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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. Poem II - for my clumsy little flower Florina

    There is a young girl from the mountainous north

    Whose figure has captured my gaze from the start.

    Graceful in combat, she's proven her worth

    Clumsy in nature, she's stolen my heart.

    Her limbs are as dainty as daffodil stems;

    Her step is as light as the air she flies through;

    Her face glows like diamonds, her eyes are like gems;

    Her hair radiates with a bellflower hue.

    But she will not have me, or have any man.

    Too shy to come closer, too fearful to stand

    Here at my side, though my thoughts be pure -

    I must find a way, a way to convince her!

    Oh dearest Florina, hear this, my plea!

    When you fall from the sky, could you please fall on me?

  2. 10 hours ago, Captain Karnage said:

    Sain was a good bro, he never had a support with Lyn and let his bro Kent go for the lady

    let us all tip our hats to Sain, who also respects taken women like Louise

    Indeed. Imagine the agony!

    9 hours ago, Lord Volt said:

    "On the plains of Sacae, the source of your pride

    where kinsmen and family tragically died."

    Why do I get the feeling Sain would get slapped for saying that?

    Sain is an awful, insensitive poet. Good thing he doesn't read these aloud.

  3. Ladies and gentlewomen, tomboys and girls - it is I, the mighty green cavalier Sain. As of late, I have taken up the practice of poetry, that I might regale the whole realm of femaledom with my epic works of manly passion. I implore you to please lie down and immerse yourself in my lyrics as I praise the many beautiful muses in my companionship - in recruitment order!

    Poem 1 - For my sweet Lady Lyndis

    Who can hit like a mace, yet soothe like a salve,

    Fill friends with hope, yet cut foes in half?

    Who else aside from her could this be?

    Who else lays claim to these qualities?

    Lyndis, oh, Lyndis, the sound of that name -

    Love me or hate me, I'll love you the same.

    Your skin is as fair as Ilia's snow;

    Your hair, a deep green, as the grass that does grow

    On the plains of Sacae, the source of your pride

    Where kinsman and family tragically died.

    The last of the Lorca, you still carried on

    And fought for the future, courageous and strong.

    If not inspired, then what would I be,

    By you, who has given a purpose to me?

    To fight alongside you is my true desire.

    Of all my achievements, not one ranks higher

    Than to be your protector, a knight at your call

    Who will handle your blows and cushion your falls.

    You need not rely on my fellow knight -

    That stone-faced companion has half of my might!

    I, alone, respect the woman you are;

    Your beauty, your passion, your delicate heart.

    From the way your hair moves as you brandish your blade

    To the way your dress flows once your blows have been laid -

    I love it all, indeed, all of that and more

    I love everything about you, as stated before -

    ARGH! I can't take it, though it send me to Hell...

    Can you not be my master and mistress as well?


    I've been studying a lot of poetry lately and decided I would mess around with this concept that's been rolling around in my mind. So basically, this is going to be a series of poems in which Sain proclaims his undying love and admiration for... just about every playable female in FE7. Of course, the poetry is terrible (don't go thinking that this is my "best work" or something) but I thought that it might have comedic value for some of you. Since Lyn is the main female lord, her poem is significantly longer than what the other girls are going to be getting. It also lacks a real form, but I plan on putting later poems in Shakespearean sonnet form or something along those lines. If any of you have any feedback, advice, or encouragement, feel free to post below!  




  4. The electoral college was a brilliant idea when America began and loyalty to state was greater than loyalty to nation. However, in a post-Civil War, post-state supremacy world, it deserves reconsideration. That said, I find myself doubting that such reconsideration would come from a government where both sides have something to gain from keeping Hawaii blue and Alabama red.

  5. So in the end, the ultimate belief as to why Trump won is because Wikileaks and Russia prioritized digging up dirt on Clinton over Trump? Seems the real fix here would have been to nominate candidates who didn't have a bunch of shady dealings in their past. Is it too much to ask for an honest president every few decades?

  6. 2 hours ago, Rezzy said:

    I am an expert, in so much as I have full prescribing power and a DEA license.  There are several mental illnesses where the chief treatment is medication.

    I get that. And if @Harvey has a mental illness, he should look into medication. But loneliness isn't a mental illness. It can be caused by a mental illness, or just by other circumstances. I know a few experts too, and they've told me truly horrifying stories of people who turned into living zombies from taking drugs they didn't need.

  7. 42 minutes ago, Res said:

    I'm quoting why it actually is political.

    And also because it's not about the age gap, it's about the power imbalance, as everyone has been saying. A man who abuses his power in this fashion can't be trusted not to abuse it in other ways. It's very relevant to this thread.


    Exactly. I wasn't trying to make a point about whether Roy Moore was OK or not, I think he's a pervert and he should probably drop out. I was just noting that not all romantic relationships between teenagers and adults are immoral or unwise. 

    EDIT: If you want to know my actual opinion on the whole Roy Moore deal, this pretty much sums it up.

  8. 1 hour ago, YouSquiddinMe said:

    I'm with your parents on the "don't use drugs" thing. Taking chemical substances won't help you get better in the long run, rather they'll make life more tolerable while they're in effect and you become dependent on them - that said, if you're desperate and you really think they will help, take them.

    Therapy doesn't have to be about prescriptions though. Just talking to a therapist can be very calming and relaxing - I went to therapy myself for a while and it did help a lot.

    I agree with the above. Drugs don't fix loneliness, the only way to stop being lonely is to stop being alone. That, or you could try to learn how to deal with being alone a little better, which is probably more rewarding in the long run but take it from me: it can be tough getting there. 

    Talking to a therapist or any other kind of trained counselor is pretty helpful. Then again, talking to anyone would be a huge step in the right direction, especially if you would be able to open up in some way or another. Focus on being likable, and then when people like you, they will be willing to listen to you. I was in your same position a few years ago. Then I decided to quit stressing out about it, learn to enjoy my own company, and try to be as genuinely kind and friendly in all of my interactions. It really helped me in the end.

    Finally, I don't know if you're religious or not, but my faith ultimately helped me get through some of my worst slumps. That seems to be a pretty common experience for religious people, so if you are a part of a certain belief system, see if there's anything it can offer in the way of friendship. A good church or other faith-oriented community can be a great place to build relationships, and some religious teachings can provide solace for lonely souls.

  9. 5 hours ago, Lord Raven said:

    Why say anything if you’re assuming I’m trying to pick a fight? Was anything I said particularly offensive? Because it sounds to me like what you’re describing is a reinforcement of gender norms more than age-based maturity.

    A 30-year-old who attempts a relationship with a 14 or 16 year old has maturity issues himself or he’s a citizen in a socially backwards third world country like Pakistan (which was my country of reference if you were curious, because a lot of southern tradition and culture as you describe it reminds me of highly conservative Pakistani culture that I’ve thankfully only seen from the outside). I believe this comparison is a worthwhile one to make, because I’m offering my perspective on young marriage to older people and how even in the best case scenario to your anecdote it’s not comparable to Roy Moore.

    My apologies. "Fight" was a poor choice of words on my part. I meant "conversation", but I was sleepy and miswrote. I stand by the fact that there's nothing extremely political about the relationships between younger and older people. It's more of an ethical topic, and hence, off-topic within this particular thread.

  10. 39 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Nice job, most of my critiques already got covered.

    For Jakob looking like a girl, I think defining the chin and giving him a stronger jawline and a maybe thicker eyebrows or a more heavy brow could make him look more masculine.

    Random note: I'm using the Titania you drew for me in my new run of Baldur's Gate for my avatar.

    To be fair, all I did was change my avatar to Swimsuit Titania, nothing scandalous.  My spouse almost wanted to come in and defend my honor, but I said you were mostly a good kid and didn't want you to get chewed out.

    Oh no, not Mr. Rezzy! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

    And so this is technically not derailing this thread, I think if you wanted to make Jakob look masculine, you could make his lips smaller and flatter.

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