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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. 1 hour ago, Greencapps said:

    I assume this was mostly a joke but if there is a hint of sincerity, sorry! I didn't mean to step on any toes. I just wanted to help the collective.

    It was a joke! People stopped taking my advice months ago... which is a good thing, probably. I like this thread though. I'll be hanging out here a bit.

  2. 1 hour ago, Enaluxeme said:

    Look out for FE tropes. Right now I was looking at Gerik/Tethys and Greil/Titania.

    Wait, Greil and Titania were in love too? I feel like I should have already known that. 

    You really aren't taking it easy with the numbers here, Ena. If this keeps up much longer, there won't be many of us left!

    I think I can handle an unlikely hit from the fighter as well as an attack from the shaman. @KingStaragna, feel free to go help with Joicelyn. I'll let Sicon finish the shaman on the next turn (provided I finish the fighter first).

  3. 9 minutes ago, Enaluxeme said:

    Radle will need another sword regardless, that silver sword only has 18 uses.

    And it's so darn heavy! I probably should have chosen a killing edge or something instead. 

    Well, this will keep me from hogging up too much more EXP.

  4. I'm thinking of trying this game again soon, but I have a few questions from the last time I started.

    1. Should I treat Uther as a psuedo-promoted unit, like Alm and Celica in Echoes?

    2. Should I be trying to use all of the units, or should I pick a few and bench the rest like in traditonal FE?

    3. Where can I find information about missable items/character recruitment/gaiden requirements?

  5. 4 hours ago, Michelaar said:

    I just don't know anymore. I'm not having as much fun at my education as I thought I would, and i'm questioning if Tourism is what I want to do with my life. It's not like I can just go and quit since my parents payed a lot of money for me to even get this education. I just don't know what I want to do, and it makes me very insecure. What do I do?

    I feel for you man. I've got the same problem. I've only got a few months until graduation, though, so I think I'll just keep on pulling through.

    Also, I feel really bummed out that everyone's coming to this thread for advice instead of coming directly to me! I thought you guys cared...

  6. Maurice and Joicelyn were in LOVE! I would've tried to reason with him if I'd known that! I don't have much use for an Iron Blade anyway. It would just make my SPD even more abysmal. 

    If anybody has any Body Rings, I would be most interested in making a deal!

  7. Radle saw yet another a familiar face approach him. Is that... Rekia? As the archer spoke, the swordmaster's suspicions were proven correct. 

    "Well, if it isn't Rekia! I'm doing fine, thank you. I finished my trip in Gastalla and found my pockets a little light, so I decided to do some mercenary work. Didn't think it'd end up like this, though." Radle looked up and down the battle-swept hallway. "Hey, that reminds me. There's at least one other girl being held prisoner here. Looks like your pal with the lance over there is in a bit of a tight spot. I'll go support him while you stay behind. We can catch up later!" 

    With that, Radle ran down the hall. The soldier had put himself in a tight spot, and part of Radle wanted to step between him and his foes. But unwritten battlefield tradition dictated that when another soldier picks a fight, one should let him have it before interfering. So instead, Radle took up a position close to the lancer where he could aid if things got out of hand.

    Radle moves to H11

  8. 12 minutes ago, IEatLasers said:

    I’m 17. I’m very used to the “power” of random guys appearing at me, trying to get me to do this or that or whatever. 


    doesnr really feel like it puts me in a great place for “power” 


    then. There’s the way male teachers and managers tend to take me less seriously and treat me like my opinions matter less (if I disagree with guys, it’s just “oh she’s on her period” nobody actually thinks maybe I don’t want to do this) 

    theeen of course there’s the way teachers always say things like “oh she’s cute she doesn’t need College anyway” (as jokes when I was diagnosed with dyslexia and again when I was struggling in classes, but it’s not a good joke) 


    just saying. Sorry I’m annoyed but I keep getting this sort of talk but all it really feels like is I get to be hated on in society and nobody bats an eyelash because it’s happenin to all my friends too, and we are just used to it.-but I’m the sensitive dumb one who can’t find out how to stand up for myself about it offline. 

    Wow. I feel sorry for you, having to deal with people like that. Just remember, regardless of actual IQ, the people who go around saying offensive things like that are the real idiots. 

    Y'know, forums like this are actually a great place to let off steam every once in a while. Even if everybody ignores what you say, it feels good to get it off your chest. 

  9. Hey Taav. I don't really know you at all, but your avatar is Olivier, so you must be a man after my own heart!

    1. I don't know you, but do you know me?

    2. Do you like all of the womanizing types?

    3. Would you consider yourself the womanizing type?


    5. Seeing as I haven't seen you around very much, where on the forums would I be most likely to run into you?

    6. How did you get introduced to Fire Emblem?

    7. How did you get introduced to Serenes Forest?

    8. What would you like to see in a Fire Emblem-Trails crossover?

    9. Other than Olivier, who is your favorite Trails character?

    10. Who is your favorite Fire Emblem character?

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