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Everything posted by BwdYeti

  1. There should be a shadow on all of the frames, and the shadow on the first one should be under he is, not where he was And not being able to figure out how an outfit would possibly work with an animation is generally a sign you need to use a different outfit :J
  2. I like where this is going Keep in mind that Lyn animation is missing bits though, and I wouldn't be surprised if the timings were off too (And yeah I have no idea what Merc Lord is talking about in that post either)
  3. BwdYeti

    FEE3 - 2012

    > finally upload new 7x demo 11 hours after the video goes up it's the thought that counts I guess
  4. http://forums.bwdyeti.com/index.php?showtopic=521 Here's a new demo for FEE3, with the final Trial Map, Tr3. With the trial maps basically completed we have most of the assets and code done for the first half of the main game, so from here we'll finally be jumping into Uther's story. o:
  5. This bottom-most bit will be covered up by the battle HUD right Because if so alright, but if not it would look really terrible
  6. BwdYeti

    FEE3 - 2012

    last day is the best day, go out with a bang
  7. A bigger problem is that it goes straight back, when battle sprites are at an angle to match the perspective of the platform
  8. Yeah I rally have no idea what's up if that isn't working, after the letter turns green you're supposed to be able to press a key and it changes the button to that. Hopefully it'll work better in the new version, a few people have playtested it and they all messed with controls successfully. Speaking of the new version Probably my favorite addition in Tr3 At certain points in the map, like after clearing a location of enemies or defeating a subboss, a short conversation will play, then this window pops up. When you create a map save it is stored separately from the automatic suspends, so you can always return to the map save if something goes wrong later in the chapter. It's similar to the map saves from DS FE, but the prompt comes up on its own at certain points rather than when you use a magic glowing save point (and the GBA style auto suspends run alongside it, so you can just play it like GBA FE too) And the new demo will be out during FEE3! So look forward to that?
  9. This guy knows what's up Just set it to additive blend mode in your graphics editor of choice and it'll give the same appearance as ingame
  10. whoops, it doesn't like the drums very much Still almost everything else seems to be working so pretty cool
  11. http://forums.bwdyeti.com/index.php?showtopic=2 ~ ' 3'~
  12. You select the key you want to change with whatever is accept (X by default), or Enter always works in that menu, and then the letter turns green and you press a key to change it. Is that happening?
  13. no F1 was in FEXP, it's an option on the title screen now and it should be working the numpad and punctuation might not be enabled to use on your version yet but if so they will be in the next release, and you can still definitely set any letter keys and no im right-handed :M
  14. http://forums.bwdyeti.com/index.php?showtopic=514&hl= Another progress report, as we slowly work toward getting Tr3 ready for FEE3, so look forward to a new demo in a month ~ ' 3'~
  15. seriously what is going on with his head the body was so good until the head happened (other than the impossible placement of the sword)
  16. Could you post some examples of these?
  17. Generally in Vista Paint this happens because you're using a png instead of a bmp. I think it has some problem dealing with either the indexing of the colors or the alpha channel. And trying it out quickly in Paint 7, it works properly with bmps too. I would suggest keeping your work files saved on your computer in bmp, and then using pngs only for the uploaded versions (I would also suggest not using Paint 7, just google how to run Vista Paint in Win7 and then use Paint Hotkets with it)
  18. At least it's not just a circle design/directly taken from the GCN FE designs Honestly I prefer those tomes to the majority of fan made ones I see
  19. I can't breathe Maybe take a page from the original flier animations/the FE8 wolf animations and make it stop when it bites/whatever the target, and then continues flying afterward
  20. I mean clearly you did a lot of editing and tried to make it something new but it's still not okay and you should ask permission (although then people might(will) say no)
  21. He's already about 30, he's not new to the occupation ~'3'~
  22. Yeah, but both of those methods would need coded because they're presently two halves of the current damage method. Also they'd both need to have the opposing unit passed in to account for skills (so Luna/Pierce would reduce defense instead of giving attack, etc) Also it'd be battler_1.atk or battler_2.def since the actors don't hold the combat stat methods, because of things like supports and skills and such
  23. Fairly, because of how target damage is calculated (it does everything internally to deal with skills, then only gives the one dmg value which crits can simply multiply) the basic handling of crit damage is here but there's no way to account for simply doubling the attack power and then leaving the defense the same The problem is basically the interaction of skills and criticals. Since I coded criticals to be a simple multiplier they are calculated as the last thing and in realtime when needed. Making it more complicated means it has to be part of the damage determining methods
  24. And enemies with actual res scores (the ones you would want to activate Nova on) will have near 0 activation rates ~'3'~
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