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Excellen Browning

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Everything posted by Excellen Browning

  1. Growths =/= stats. And Patty's base stats are barely better than your dancers', and with some distance the second worst of your units. Her decent growths will not suddenly come in and make her viable.
  2. Have you ever looked at Patty's stats? The only reason patty could ever clear the arena is because of sleep sword shenanigans. And every variety of Patty can do that. And Patty really can't survive enemy phase in gen 2, unless you go out of your way to over level her severely. And even then mate came and endgame come around, and she doesn't have a holy weapon to survive it.
  3. If you want to make patty get money you hand her a magic sword. You don't give her a dad that has some real difficulties getting her that.
  4. Mounted staff and sibling/lovers crit bot. It's unfortunate she doesn't get warp but thems the brakes. 9/10
  5. Lol if you insist on using Patty she has two or maybe three worthwhile dads and Lex and Finn definitely aren't them.
  6. Adean/Aideen/Aidean: Jamka or Midir/Midayle. Adean's son wants to inherit bows from his father. The effects on Rana's stats don't matter. Aira/Ira: doesn't matter. Lachesis/Raquesis: Everyone outside of Ardan is a decent dad. Fury: Again everyone but Ardan is a decent father. Briggid: Again everyone but Ardan is a decent father.
  7. I think giving you the (dutch) numbers will be difficult, because afaik the statistics are not kept in detail, but I can give you the numbers on the various disability pays we have, the requirements to get them, and how many receive it. The Netherlands has a total (possible) working force of about 9 million people. The unemployment rate right now is 5,7%(people who do not work at least 12 hours per week), about 512,000 people in total. In total about 800,000 people receive disability pay. Note that some people who are on disability pay work at least 12 hour weeks, so they are counted to the working population. First off is the WAO, wet arbeidsongeschiktheid (law for work incapability), which was replaced by a new law in 2005. People who already had WAO kept it. There are about 300,000 recipients. You could get it if you had a working disability, usually a medical condition. A medical exam by a doctorfollowed and then it was decided what would happen. You could either be exempted entirely from work and get full benefits, or get an indication that you wouldn't be allowed to work more than a certain amount of hours, and the difference in pay would be (partially) made up by the government. I couldn't find further statistics. Second is WIA, wet werk en inkomen naar arbeidsvermogen(law work and income according to capability). This followed up the WAO in 2005, fulfills the same function, and knows three subdivisions. There are currently about 250,000 recipients in total. You can get WIA if you've been out of the workforce for two years, usually due to medical reasons. Up until that time your employer will have to pay 170% of your last full yearly income, spread out over those two years. You will get examined by a doctor and someone who is more or less a layman, but has been educated to know a lot about what sort of things people with disability need or can get to keep working. If you're less than 35% work incapable long term, you will not receive WIA but they'll usually look to help you out in other ways. If you're 35-80% incapable long term, or at least 80% but not long term, you get WGA. If you're at least 80% incapable long term, you can apply to get examined before two years, you get IVA. WGA is subdivided into three payouts, which one you get depending on the circumstances. The first payout is related to your income. You get 70% of your last known income if you don't work, but if you do, you get 70% of the difference between your old income and your new one (which is virtually always lower). This way you will always earn more if you work. The second payout is also related to your income. You have to earn at least your previous income multiplied by incapability%, and you again get 70% of the difference between your old and new income. The final WGA payout, I'm not sure how it works. About 167,000 receive WGA. IVA is a flat 75% of your last known income. About 82,000 receive it. One important thing to note here is that WAO and WIA are for people who have worked and then became disabled. If you're disabled by the time you're 18, you can get Wajong. Wajong generally works the same way as WIA. They're focused on you using as much of your working capabilities as possible. If you don't fall into either of these categories you're thrown into the bijstand. I had a burnout in university, from which I'm still recovering, and I'm on bijstand. The focus of bijstand is again to get you working, and before you can get bijstand, you have to spend 4 weeks applying to every sort of job that will pay the bills, and you have to make tons of applications per day/week. And you have to take it. Unless you get waivered for medical reasons, like me. Reasons for ending up in the bijstand vary. You could have something happen to you between your 18th and the start of your working life (aka during trade school/college/uni/jobcorp) like an accident that disables you, or a burnout like me. People with undiagnosed mental problems have a habit of falling into bijstand, and those who fall through the nets of WIA. How many are on bijstand for a really long time is unknown. You can find relevant numbers here: http://statline.cbs.nl/StatWeb/?LA=en You might also find information on eurostat.
  8. Quan es breddy gud. Good stats, high move, unfortunately can't reliably orko grunts due to lack of pursuit. Gets Gaebolg at a moment when its not useful anymore. Leaves after chapter 3. Quan is a 8/10.
  9. Episode 16: 7/77 Belzelute goes off to off the Grand Chers. Then player reinforcements spawn, load up, and run towards where the G gundams will spawn. On turn 4 (IIRC) the Grand Chers are wiped out, and Blue Earth sorties along with a few nobodies to end the G gundams, while the battleships position themselves to receive Master Gundam. Master Asia spawns in on turn 6 and that and turn 7 are used to send him off. Episode 17: 9/86 So everyone loads up in Nadesico, which blazes off. On turn 2 Nadesico runs up more, and then unloads Blue Earth and Akito next to them, and Calvina goes after the ZAFT gundams. Turns 3 and 4 are used to wipe them out. Turns 5 through 8 are used to damage Ashura into being offed in one hit, some grunts are lined up for a Nadesico MAP, the rest is generally dealt with. On turn 9, Nadesico MAPS a bunch for cash, then Calvina finishes with Ashura. Episode 18: 6/92 The first 2 turns see Kurz and Mao heading up to engage some grunts. Then the reinforcements appear on turn 3, Calvina with +2 move. Akito and Akatsuki head up along with Mao and Kurz, everyone else does some stuff in the south. Turn 5 the bosses start taking damage, turn 6 they are finished, and Calvina is free to hit Zaied. Some clever positioning sees all the reinforcements wiped on EP. Current upgrades: Belzelute: +9 EN, +11 weapons Nadesico: +6 EN Blue Earth: +7 EN, +10 weapons Archangel: +10 EN Blue Earth was upgraded to 10 weapons on stage 16 to facilitate easier fights with the G Gundams. Archangel received +10 EN as general improvement. Belzelute needed +11 weapons to cleanly off Zaied in two attacks on 18.
  10. Decent stats and hits res but horrendous move and horrible starting weapon. Promotion and a wind tome will fix him, the problem is getting to promotion. Interesting pairing for Lachesis or Fury. 3/10
  11. If you insist on using patty, Holyn or perhaps Lex is the way to go. If you want to use Lester, midayle or Jamka are a toss up really. You want him to inherit the killer and/or brave bow.
  12. Magic swords are magical. Anyway, the pairings for Aidean and briggid don't really matter. For both of them, the child that actually kind of matters is the one who inherits from the mother.
  13. I thought wen would try to screw someone over and look-see, he screws me out of my tfo.
  14. This is blatantly ignorant. First, the western European countries have strong variations in their welfare system. Second, there are no hand outs. I'm only well informed on the Dutch and Belgian systems, but if you're someone who doesn't want to work, you're in for a tough ride. You're obligated to take all work that pays the bills at a certain point. Unemployment benefits are to help you get by until you get work, and for people who come in not having worked a day in their life, is low. The same applies to the Belgian system.
  15. No this is not overgeneralizing. In the Netherlands, where I live, the bulk of the people on welfare are people who will either spend years or their entire life there. And this is in a social system that extensively goes out of its way to as many people as possible working, if at least part time.
  16. Most of the people who are on welfare for a long time are there for a reason. This is virtually always a variation on a theme of pervasive and severe problems that make life and enjoying it very challenging, if not impossible. These are people who are not helped by well paid work, because work in itself is not possible (or at least not in anything close to fulltime employment)
  17. Lex is like a 6/10 Does some combat in prologue and chapter 1, very useful in chapter 2 and 3, drops off in 4 and 5. Also decent father.
  18. If you think higher wages and striving for full employment will help people who spend their lives on welfare, you're seriously wrong.
  19. The British parliamentary system worked just fine with only two parties, lol.
  20. I would just scrap the presidency, and remove the electoral college in the process.
  21. Welcome to SF! Shitpost like everyone else in fftf! Start a fad! Join a fad! Join a draft and give up ten chapters in! Then lament over it and bond with everyone else here! Join a role play if that's your thing! Anyway have fun and stay away from Serious Discussion.
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