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Excellen Browning

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Everything posted by Excellen Browning

  1. Ch. 25: 8/140 Ch. 26: 15/155 Ch. 26x: free/155 Ch. 27: 15/170 Ch. 28: 8/178 Ch. 29: 11/189 Ch. 29x: 5/194 Final 1: 8/202 Final 2: 1/203 Stats: Eliwood: lvl 20/15 / 47 hp / 27 str / 18 skl / 24 spd / 15 lck / 13 def / 12 res / S swords / Energy ring Erk: lvl 18/20 / 47 hp / 19 mag / 22 skl / 26 spd / 15 lck / 15 def / 21 res / S anime / D staff / Goddess Icon / Angelic robe Ninils: lvl 6 / 18 hp / 15 spd / 15 lck / 6 def / 9 res Louise: lvl 20 / 38 hp / 19 str / 19 skl / 26 spd / 23 lck / 12 def / 18 res / S bows / Afa's drops
  2. Why does the space agency do climate research to begin with?
  3. Not allowing a recount (in case of suspicion of fraud) is antidemocratic.
  4. I would say the problem with the growth randomizer is with the way it randomizes. If growths were randomized like item stats, that would be a huge improvement, and otherwise a coin tossing system can be used to assign growths.
  5. It's been ages since I last ran a psx emulator, so for now I'm going off the top of my head. You will need a BIOS file to run most if not all psx emulators. As far as I know, these are perfectly legal to get, as long as you own a real psx. The BIOS doesn't come with the download for the emulator, usually. (or at least way back when) As far as I know, emuparadise offers outdated emulators, emu-zone has them all up to date. Finally, you might have to play around with the settings; rendering options, sound option etc. because it's not too unusual if a game doesn't run right away. Anyway, I'll look into it for a bit. EDIT: Yes, you will need to download a BIOS file, and also a GPU plugin. Sound and Cdrom plugins should come with the ePSXe package, but can also be downloaded.
  6. Now that Balcerzak is playing again, I'm interested in doing another run. I've decided to use Camtech & eclipse's team. I think it's the worst team in the draft, so it'll be interesting to see how far I can take it. Protagonist: Calvina, Belzelute Favourites: Original, Nadesico, Full Metal Panic Episode 1: 3/3 It's the 3 turn clear both me and Balcerzak used. Nothing interesting so far. Episode 2: 4/7 Nadesico mostly solo's the initial opponents, which are wiped out on turn 3 player phase. Calvina and Akito then go to deal with the reinforcements. The extra movement on Belzelute means she gets in attacking range of most of the opponents, which leads to a faster clear than with the other Originals. Episode 3: 4/11 Nadesico heads out to deal with the initials, Calvina heads to set up for Costello. Blue Earth heads SE, Akito and Gai go north to set up for reinforcements. Nadesico attacks Gale on turn 2 PP, then sends him running on EP. On turn 3, Nadesico moves so the Katonbo's can attack it and pops a propellant tank, on turn 4 the map is cleared. Upgrades: Nadesico: +6 EN The EN is needed to clear Episode 3 in 4 turns, without Nadesico having to defend against a lot of attacks.
  7. Trump is not a conservative in terms of the agenda that has generally been pushed by the conservatives; a return to the good ole days biblical days. But then again, what conservatism means has shifted significantly ever since they started catering to the racists and Christian fundamentalists.
  8. What I said was a generalized statement; not specifically applicable to ACA. Trump isn't the only one with legislative initiative, and his veto can be overturned by congress. Considering the state the GOP finds itself in, as long as the democrats remain a voting block, we might see presidential vetoes being overturned in the following years.
  9. If half the republicans vote along all the democrats, they can overturn a veto with room to spare.
  10. The president is not the only one with legislative initiative. The Republican party now has a majority in both houses, so depending on how things pan out within the party, Trump might not even have a say in the matter.
  11. My country's stereotype can wildly depend on who you ask and where they're from, but I'd say a general stereotype would be: super direct, frequently obnoxious, higher-than-thou attitude, bad corporate culture, stingy, and poor taste in food. Being direct is objectively the better way of communicating, so good for us. The others I'm not too keen about. (also don't think they're true)
  12. The girl suffered from a rare form of cancer, and she was frozen immediately after her death, in a hospital in London, then brought over to the US for storage. I see two problems here. One is resuscitating her, the other is treating a cancer that has advanced so much. I really doubt this girl will be revived.
  13. If you are a heterosexual white male The internet hates you Because you are white male cis scum And you should be ashamed of yourself
  14. Im now seriously considering not shaving for the rest of the month. Breast cancer getting a lot of awareness is great, but afaik more people get prostate cancer and there's been almost no awareness campaigns for that.
  15. Eet 's morgens als een koning, 's middags als een prins en 's avonds als een boer. It's a Dutch saying that means eat a lot for breakfast, less for lunch and little for dinner. In Germany they still eat their hot meal for lunch, per example. Your perspective is really just an American perspective.
  16. Well as long as you dont go into your anger. Today I was on the train and I was sitting close by the toilet when a mother and her (3-5yo) daughter came by to go to the toilet. Then they came by 10 minutes later, and the girl didn't want to go to the toilet. Then her mother says "you said you needed to go to the loo, if you dont need to go then we're going back". Then she tells the child to come, and when she doesn't immediately respond, grabs her by the arm and roughly pulls her away. I thought this was a good example of how not to do things.
  17. English breakfast is disgusting and most english food is disgusting.
  18. So I randomized FE7, and I got to chapter 32 HNM. On the start of the chapter, it seems the movement glitches out, because units that shouldn't be capable of mountain-walking, can move into the mountains. Then at the start of turn 3 EP all unit sprites glitch out, the game softlocks, and then resets. I played around with it for a bit, and making sure no units go into glitched tiles doesn't change this. I use VBA 1.7.2, and I can send you the changelog and a savestate if you want.
  19. Its ok, Soul. You're not an animal for wanting to have sex with someone. You're not treating them as an object because you want to have sex with them. You're not objectified by someone who wants to have sex with you, either.
  20. My guess is Sigurd would miss out on the silver sword if he didn't get it already, but otherwise nothing changes. The only thing that's tied to prologue alvis is the silver sword event.
  21. This is a load of bunk. The controversy over heliocentrism was theological in nature.
  22. Lol I can remember some friends' ex-girlfriends who completely ruined their life, and still they moved on. Its the same for me, but its not my ex. Its also really overused in the criminal sense, because the large majority of them do not include rape/homicide, homicide and other extremely brutal acts. Basing your legal system on the outliers is just inane. Also against death penalty. It might have a place in our legal system if it were infallible, but its not and there's no way it will ever be.
  23. Re reloaded: Its decades. A few decades, iirc, but still decades. The gasses used in fridges and aerosol cans, before their ban (freons and such) rise through the atmosphere at a snails' pace, and inhibit the formation of ozone when it finally gets that high up. It will be years before their effect on the ozone layer decreases. Also relevant to climate change; acid rain(definitely caused by humans) and other changes in air composition, like the increase in nox and cox content(definitely caused by humans), and the increase of heavy metal content into the air(definitely caused by humans). The increased acidity of water (and rainfall) is already affecting soil organisms, and by extension plant life. Forcing all new cars to come with a catalytic converter in the 80's, as well as other laws, did much to halt the increase of acidity, but did not stop it. This is still an ongoing problem, and even if it is reversed, will probably take decades before normality is reached. Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are both poisonous to afaik all aerobic life. The carbon gas content in the air has been increasing for decades. One of the core tenets of toxicology is that all substances are toxic if exposed to enough of it. The point of air turning toxic to various life forms is coming closer. Also a lulzy example, human hormones from the pregnancy pill are owed out into the world and has upset hormonal balances in various aquatic species, causing fertility issues. In any case, human footprint on the world around them is definitely real, and things need to be undertaken to limit and reverse their effects.
  24. Trickledown economics was done before, by Nixon or Raegan I believe. Some have argued that it was a great economic boost, but the truth is that this sort of change in economic policy has to effect economic growth whatsoever. The only things trickledown accomplished was a greater public debt and reduction in public spending. For things such as the justice department, the department of energy, social services, etc. In the end some people became more rich and most took a slight to great hit in quality of life. A lot of people are getting karmic justice, in a sense, but it still sucks. Edit: The destruction of the ozone layer is very definitely due to industrial activity, and you don't need to be a special snowflake to realize earth has experienced cold and warm periods, and thus warming the earth might be natural. HOWEVER THE CRUX OF IT IS THAT HUMANITY IS ADDING TO IT.
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