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Everything posted by BwdYeti

  1. Yeah, you press R (S on the keyboard by default) during a conversation scene and it brings up a backlog of the last few dozen lines, so if you missed something you can go back. I've also seen people use it with FE13 to type out supports and convos more easily, so I guess that's another use. And if it isn't clear from the image the change to the enemy range one is that the total enemy ranges are a different color from individually marked enemies, which I found useful There will also be new settings in the options for a number of things, so if you don't like something or prefer the classic GBA experience you can easily disable it ~'3'~
  2. So I was playing FE13 and then I got FE13 all over my FE7x ;o
  3. Just things I noticed going through the game, that either stood out or were remarkably different from previous games. I don't know if this will help or interest anyone but I'm going to go back through it in the next few days and see what works and what can be applied to rom hacks/FE7x No spoilers as far as I can tell but if you're viewing this board I assume you don't care that much [spoiler=wall of text] Did you find any of these intriguing? What stuck out on your playthrough?
  4. I will make sure each frame can fit into the size GBA FE uses for battler sheets and if it can handle loading a new sheet every few ticks then we will figure it out
  5. Thanks everyone who voted for me~ And congrats to the other winners
  6. This was the top thing in SoC's third link, did you click them
  7. (without units) My entries for the FE13 comp what theyre all from fe1 and i probably made them for arch to put in legend of marth? no thats crazy
  8. Well I guess you can tell FE is mainstream now if it's doing crossovers
  9. He actually wasn't working on it past the deadline he finished it weeks ago and just didn't submit |D
  10. where's doma sploder pm'd you before (while?) you edited the post
  11. I finished entries for all three contests with an hour to spare goml
  12. And they could just walk from the shallow bit to the rest of the water any way so it's not going to make sense in that regard either way
  13. you are three months late what even

  14. *kai-da, much as using the Latin pronunciation of Caesar, which her localized name references, gives kai-sar, or 'kaiser'. It's pretty much guaranteed the localization team was shooting for the long e see-da, though, matching her original name and the English pronunciation of Caesar (it is a localization) so kay-da is fairly unlikely?
  15. things Also too lazy to make an art topic so it goes here instead
  16. They could care enough to give him a more fitting class O: (I like the pirate suggestion and then he would actually be able to use the weapon he drops)
  17. Apparently some people cared, enough to want and make a more interesting face sprite for him and give him a deeper personality :I
  18. FE6 and 7 do have the same outline, 88 64 96. Both the sprites in the first post aren't exact rips. Seph you should have been able to mention this in the first response
  19. To prologue bandits they are just the worstAnd my other post wasn't very clear, the third line was a separate thought from the second. I meant, kind of like Anouleth said, I don't think this would be suited to the normal gameplay of FE. One more reasonable paths would be something more like Tactics Ogre/FFT/Disgaea/etc's system of having some unique units but more of your army customizable generics. This would give the player a reason to use people-who-are-not-the-8-heroes, in that they hired/created those units specifically to fill some role and named them and adjusted their stats and have carefully raised them, so they've grown attached
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