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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. 2 hours ago, Slumber said:

    The FF7 boss theme is pretty blood-pumpy, but nothing makes me lose my mind like 8's boss theme. Both FF7 and 8's themes start at an intensity of like, 11/10, which isn't how boss themes in the rest of the series are.

    Yeah, but those guitars are so... fake.

    Actually, considering the technology at the time, those guitars are pretty realistic. Everything about FF7's soundtrack pales in comparison to FF8's from a technical standpoint though.

  2. ...

    ... ...

    ... ... ...


    Well, I'm sure it must beautiful, because you're beautiful and your artwork is beautiful and L'Arachel's beautiful, but the tragic part is that I can't actually view it right now. My internet just took a hit and won't recover for a few hours, so no images. But when I get my internet back... I shall fully praise the glory of your brushstrokes!

    EDIT: And now I can see it! She really is beautiful! Thank you so much Natalie! This one's for the fridge! I really like the way you captured her upper chest and shoulders. You can really tell that it's L'Arachel's body due to its overall shape (I'll just say it, flatchestedness) , not just a stock body with L'Arachel's head and clothes thrown on top. Also, while I think others might want to criticize this, I actually love the way certain features on her face seem askew or misproportioned because it helps to illustrate her particularly zany personality. Thank you again for all of your hard work putting this together! 

  3. 7 hours ago, Bartozio said:

    You're aware he doesn't get Isadora or Louise either, right?

    These poems are pretty fun to read though, keep up the good work!

    If Sain could get an A support with Louise, she'd definitely ditch Pent and become Sain's true love. Thanks for the compliment! It might be a while before I write Rebecca's, because I have a lot of school right now and I'm experimenting with new poetry styles. I'm glad you've enjoyed what I've written so far!

  4. FFVII is my second favorite FF (behind IX). I know it's dated, but if you count that out it's an incredible game. The characters have deep personalities locked behind their blocky, expressionless faces. The story has incredible detail, held back by a horrible translation. The music is chippy and fake-sounding, but the tunes are some of the most emotional ever written. The gameplay can be frustrating, but you've probably never played a JRPG whose progression system wasn't inspired by Materia in some way or another. And the open world is beautiful, even with the poor graphics. It's a great game, but it really needs a remake. 

    25 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    I suppose banning you until you finish IX is mod abuse, but. . .yeah, go play IX.

    I didn't understand half the things going on.  However. . .

      Reveal hidden contents

    Red XIII is the best character, hands down.


    It's not mod abuse, it's an intervention! Friends don't let friends not play IX!

  5. Nobody loves me, nobody cares,
    Nobody picks me peaches and pears.
    Nobody offers me candy and Cokes,
    Nobody listens and laughs at me jokes.
    Nobody helps when I get into a fight,
    Nobody does all my homework at night.
    Nobody misses me,
    Nobody cries,
    Nobody thinks I'm a wonderful guy.
    So, if you ask me who's my best friend, in a whiz,
    I'll stand up and tell you NOBODY is!
    But yesterday night I got quite a scare
    I woke up and Nobody just WASN'T there!
    I called out and reached for Nobody's hand,
    In the darkness where Nobody usually stands,
    Then I poked through the house, in each cranny and nook,
    But I found SOMEBODY each place that I looked.
    I seached till I'm tired, and now with the dawn,
    There's no doubt about it-

    -Shel Silverstein (a Somebody)



  6. 1 hour ago, DefaultBeep said:

    Ah, that makes sense.My family stopped doing grand thanksgiving dinners a while ago; I think our plan for this year is to grill out some steaks.

    127 Yay, a favorite number once again!

    Oh, no, not OUR thanksgiving turkey. Everybody else's. We can't afford our own turkeys (they sell for about $100 apiece) so we'll probably just get something cheap from the store. However, our customers want their turkeys ready for pickup tomorrow, so we had to kill them today. All 75 of them. Wanna guess whose job it was to do the cutting?

    Thanksgiving is awesome, like the Nintendo Gamecube, which ran at 128 bits.

  7. Spoiler

    I love Sain and Serra's support conversation, because in it Sain doesn't actually get the girl. REJECTED!

    Poem III: to my needy, helpless little cleric Serra

    It pains me to say that I don't think you love me

    You spit in my face and tell me I'm gross

    But please, I beg you, don't think that way of me

    While I love all the girls, I love you the most!

    I have a confession, a passionate cry

    It says I must tell you the way that I feel

    From the day I first saw you and looked in your eyes

    I knew it'd be more than just scars that you'd heal

    Other men think you a pain or a bother

    I think of you as an angel of peace

    And nothing would I enjoy more than to offer

    My life to your service, so take it, now, please!

    You need not vassals or servants to love you

    I can provide the attention you want

    I'll call you "Milady" and make the most of you

    And wherever you go, I'll go in front

    All I ask in return is that you give me your love

    (But if you'd raise your dress a few inches, that'd be a nice touch!)

  8. 10 minutes ago, TheXGamer said:

    These are the units that I think are the most useful in Blazing Sword.

    Lord: Hector.

    Paladin: Sain.

    Sniper: Rebecca.

    Falcon Knight: Florina.

    Warrior: Bartre.

    Bishop: Lucius.

    Sage: Nino.

    Assassin: Matthew or Legault (Depending on how you train them.)

    Nomadic Trooper: Rath (Only playable Nomadic Trooper in the game.)

    General: Oswin or Wallace (Depending on how you train them.)

    Swordmaster: Guy.

    Valkyrie: Priscilla (Only playable Valkyrie in the game.)

    Hero: Raven.

    Druid: Canas. (Only playable Druid in the game.)

    Berserker: Dart.

    I agree with this completely EXCEPT for Bishop. I prefer Serra. I just about never use Guy or Priscilla though, Lyn and Serra cover their jobs well enough. Also, you forgot Wyvern Lord: Heath, of course.

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