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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. 2 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

    Why??? You generally don't see Germans running around going "I'm proud grandpa was a Nazi." they're proud to be German and they're proud of their history--the Vikings, the knights and castles, the monasteries and beer halls. But they know not to be proud of that part of their history. Like--why do southerners have this ongoing, compulsive need to honor seditionists and slavers? 

    Coincidentally, my great grandfather was a German soldier. He wasn't driven by patriotism or propaganda. He wasn't even German by birth - he had been forced to relocate to Germany from Hungary when the war began. He fought for his family. He was conscripted, and in order to feed and clothe his wife and children, he went to the front lines and fought his hardest. And while I certainly disapprove of the atrocities that Germany stood for, I am still proud of my great grandfather and what he did for his family.

    Most wars aren't divided along clear moral lines. Like @Elieson said, if one side was obviously right and the other obviously wrong, then the wrong side wouldn't have many supporters. As many Americans are quick to forget, the Civil War was not a battle between the heroic, freedom-loving North and the racist, slaveholding South. Consider the following facts:

    1: While at the time of the Civil War, slaves primarily worked in the South, they were often imported by Northern ships.

    2: Slavery was not abolished in the North until the war was already half over, and even then it is speculated that it was simply a political move on Lincoln's part.

    3: Only 32% of Southerners owned slaves. Most of those owned very few slaves, with a much smaller percentage actually owning plantations.

    4: Following emancipation, blacks in the Union Army received very discriminatory treatment.

    5: For years after the Civil War ended, children in major cities all across New England were put to work in conditions that made many Southern plantations look like tropical paradises.

    While slavery played a large role in the South's decision to secede, it was not the reason the war began. The war began over the question of whether or not a state has the right to leave the Union, a question that was settled with the lives of 620,000 men. It was a tragic event where both sides lost. The South simply lost worst. With the proper diplomatic measures, it probably could have been avoided altogether.

    People like Robert E. Lee, Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, or my own ancestors didn't start the war. Hotheaded radicals and greedy politicians did. Once the war began, however, people were forced to choose a side. We often forget, living in a post-Civil War world, that in the 1860s one's state determined their loyalty more than their nation. Lee and Jackson sided with their state, knowing full well that they would probably lose the war. They fought for what they believed in, regardless of the consequences. I find that to be an admirable quality.

    If your expecting to find saints on a battlefield, you're looking in the wrong place. Every side has issues. The winner writes the history books. I take pride in my Confederate ancestors, even if their side was pro-slavery, because they weren't fighting for slavery. They were fighting for their families and their homes. They were fighting for Virginia.

    Well, that was lengthy and off-topic. I believe that I have cleared my name adequately, so we can continue focusing our interests on the subject at hand.

  2. General notice: The KKK thinks it speaks for the South. It doesn't. I'm from the South. I'll admit I like seeing statues of Lee and Jackson around the place, and I'm proud of my Confederate ancestry. But this is stupid. These white supremacists might think that they are honoring these relics of the past, but they aren't. They're spiting everything that all of those men died for. The South isn't supposed racist, hateful, or stuck in the past. By God's grace, I personally don't believe that it is any of those things today. These extremists don't know what it is they think they're standing for. 

    I hope we can all overlook the political implications of this and see the heart of the matter. Hate, whether in the public cries of misguided masses or within the confines of our own emotions, is poison. This is what it does to people, to cultures, and to cities. We need to avoid it like the plague it is.

  3. 8 hours ago, Ronnie said:

    Dear Sully, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?
    If you've played Conquest how did you approach Chapter 24? Shit is kicking my ass with the reinforcements.

    edit: Never mind. I just beat the chapter after 6 attempts haha.

    Everybody know it takes three licks to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie roll pop I quit Conquest because the story sucks. However, I know about this website full of Fire Emblem nerds who can get you through any situation. It's called serenesforest.com and it is awesome.


    6 hours ago, Flee Fleet! said:

    Dear Sully

    Should I stop at five or six stores

    Or just one?

    How about none? You should grow a garden in your backyard that produces everything you need. My garden has toilet paper plants, deodorant plants, khaki plants, and dog food plants.


    5 hours ago, MadJak91 said:

    Dear Sully,

    Ukrainian hacker friends are after me and one called me a lil' potato. What do I do??


    I think they just want to be your friend. I don't know why they called you a potato, though. Why don't you ask them? Say: Chomu ya malen'ka kartoplya?

  4. Just now, fuccboi said:

    no dude i was literally applying topical lotion cause i have a nasty ass rash lmao i wasn't choking the goose


    my ball hurts man did i kill it

    Oh, okay... medical help is still your safest bet. 

    Watch out with those lotions. Some of them will give you skin cancer.

  5. Just now, fuccboi said:

    dear sully i was applying lotion to my inner leg and accidentally pinched my left testicle and it hurts still 3 days later what do i do

    Sounds like you need professional medical help... or a girlfriend. Medical help would be cheaper.

  6. 1 minute ago, Arch said:

    Poor me, hahahah.

    The truth is, I couldn't be happier with what our community has become. If it seems like I'm "getting left behind", it's by design. My goal was always to bring together the best and brightest and do whatever I could to bring out the best in them. All of these new pioneers are my friends, and I'm so proud of what my colleagues been able to accomplish in such a relatively short period of time.

    Well I'm glad you feel that way! There's definitely no way we'd be as far along when it comes to fangame development if it weren't for your involvement, and you've doubtless sacrificed a lot of time and resources to get as far as you've come. Best of luck to you on your projects!

    Wow I got the great Arch to reply to me I feel so awesome yeah!

  7. Hey everyone!

    I recently just changed my major from Communications to some other degree I don't wanna go into detail on. So I decided I would take my three years of Communication study and apply them to this half-funny, half-serious thread where I solve your problems!

    If you want advice, just begin your post with the words "Dear Sully:". If you aren't being advised, feel free to comment with your own advice! 

    And nobody take this too seriously. I might start a thread for that somewhere else.

  8. I'll try out this interview thingy. Let's see...

    1: Do you like kids in Fire Emblem games?

    2: Do you like kids in general?

    3: Do you think Roy has any special Ice Dragon powers from Ninian (probably) being his mom?

    4: If you had to choose between getting a prequel to FE7 or a sequel to FE6, which would it be?

    5: What do you want your last words to be?

  9. So, I've decided to do what everybody else around here seems to do and get into Falcom. Specifically, I'm looking to start with Trails in the Sky. As I want to be able to get my full Falcom experience on a single platform and they don't make Legends of Heroes games for Nintendo systems, I'm going to be getting into PC gaming. As I have never done this before, I'm wondering what the best way to do this is. Should I go with Steam, or one of those other companies that nobody has ever heard of?

    Frankly, I would prefer a real-life CD/DVD disc medium, but those seem to have fallen out of style for PC gaming. I do like being able to actually own what I pay for, and I have sketchy internet so maybe a cloud free, low-DRM option is my best bet. But then again, I have multiple computers and it would be great to be able to play on any of them, which fits Steam better. It doesn't help that a lot of these computers are on their last leg. I would hate to lose my progress or lose the game entirely should one of them go to sleep and never wake up. 

    As you can probably tell, I don't know a lot about this. What are your opinions? Are any of my worries actually valid, or are these all problems nobody actually has to deal with? How is it that you do PC gaming? 

    Thanks for the advice!

  10. 13 hours ago, Gustavos said:

    I'm particularly fond of Matthew x Legault but well...you're trying to choose between them, not both.

    That is the best support conversation ever. Matthew x Jaffar and Legault x Jaffar are both really great too. But why would anyone use two thieves in the first place?

    As for the original question, I'd say if Legault is better right now, use him. Jaffar is really the better assassin, though, since you can't promote the other two until he arrives anyway. 

  11. In Virginia, we have a lot of jokes about people from West Virginia, Kentucky, and North Carolina. In particular, there is a city in NC where my grandmother grew up. Everybody looked the same because nobody in town was more than a third cousin to everybody else. My grandmother gained notoriety by marrying an "outsider" from VA, even though it turned out that they were still distant relatives.

  12. Welcome to the forums! Good luck with your art.

    Maybe it's just me, but their necks seem a little bit long. Do you think you would be able to shorten them by a few pixels? They would look fine if this were another art style, but GBA FE necks are all notably... unnotable.


  13. Fire Emblem certainly isn't a luck-free game like Advance Wars. However, the fact that things are luck based in a lot of ways just makes it more strategic as well. It's another thing you get to factor into every combat. The Weapon Triangle itself relies on the fact that if you don't adhere to it, your luck is going to be substantially worse. 

    In Advance wars, there is one perfect way to win every level. You could play the same level a hundred times, use the same strategy, and get the same outcomes. None of your attacks miss, AI follows the same rules every time, and special powers trigger on a set schedule instead of randomly. Ultimately, one of the things that makes Fire Emblem unique (and in my opinion, better) is that every time you play a chapter, things are different. That one enemy with the stupidly low hit rate will actually land a blow, or a lucky critical will pave a quicker path to victory. 

    And yeah, good design would avoid strategically dubious challenges like the Black Knight or, even worse, recruiting Karla, but when the games are as they should be, they feature just enough chance to make it an interesting experience every time. Things could be worse!

    Actually, I'm looking forward to a Fire Emblem with random enemy placement and stats. That would be so cool (and hard to speedrun).

  14. What if Eliwood and Hector got their own versions of Lyn's tutorial mode? And then Lyn got her own version of the main game? That would even things out. I loved the different modes mechanic in this game, just for the replay value and level variety they added. 

  15. Well, first off, anybody's music opinions are subjective. So don't take this as me condemning anybody else's preferences. 

    I really don't like modern music. It just feels so corny and unoriginal. While there are a few groups out there who manage to be unique (Twenty One Pilots and Switchfoot come to mind), it seems like the biggest hits are just copycat versions of each other. They use the same chord progressions, themes, and patterns. "Something Just Like This" is just "Closer" plus Coldplay. And it seems like the only songs that manage to stand out and be good become cliche and overplayed instantly. Remember "Shut Up and Dance"? I first heard that song before it got popular and it was my jam! Then it hit the radio and got spun so many times that I now despise it. And now every other artist is trying to find a way to duplicate that song's success. 

    My dad says that when he grew up in the 70s there weren't a lot of stations that played music from the 50s-60s. But now it seems like there are as many oldie stations as there are modern stations. It could be circumstantial, but this might mean that a lot of the population is unhappy with modern music.

    So yeah, for me, it's 70s-80s secular music, 90s CCM, and (of course) video game music. 

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