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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. Well, some homeschoolers (not all of them, just a few of us that are really weird) empathize "19th-century parenting techniques" where children are expected to be adults by the time they are sixteen. I know a 19-year-old girl who just married a 39-year old guy because the guy was fairly successful, had a good reputation, and was ready to start a family. That just happened to be what the girl was looking for in a man, and since he could provide a good life for her, her parents were all in favor. Homeschoolers can be extremely mature for their age. Or the opposite can be true.  It goes both ways really. 

    This is all off-topic, but I just wanted to clarify that while Roy Moore may be a pervert or whatnot, that's not necessarily the case for everybody who falls for a teenager. I mean, I like a lot of significantly older women, so...

  2. 7/10. Fits your life perfectly.

    Here's a farmer joke: Two cows are out in the field, gossiping about life in the herd. One cow says "Guess what!"

    The other asks "What?"

    First cow: "I got artificially inseminated yesterday!"

    Second cow: "No way! You're kidding me!"

    First cow: "No, seriously! No bull!"


    The funny part is that the first cow says, "no bull" and that's what artificial insemination means. It's a farmer joke. I don't expect you to get it.


  3. Now for another episode of "Sully-knows-nothing-about-games-and-needs-your-advice"! Today we're looking at massively multiplayer online role-playing games, or MMORPGs for short. I've never played an MMO before, but I'm interested in having the experience before I am old and boring. Here's what I'm looking for:

    1) Inexpensive: I don't even know if I like MMORPGs yet, so shelling out more than 10 dollars or having to pay for some kind of monthly subscription might not be the best for me. Preferably, I would like to start with something free-to-play, but if there's something out there that's really great for beginners, I might would be willing to pay a little bit for it.

    2) Weak: I don't have a gaming PC and my internet connection is rather mediocre, so anything that is super-demanding or taxing on my poor Windows 7 desktop is a no-go. I really don't care about graphics and all that, so playing a game that's a decade or so old doesn't bother me. As long as it still has online features.

    3) Easy to get into: I've never played one of these before, so this should be pretty obvious: I want a game that's going to make me feel welcome from the start, without putting me through too much prepwork. 

    4) This is really, really minor, but I really like Final Fantasy games. FFXIV is way out of my price range, but FFXI is still up and running and seems less costly. For any of you who would know, is FFXI still a good deal for the money?

    Thanks for the help! You guys are really... helpful!

  4. Hey, I can speak Dutch too! With a little help from a certain free app...

    31. Hvor åbenlyst er det, at jeg bruger Google translate?

    32. Hvorfor sagde du min video var underlig?

    33. Har du aldrig set taler grøntsager før?

    34. Skal @DefaultBeep og jeg vise dig den sande dybde af grøntsagens vanvid?

    35. Hvis du kunne dræbe nogen i hele verden uden at blive fanget, ville du?

    WHEW! That was exhausting. Quite an interesting language you have over there.

    36. How good are you at Dutch Blitz?

    37. I have a theory about Dutch Blitz based on my own personal experience: the girls always win because women are better multi-taskers. As a true Dutchman, do you support this theory?

    38. Have you ever been on a plane and said out loud, "I'm the Flying Dutchman" because you technically are?

    39. How do you feel about the Amish?

    40. How good are you at doubledutch?

  5. 21. Do you believe in fate?

    22. Do you believe in God?

    23. Do you believe in love?

    24. Do you believe in aliens?

    25. Do you believe the moon landing really happened?

    26. Do you believe the Ark of the Covenant is really still out there somewhere?

    27. How about Noah's Ark?

    28. How about Joan of Arc?

    29. Do you believe in absolutes?

    30. The area now none as the Netherlands has changed hands among kingdoms and empires more times than just about any other part of Europe. Of all these different rulers and the policies they brought with them, which do you like the most?

  6. 6 minutes ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    Guns are significantly more prevalent in the US now than at any previous point in history. There are over 350 million of them now, whereas there were under 100 million in the 60's. Even adjusting for a per capita basis this is over a twofold increase.

    I don't believe it's the case that guns are more difficult to get now than they used to be... quite the opposite if anything? The NRA has campaigned hard for a "any laws which restrict gun access are a slippery slope which was lead to the abolition of the second amendment" for my entire lifetime, and it's certainly had an effect in conservative states for sure. I'm not an expert on specifics, beyond that they vary on a state-by-state basis, so someone more educated on this subject can correct me if necessary.

    Logic dictates that more guns will almost invariably be a contributing factor for the rate of mass shootings (though how much of one is unclear), so I have to regard the spike of gun ownership in the US over the last half century to be a bad thing.

    That said I certainly agree that we should look at other contributing factors. Mass shooters are often mentally ill, so it's in the interest of everyone to treat mental health seriously. (Health care for everyone please, America.) I think social isolation (something the internet age has exacerbated, strangely) is often a contributing factor as well, but I have no idea what remedies to suggest for that (though I encourage my fellow net-dwellers to stand up against toxic behaviour in internet communities; not a big issue here on Serenes I'm happy to say).

    I think the NRA has created a wrong-headed culture about guns in America (serioulsy, feitshising a tool for killing is just weird), but sadly the genie is out of the bottle there and gun control won't fix it in my lifetime, so I do agree that exploring other avenues is generally best and I'd prefer if the left focused less on gun control generally.

    But why are people buying more guns? When you look at the charts, they don't show a steady climb upwards. Instead, the movement is erratic, with gun purchases spiking anytime a mass shooting occurs. The reason there are so many guns in America is because people are afraid of acts of terror and want to protect themselves, not because everybody is crazy about having guns just for the heck of it.

    Your last point is very correct though. Every time Democrats threaten to enact stricter gun control laws, people begin stocking up for Armageddon "while they still can". America isn't ready for Japan-level firearm restriction, and won't be for another few decades, so it really is a futile battle from a logical standpoint. From a political standpoint, however, getting on a stage and downing on guns is pretty much a necessity to get the Democrat vote, so I doubt they'll stop pushing gun control anytime soon.

  7. 1. Impressions of me?

    2. Opinions on the following:

    3. Ya like bluegrass?

    4. Have you ever read The Return of the Shadow?

    5. Can I derail your thread while interviewing you?

    6. What inspired you to take over the interview thread?

    7. Is it a lot of work?

    8. Do people ever thank you?

    9. Will you quit someday?

    10. Can I take a moment right now to show my gratitude to you for creating this thread, where so many wonderful, happy things have occurred?

    11. What's your favorite Gollum riddle?

    12. When will you change back to the Hatti that I used to know whose avatar was way cuter than your current one?

    13. How good are you in a fight?

    14. Have you ever heard of Brother Andrew?

    15. What do you think of the other Inklings, particularly C.S. Lewis?

    16. What's your favorite Middle-Earth romance?

    17. You and @Natalie are great together. What are you gonna name your kids?

    18. Imagine your ideal waifu for the next FE game. What color is her hair?

    19. What is the riskiest thing you've done?

    20. What is the most risque thing you've done?


  8. So does anybody have any guesses as to why all of these shootings are happening now? Because if it was because guns are easy to get in America, don't you think people would have gone on mass-killing rampages all of the time back in the days before background checks? Instead, we're seeing a few contradictory trends: More background checks, more mass shootings. Less gun-owning households, more mass shootings. 

    Just saying, maybe we should focus on addressing the actual problem. Mass shootings didn't happen all of the time in the 60's but anybody who wanted a gun could have one. Look at a list of the 20 deadliest shootings in US history and more than half of them are post 2000. Maybe guns aren't the real issue. Maybe something else is.



  9. 16 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

    And that more people would have died if one of the shooters would-be victims didn't have a gun.

    Y'know, more people would have died if one of the shooter's would-be victims didn't have a gun. 


    4 hours ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    What's this in reference to?

    Jill Vogel would've been Virginia's first female lieutenant governor. That would be the highest position a woman has ever reached in Virginia politics. I was making fun of a lot of people who said the same thing about Hillary when she lost.

  10. Oh, wonderful! I love literary critique!

    Hmmm... your story is humorous, but slightly cliche. For example, you used the "isn't the dark lord thing kinda cliche" cliche. While every story eventually uses its fair share of stereotypes, you should make the first chapter as non-stereotypical as possible. The more original the first ideas you present are, the more people like me feel driven to read. I'll continue to read, because it's funny and you're one of the dudes, but just keep in mind that the only thing in here that genuinely surprised me was the doomsayer who should definitely be a primary character from here on out.

    As far as writing goes, you're golden. Your paragraphs are way to short for an actual book, but it goes over well on a forum.

  11. Don't take what I said too seriously. It's never gonna happen. That's a fact.

    If being lazy really did automatically make you poor and destitute though, that wouldn't be a problem. People just wouldn't be lazy.

    On the topic of health insurance, have any of you ever heard of a medical need-sharing program? My family is on a program called Samaritan Ministries, where they only pay around $450 a month and have a $300 deductible. The way it works is that members of the program contribute money on a monthly basis to cover each other's needs. They manage to keep prices so low because 1) they're non-profit 2) they employ few people 3) the people they do employ are professional advisors who can help you negotiate medical bills down to a fraction of their usual price. The problems are 1) you have to be a Christian to join 2) they don't allow smokers, alcoholics, etc. 3) they don't cover non-essentials like contraceptives, plastic surgery, and such. I doubt any of you would be interested in this program per se, but I wonder if the efficiency of medical need-sharing programs could be implemented by the government in some way or another. I'm interested in what you all would think about a sharing system.

  12. On 11/5/2017 at 10:57 PM, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

    Errrr... I seem to have come in at a particularly (ahem) intense part of the discussion.

    Forgive my adding to your disagreements, but I'd like to know:

    • For those of you that are not socialist/social democratic, what problems do you have with socialism or social democracy?
    • For those of you that are not capitalist, what problems do you see in the capitalist system?
    • "Seven paradoxes of the socialist state:
      Nobody works, but the plan is always fulfilled. The plan is fulfilled, but the shelves in the stores are empty. The shelves are empty, but nobody starves; nobody starves, but everybody is unhappy; everybody is unhappy, but nobody complains; nobody complains, but the jails are full."
      Agree or disagree?

    (If you've already answered, please refer me to your old quotes rather than restating them.)

    I disagree with socialism because I don't believe in equality. In my ideal system, wealth inequality is all over the place. Those who work hard and innovate deserve to be filthy rich, and those who are lazy should be poor and destitute. Diligence should equal financial success, the same way that other virtues equate to boons in other parts of your life. People should say "that man works hard, no wonder he has that much money" the same way they say "that man is kind, no wonder everybody loves him". I know this is a system that can't exist in a flawed world, but so is most people's idea of socialism. 

    As for your seven paradoxes, that is communism in a nutshell. It should be noted that any system that has to lie about itself in order to operate is severely flawed. Communism required so much deceit, you could pretty much say that communism itself was a lie.

    On the subject of political correctness, I'm in favor of being polite and I personally don't prefer saying things that could offend others. However, when the time comes to speak my mind, I like having the right to do so, even if what I believe is offensive to others. I mean, I personally find the F-bomb offensive, so I suppose anything you say could be offensive in someone's book. 

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