

    10. What's a soundtrack (game, movie, or even just a regular album if you prefer) that you love almost purely from nostalgia, and in contrast, what's a more recent soundtrack that you enjoy without any nostalgia attached?

    6. Most of my memories are of Mario Kart. I remember watching my brothers play Majora's Mask, though.

    7. The sweetspot for country music is the 70s-90s. Before that, the music was okay, but it's harder to enjoy in the modern day. After that, country music became pop/rock/hip-hop with fake accents and cheesy messages. 

    8. Yep. You are definitely a homeschooler. I only remember seeing commercials at the beginning of Veggietales. 

    9. Everyone has been content with it. While we all have our little tweaks we'd like to add to the system when we have kids of our own, our parents did a pretty good job.

    10. "Rainbow Road" from Mario Kart 64 and any old Steven Curtis Chapman albums are big nostalgia trips for me. I've been listening to the musical Hamilton lately, and I find it very well done, but I have no nostalgia (yet). Those are both just examples. I've got a long list of nostalgic music I enjoy.


    3 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

    So close Sully, so close...

    But I guess I can't hold it against you because I told you to speak honestly.


    Interesting. I might say the same for myself, even.

    Don't blame you. People from the "real" world are weird. And the Princes Bride is great.

    That's what I was thinking... though you should probably take a test just to be sure. I don't want to celebrate a new member of the best personality type club INTP club without knowing for certain.

    XLIII. Don't mean to pry with more homeschooling questions but did your family ever meet up with other homeschoolers to, you know, socialize with other kids?

    XLIV. If not (or if so) were you ever involved in extracurricular activities such as Boy Scouts, etc.?

    XLV. Would you consider yourself a pessimist, optimist, realist, nihilist, etc.?

    XLVI. Have you ever gone fishing?

    XLVII. Eastern or Western dragon?

    XLVIII. Katana or broadsword?

    XLIX. Ever solved a Rubix Cube?

    XLIII. I lifted personal limits, didn't I? Don't worry, you aren't prying. While we weren't part of a co-op, we did meet other homeschoolers fairly frequently. However, it was not frequent enough for me to form friendships, and even if I had, my fellow Christian homeschoolers would have done little to prepare me for relationships in the "outer world".

    XLIV. Nothing like that. Crazy as it seems, I only ever really left home for church. Church was full of crazy people who treated me like I was a satanist, so I didn't get too involved there.

    XLV. I believe the outlook for the world in general is rather pessimistic, but I can still be optimistic in spite of that. Maybe the world is going to hell in a handbasket, but hey, at least ice cream exists!

    XLVI. Yes. Never caught anything, though.

    XLVII. Western.

    XLVIII. Broadsword. You should add a scimitar option, I really prefer those.

    XLIX. Once, by accident.

    2 hours ago, Clarine said:

    Oh my, that does not sound very formal.

    XVI. And just how easily do you become nervous or anxious?
    XVII. Are you one to follow all rules without question?
    XVII. If you are to have a Fire Emblem class, whatever may it be?
    XVIII. May I ask, what do you consider to be the emotion you feel the most?
    XIX. If you are able to possess any eye colour, what would your choice be?
    XX. Oh, are you one to keep your hair long or short?

    XVI. It takes other people being nervous or anxious to make me that way.

    XVII. No. I'm a rebel at heart.

    XVII. Pirate.

    XVIII. Inspiration.

    XIX. Gold.

    XX. Usually short.

    There are a few pictures of me in the picture thread if you want to know what I look like.

    2 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

    Oh hey, another homeschooled person on SF! I feel almost obligated to ask some questions now. And since you said nobody has asked questions about music, I'll be sure to throw a few in here, if that's okay (sorry if any of these have been asked before):

    1. First game console and/or handheld?
    2. Are you good at cornhole?
    3. What music genres do you like, and which ones do you dislike?
    4. What's the ideal song length to you, or does an ideal length not exist?
    5. Are big family events/holidays (ones that bring together more than the immediate family members) something that you look forward to, or something that you dread?

    Always great to get to meet other homeschoolers. Somebody who understands!

    1. My first memories are of the N64. The first gaming device I ever bought was a 2DS.

    2. No.

    3. I like pop, rock, country, and anything else from the last century. I have a particularly soft spot in my heart for old CCM.

    4. I prefer songs to either be brief or be unique. "Free Bird" is 12 minutes long, but it stays original the whole time. Most songs in the modern day milk their tiny little nugget of inspiration dry by the ending.

    5. I look forward to them. Most of my familial strife is among immediate family members, and I can't really escape them. 

    I'm quite exhausted tonight, so I'm going to bed. I look forward to answering more of your questions tomorrow!

  3. 3 minutes ago, Clarine said:

    Fret not, I have nothing better to do tonight anyway.

    You would be known as a "Logician", an individual that bases their decisions and actions primarily on logic. Individuals of this personality are rather uncommon and they are oftentimes prideful for their creativity and inventive pursuits. In fact, many individuals of this personality are known for their scientific advances. If I may also say, I just so happen to contain a bit of this personality myself.

    I do believe you are a "Leo". If you wish, you may read more of this here.

    XI. Would you consider yourself to be lost in despair or full of hope?
    XII. Do you agree with your Zodiac sign?
    XIII. Might you ever be one to be bored of a regular life?
    XIV. Oh, of course, do you also agree with your Myers-Briggs personality?
    XV. If one does not mind me asking, what is your ideal choice of attire for... regular situations?

    XI. I'm a hopeful guy.

    XII. It's about a 50% matchup. Pretty close for astrology.

    XIII. My life is too busy for me to ever be bored.

    XIV. I do. I've changed a bit since then, but at the time I took it, that would have been a perfect description of me.

    XV. What do you mean by regular? Around the farm I wear tattered old clothes of all types. In public, I dress casually. Right now, my casual wear consists of cargo shorts and a nice t-shirt, but once winter comes on I'll be wearing jeans and flannel. I like dressing formal, but it's rather impractical as I rarely go to formal events.


  4. 3 minutes ago, Clarine said:

    Oh, you wish for me to study your personality? Very well, let us delay no further!

    II. Just how would you describe your personality with five adjectives?
    III. Do you find that your personality is common?
    IV. Are you aware of your Myers-Briggs personality and do you perchance agree with such results?
    V. Might I ask, are you aware of your assigned zodiac sign and do you perhaps agree with the traits listed as those characteristic of such a sign?
    VI. How would you reaction to witnessing a murder? And if I may elaborate, how would you reaction if the victim happens to be a member of your family?
    VII. How well-versed are you with tarot cards and their symbolism?
    VIII. If I am to ask, can you perhaps be a competent liar?
    IX. If an individual such as yourself is to possess a video game music theme to suit your personality, which video game track might you choose?
    X. What are your sentiments regarding unnatural hair colours?

    Perhaps I can try once I indulge in a cup of tea. Mind you, my "help" already left the estate early today and as such, I may have to brew the tea myself. Of course, I simply may not be motivated to do such a thing tonight.

    II. Eccentric, witty, friendly, reckless, arrogant.

    III. Nope.

    IV. I think it was INTP. I forgot what that meant. I need to take that again sometime.

    V. I don't do Zodiacs. My birthday was 7/27/1999. Does that mean you can figure it out?

    VI. I'd probably detain the murderer. I was born to do cool things like that. If it was a family member, I'd beat up the dude myself. Beating people up helps me take my mind off of life's serious problems, such as dead relatives.

    VII. Not well-versed at all.

    VIII. I'm a competent truth bender. I'm not too good at telling complete untruths. 

    IX. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKAoSY5bhSw

    X. I think they're great if you can pull them off. If you can't, don't even try. 

    I am honored that you would deign to waste your time with me. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Bartozio said:

    I had to look this up and it seems... intresting.

    Seriously though, why would yo watch something for the commercials?

    35) What is so intresting about commercials?

    Shame, bridge is awesome...

    I love Risk. It helps most of my family and friends like the game as well.

    36) Do you also always get screwed over by luck and dumb decisions of other people while you're totally the one with the better strategies?

    37) What do you think of luck in games like Risk and Fire Emblem in general?

    38) Are you a lucky person?

    35) Most commercials are boring. But Super Bowl commercials can be pretty hilarious.

    36) Sometimes. Actually, the luck helps me get past my own mistakes. I'm not a perfect strategist.

    37) I like it. It makes it so that bad players have a chance, good players have a challenge, and every game is different.

    38) I'm clumsy by nature. But I would say that I'm blessed to be where I am today, so you could consider me lucky.

    1 hour ago, Clarine said:

    Oh my, have I been summoned?

    “I am Clarine, the very talented daughter of Count Reglay of Etruria. And who, may I ask, are you?”

    Do excuse my late appearance, I was... terribly busy. Now before I use my precious energy to bestow you a series of question, I must ask one thing.

    I. Just what do you wish for my questions to theme around?D


    It's never too late for you, Milady Clarine. I see that you, too, are a proponent of the Roman Numeral fad.

    I. Nobody has asked me about music yet, but I know that that isn't your specialty. Why don't you ask me about my personality instead?

    21 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    Just do what everyone else does and throw shade at me heh

    Help me Clarine


    666. Say something dark and twisted! :evil:

    666. How about a creepy Christian pick-up line: "Do you need prayer? Because I could certainly lay hands on you..."

  6. 14 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

    This is not a suitable answer. You went for the politically correct answer. I do not want the politically correct answer. I want your answer.

    And you're not alone. I'm pretty sure everyone imagines the Norse myths with them in it.

    It's a rare situation anywhere. Alas, few are willing to spend 4+ hours in a game while watching me conquer the world and obliterate their forces. It truly is sad.

    I almost cried as well.

    So, you're saying you do have a big appetite?

    Cur non cogito qu?

    I know my grammar is bad.

    You're going to regret saying that. I don't hold it against you, but others...

    XXXVI. Don't be politically correct here, and don't say something just because you think it's what I want to hear. Was the Roman Empire conquered by Odoacer in 476, or by Mehmed in 1453?

    XXXVII. Do you like chess?

    XXXVIII. Would you say you are more logical or emotional?

    XXXIX. Do you know many other homeschoolers (aside from your family)?

    XL. Are you more of a dreamer and theorist or do you pay more attention to the facts?

    XLI. Do you read books often?

    XLII. Do you make plans or do you go with the flow?

    XXXVI. I'll go with Odoacer, because I know more Greek Orthodox than Roman Catholics.

    XXXVII. The problem with chess is that the only people who play it are people who are really good at it. There is no "casual level" where people like me who have never actually studied the grandmasters can play.

    XXXVIII. I'd like to say more logical, but sometimes I wonder if I put up a logical front to protect my emotional core. It's quite a quandary.

    XXXIX. Homeschoolers are all I know. Befriending somebody from "the outside" would be simply inconceivable! <shameless Princess Bride reference

    XL. I love dreaming and theorizing. My goal is to create new facts!

    XLI. Not as much anymore. 

    XLII. I make plans for the more immediate future, but I still spend a lot of time waiting to see how the future pans out.

  7. 59 minutes ago, Claudius I said:

    6. Would you like to learn any foreign languages?
    7. What makes Blazing Blade your favorite FE game?
    8. Favorite Tolkien character(s)?
    9. Least favorite Tolkien character(s)?
    10. The Akallabêth was your favorite Tolkien story, right? 
    11. If so, you must be familiar with the element in Tolkienology that Men are restless and always seeking something, but not knowing what. What do you think it is that Men seek?
    12. Favorite Númenórean King?
    13. If given the choice, would you rather be an Elf, a Dwarf or a Man?
    14. The tale of the children of Húrin or the tale of Beren and Lúthien?
    15. Which Tolkien books have you read?
    16. Have you heard any of Clamavi de Profundis' renditions of Tolkien songs?
    17. Favorite Roman Emperor(s)?
    18. Do you ever ride a bike?
    19. Do you have any interest in law?

    And since Calvinism was mentioned:
    20. Are you familiar with the theory of predetermination? If so, what do you think of it?

    21. Are you familiar with the disagreement on predetermination between the remonstrants and the contraremonstrants? If so, who do you think was right about it?

    22. What if I do? :^)

    Hey man, Hattusili/Claudius/Daniel are perfect names for children.
    Especially Hattusili. There aren't enough of those around nowadays.


    A, video te quoque hominem culturae esse.



    6. Yes, but I probably never will.

    7. I like the worldbuilding, the characters, the gameplay, and the script. It's fairly deep by Fire Emblem standards.

    8. Gollum. I love complicated characters.

    9. Tom Bombadil. He's not a horrible character, he just feels out of place in Middle-Earth.

    10. Maybe? I last read that stuff when I was thirteen, and I don't remember all of the names.

    11. Maybe Men want to be immortal like the Elves? I don't know.

    12. The first one. I forgot what his name was.

    13. I'd prefer Elf, but Dwarf wouldn't be too bad of a fit.

    14. Hurin. Beren and Luthien's tale always sounded to wild and unrealistic to take place in the serious Tolkien universe.

    15. The Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the Silmarillion. 

    16. No.

    17. Augustus. 

    18. I know how to, but in a world without pavement, they can get stuck in a lot of places.

    19. I have an interest in justice, but not that farce that they call law! My brother-in-law wants to be a Supreme Court Justice and he can be annoyingly intelligent sometimes. 

    20. Yeah, I know a fair bit about it. I don't think it works out in the end. My disbelief in predeterminism is one of the main reasons I'm not a Calvinist... or an atheist, for that matter.

    21. Nope. They don't exactly teach you this in Sunday School. Should I look it up?

    22. I'll PM you if you really want to know. Do you really want to know?


  8. 1 hour ago, Natalie said:

    I'm sending these on my phone, so I'm sorry if they end up messed up or something. I think I got to 40 but I'm not sure.

    41. Favourite Star Wars film?

    42. Favourite Star Wars character?

    43. Do you like sci-fi?

    44. Ever read any of Tolkien's work?

    45. Do you like apple pie?

    46. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

    47. What's the temperature like where you are right now?

    48. Favourite weather conditions?

    49. Do you like swimming?

    50. Are there any FE characters that you most relate to/empathise with?

    Natalie! I knew you'd be back.

    41. To be honest, I've found that I really like Rogue One. It just made me feel so nostalgic. When they brought out the AT-ATs, I cried.

    42. Lando's pretty cool.

    43. Yes.

    44. Yes.

    45. Yes, but I like strawberry pie more.

    46. Pizza.

    47. Somewhere in the 70s. Fahrenheit, that is.

    48. I love those short little spring thunderstorms where everything gets windy and rainy for about thirty minutes.

    49. Not particularly. I'm more of a hot tub person.

    50. I'm a lot like Stahl. I don't really like him that much, though.

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