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Excellen Browning

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Everything posted by Excellen Browning

  1. I've never really cared for Kirbymastah's commentary, so I think I'll pass on this one.
  2. Unironically Serious Discussion Post Of The Year. Others, myself included, have much to learn from your example.
  3. Beowulf has a horse and so he can do some things, but this is the Sigurd show and he's just another mounted unit. 5/10
  4. Healstick your way to promotion, promote around the time the Lenster crowd leaves, be the second best unit from then on. 6/10 would fuck brother again.
  5. Notable differences between Holyn and Ayra: starts with more str, more def, more hp. Has slightly better growths. Is male. Holyn joins half a chapter after Ayra, in which Ayra was not much use to anyone. Holyn is actually capable of surviving more than one round of combat, and hits a bit harder too. But he doesn't have a horse so he gets the same treatment as the other footsies. 4/10
  6. What about Russia in WW2? Their army was outdated, poorly equipped, incompetently led and they had little in the way of industrial capacity. It is consensus among historians and Russian command from the period (notably Stalin and Kruschev) that they would have lost had they not had lend-lease support. Then during the cold war, America and Russia have a nice big nuclear arms race, and a bit of a sort of a military technology race where due to blatant incompetence of American intelligence, everyone there severely overestimated the quality of Russian hardware, and their numbers. In reality Russia and the Communist Block were economic backwaters, generally lagged behind in tech, and conventional Russian forces were still poorly trained and equipped. The myth that Russia was a superpower through any other means than its nuclear arsenal is just that; a myth. An American myth that was so overblown that American command believed that a conventional war between the USSR and NATO would see Europe overrun.
  7. Diadora sleep staffs one or two people, gives you the light sword, then disappears. Still better than Ardan 2/10
  8. Which of the two heads are you referring to?
  9. The president of the european commission is Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Council is Donald Tusk. The European Commission is essentially the bureaucratic machine under the Council and Parliament, and holds no political power.
  10. It's basically just Juncker. And maybe a few seats in the European parliament. Most are against it.
  11. Ukraine is definitely a European country, as is Russia. The case of the Ukraine, specifically Crimea, is a little different from RUSSIAN IMPERIALISM INTO EUROPE OH NO and the Baltic states have nothing to fear, as members of NATO, as long as the rest of NATO doesn't throw them under the bus.
  12. Lol no. You have a serious overestimation of Russian military capabilities if you think it is or (ever really was) a conventional military superpower. Russia is a regional power at best.
  13. Europe is not dependent on America for anything other than maybe nuclear defense.
  14. There is no American dominance in Europe.
  15. You left Toronto to go play soldier in Israel and prove your manliness/stroke your ego. Not because of social issues.
  16. You could recuit Jamka, and have Ayra but with bows. You could also not go through the tedious process that is recruiting him, and not lose anything meaningful in the process. 2/10
  17. Dew is difficult to rate. The stealing shenanigans are cool, but afaik it doesn't last past chapter 1. Dew can't keep up because he doesn't have a horse, and he certainly doesn't start with the combat stats to face anything but axes. There's still a world of opportunity in visiting villages and then donating the money to the needy, though. Raquesis and Aideen come to mind, perhaps Ethlin. This is extremely useful when you're playing fast or optimized, not so much outside of it. He can also grab a third magic sword if you're willing to wait for it. Which puts me in a pickle. Dew is really good in an optimized run for his ability to give money, and only interesting for getting you the wind sword otherwise. 5/10
  18. There's very little I'll refuse out of the gates. Raw cow brain and goat testicles come to mind.
  19. The impact of a carbon emissions tax is proportional to the height of it.
  20. 3/10. Astra gives her good offence when it procs. Offense will be significantly better by the time promotion comes around. Doesn't dodge reliably enough to make up for the rather poor defensive stats. Obviously can't keep up with your mounted, so the opportunities to do some fighting outside of the arena are very limited. Necessary for the gen 1 brave sword, which is extremely useful in someone else's hand.
  21. American intelligence has consistently been atrocious since world war 2. Why anyone would listen to Americans on intelligence matters is beyond me.
  22. I dont have a numbered list, but I do have some games that hold a special place in my heart. Europa Universalis 4: I've spent probably some 1300 hours on this game and I still consider myself just an intermediate level player. I really enjoyed the base game, and the devs keep releasing updates and making changes to the game, and it's not become stale over the years of playing. Super Robot Wars Original Generation: SRWOG is the most interesting of the SRW games I played, and one of the best strategy rpg's. The other being OG2, but for other reasons. This is a really fresh SRW title because you start with fairly weak units, and dont get too much powerful crap, so you're kinda forced to use what you have and plan around that. You can still deploy a team of powerful mecha come endgame if you know what to do though. Getting the battle masteries in this game is a bit like solving a multi layered puzzle, and it took me a long time to figure how to get them consistently. Infinite Space: It's a really good game centered around having a fleet of space ships and duking it out with other space ships. It's still a DS game, so the combat is fairly simple, but the ship designs are cool, the characters are cool, and even though it starts off like a shounen anime, but don't worry. Things happen.
  23. Why not Alec and Noish though Btw what's against letting Alec or pursuit ring Noish having the brave lance for the rest of gen 1, and passing it to Fury at the end?
  24. Fin is like Cuan, with less bases but more doubling. He also gets the Hero Lance to play with for one and a half chapters, which puts his offense ahead of even hero sword sigurd. And then in gen 2 he gets to protect leaf and Nanna for a while, and barring a substitute run, that's the end for Fin. 8.5/10
  25. Laptops and computer hardware in general aren't delicate, but I can understand not wanting to fix your laptop, because that is a pain. Anyway, the ram memory really isn't important for the speed of your computer. 4gb of ram is as good as 6gb in that regard. What's most important for speed is your hard drive. Most laptops come with hard drives that work at 5500~ rpm, what you want is a solid state disc, a hybrid hard drive, or if that's not within the budget, a higher rpm hard drive.
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