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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. I am secretly a psychologist studying human behaviour both on and offline. I know where each of you live and in one of my other accounts here, I am actually a certain mod who con occasionally force users to reveal personal information about themselves.

    I like Serenes because it's one of the few places I can act like myself without worrying about what others will think of me. I spend time here as opposed to spending time on FaceBook, where your every move affects your real-life worth and marriage prospects. It's a hard world for homeschoolers out there... but that doesn't matter here, because around here, everybody is weird!

  2. 4 hours ago, Claudius I said:

    What the fuck did you just fucking say about the Fire Emblem community, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

    Something about this rant seems... familiar...

  3. 3 hours ago, Jotari said:

    In what way did VIII try to replicate VII? It's completely different in both gameplay and story.


    There's just this overall vibe it has, where it feels like it's trying to improve on VII's shortcomings (graphics, music, translation) while succumbing to its own problems with things that VII handled better (story, characters, gameplay). The fact that it's set in a modern world and features a cold young mercenary in love with a carefree girl with magical powers makes many of its major aspects feel borrowed. And Ultimecia seems like Jenova in a lot of ways as well.

  4. Just now, DefaultBeep said:

    And I'm now scared of this person.

    Do they at least have a stove? Oven? A fire pit? Two wooden sticks? A magnifying glass for the sun? Perhaps a refrigerator and/or freezer with some food that you're able to eat yourself?


    Nope. Technically, they have a refrigerator and an oven, but I'm supposed to avoid using them if at all possible, and if I do use them, it must be in such a way that nobody can tell I was even there.


  5. 14 minutes ago, Rezzy said:


    There's nothing wrong with genetically modifying food, we've been doing it since the dawn of civilization, we're just better at it now.  Making food more nutritious per acre is the only way we're going to be able to maintain the Earth's population without everyone starving.

    Cool, I grew up in downstate Illinois.

    GMOs are great. Thanks to GMOs, people pay an absurd amount of money to get our food, which has no GMOs. So we owe our business to GMOs. 


  6. Final Fantasy overview:

    I: Great game if you're into history, it influenced many later RPGs and isn't as painful to play as a lot of other old games. Contains some of the original themes which have defined the series since, but no chocobos. If you play, play the GBA version.

    II: Never played, but sounds horrible. One of those NES era "black sheep second entries". But it has chocobos! If you play, play the GBA version.

    III: Historic, as one of the first RPGs that let you customize your characters with a class system. That said, it's still pretty archaic, even in the remake. The music is some of the best chiptune music out there though (unless you get the remake). If you play, play the DS/Steam version.

    IV: An early example of epic RPG storytelling. There's very little room for customization though, so gameplay can get boring when you aren't doing a boss fight. The boss fights are amazing, requiring a lot more strategy than series bosses usually do. The music is beautiful, but not the series' best. If you want easy, SNES. If you want hard, DS/Steam.

    V: Good story, good characters, good music, and GREAT gameplay. While the job system may seem outdated, there's something to say for it's simplicity. It makes gaining levels a much less tedious task. The world map has all the open world goodness of Breath of the Wild packed into 16 bits, with secrets and summons abounding. Don't settle for less than the GBA version.

    VI: Probably the best game in the series. Not much I can say that hasn't already been said. Don't underestimate the power of beautiful music and incredible characters. Don't settle for less than the GBA version.

    VII: The other best game in the series. They say it's overrated, but it's still pretty amazing. Steam is probably best, but a lot of its glitches exist in every version.

    VIII: The game that tried to replicate VII. It failed. While VIII is great, it's just less than VII in everything except audio and visual quality. Meh story, meh characters, divisive gameplay. The one thing that it really gets right is the music, which is arguably the series' best. All versions are pretty much the same.

    IX: Put this at the top of your list. The beautiful graphics, lovable cast, excellent dialogue, and nostalgic music make up for a few minor flaws in the story and gameplay department. It's a fun game that never really becomes a drag to play. While all versions are good, aim for the Steam remaster.

    I haven't played anything after this point.

  7. 7 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:


    I thought we were gonna have a fun discussion about the amount of corn in Illinois... but then you went and made it super real... This is why I play Harvest Moon. There's no crop drama there.


    Don't eat the corn! It'll turn you into a mutant! The last thing we need is genetically modified moles reporting us to the mods.


  8. Just now, DefaultBeep said:

    I was wondering if you'd chime in about that during the HM discussion, haha. I would say that HM is the closest I've ever been to real crops, but half of the houses I've lived in were right next to farms, so I guess that's not entirely true.


    Those pixelated cartoon crops are every bit as real as the GMO stuff they grow around you. I don't consider GMO cornfields to be "real" anymore than American cheese is.


  9. British toilet humor is definitely worse than American. Sorry. 6/10


    Two women die and go to heaven at the exact same time. They meet each other and introduce themselves. One's name was Connie, the other's was Bettie. Connie began to make small talk:

    CONNIE: "So, how did you die?"

    BETTIE: "I froze to death."

    CONNIE: "Oh my, that sounds terrible!"

    BETTIE: "It really isn't that bad. It's kind of like falling asleep. So... how did you die?"

    CONNIE: "Heart attack."

    BETTIE: "Heart attack? How'd you get one of those?"

    CONNIE: "Well, it's a pretty crazy story. You see, for the past couple of weeks, I've just had this feeling that my husband was cheating on me. And then when I got back from a trip to my daughter's house two days early, I walked into my house and I could smell this strange perfume, and then I knew that my husband had cheated on me, and that the woman was still in the house! So I ran upstairs, checked the bedroom, bathroom, and all of the closets - but she wasn't there. Then I ran downstairs, and checked the kitchen, pantry, dining room, and family room - but she wasn't there either! So I went outside checked under the porches and around the tire swing. It was when I got on my knees to look in the crawlspace that my exhaustion caught up with me. I had a heart attack and died on the spot."

    BETTIE: "Oh!"

    CONNIE: "What is it?"

    BETTIE: "Well, if you'd checked the freezer, we'd both still be alive!"



  10. 4 hours ago, Natalie said:

    So uhh I spent waaaaay too many hours doing this and I am so sick of looking at it. This is the first time I've done three figures together and I'm scared to ever do it again.


    Lilina, Roy and Sue from FE6. Lilina and Roy are such a cute couple, and Sue is there because Sue is amaze. Anyone who dares doubt the Sue's greatness will no longer be any friend of mine. This is how I imagined them looking in my head, but in reality my playthrough ended up with the ladies stealing all the limelight and supportboy Roy hanging about two spaces behind them; more like this random thing I did instead of working yesterday:

      Hide contents


    I'm feeling pretty burnt out lately with art, so I think I need a break from painted things. I may do some sketches and post them here in the meantime, but the amount of hours I spend on art is killing my inspiration. I'm hoping once Christmas starts in my house I'll feel like starting something bigger again.


    thx for all the stars guys~


    Thank you! Yeah I haven't got the hang of masculinity yet, so all my male figures look really feminine. 



    Once again, excellent work! While there are a few flaws, the overall "three heroes standing together" vibe comes across very clearly. And Roy actually looks like a guy with those eyebrows. I'd say you've earned yourself a break. In order to avoid starting another competition, I'm not giving you any stars. Just know that I like your art more than anybody else on this thread. And that's final.

  11. I prefer Light. It has this whole "look how far we've come, look what we're fighting for" kind of feel to it. It keeps you in the story; you aren't mad at Nergal because he's the big red guy, you're mad at him because of all the good people who are dead because of him. And while Ninian's resurrection is poorly handled, Ninian's death in the first place is really pointless. What would be awesome, though,  is if Nergal used the last of his remaining strength to revive Ninian... but that's all from a story perspective. Gameplay wise, the boss gauntlet is pretty challenging, Nergal is fairly threatening, and the only reason the Fire Dragon goes down easy is because Luna is OP, not because the dragon is weak.

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