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Everything posted by Deltre

  1. Hmm, yeah I can't help but feel that there should have been a little bit more direction with what Holmes has been doing so far since Marco was handled. Perhaps they could have given Richard a reason that he needed Holmes to head towards Leda or something. I do remember that the group wanted to go there, but the way it was introduced made it seem more like a side trip rather than the main goal. Especially in your case, where Attrom is dead haha. The Plum thing feels like a major WTF game kind of moment to me. I'll be honest, Sylvia never really bothered me; with a disclaimer that I haven't played FE4 in forever so I don't remember the finer details. Still, I felt like they were going for a 'free spirit' kind of girl with that, and I get it. Hell, I even know a few girls kinda like that myself. Leen was a bit darker with the implied sexual abuse, but since the game actually treated it appropriately with Aless wanting to rip the guys head off (and actually doing it), again, I could get behind that. After all, if you actually love something (in this case, dancing) a bad experience, terrible as it may be, shouldn't stop you. Okay, I get that. But with Plum, it's just like...what the fuck. First of all, she got over the whole thing so quickly that you'd think she went away to summer camp or something. Second, Bartz played it way too cool for someone who's sister was kidnapped and forced into slavery. I could almost look past that point if I had recruited her with Holmes, but Bartz should have had that guys head on a pike. Third, what the fuck. Fourth why the hell would she suddenly be comfortable dancing in front of relative strangers now after suffering what are no doubt numerous traumatic incidents, and fifth and finally what the fuck. I don't know if I'd call it fetishized, although that may not be entirely incorrect, but in the best case scenario it tells me that Kaga didn't know how to write this at all. The kidnapping part, while dark, is okay to me since the scene was appropriately serious and believe it or not, I like that it made me feel bad. That says to me, that the scene did its job since I should feel bad for a character put in this situation, and I should feel bad that my actions were directly responsible. The rescue...ugh.... The worst part is, that because we (presumably) didn't off this guy, he's free to do it again. I know it's a game, but good lord Bartz, you have a sister. Bartz of all people should want this guy dead above all else because he should know that this guy is gonna do the same thing, potentially to someone else's sister. It's really not that hard to write something like that correctly, at least that part of it.
  2. Krishna seems like she would be cool and all, but yeah those stats are pretty killer in the worst way, and I have about 3 other swordsmen all in need of a Hero's Crest, and a Samson as well. Seems like the game is kind of generous with those, at least. Not really sure what to make of Shigen still, but he's aight at least. Also, bringing Vega along on this side was totally worth it.
  3. Oh man, stealing weapons in the arena sounds hilarious, especially given that they tend to have pretty uncommon stuff there from what I've seen! Two quick battles in this one. Something tells me Attrom is lowkey good, but eh. My Xeno is so inexplicably good that I can't really see myself ever replacing him.
  4. Predictability is the number one killer for me. You know, the types of characters who just scream "I've seen this before" whenever they appear onscreen. A character can be cliche without being predictable though, and it's usually enough to save them in my mind. The way they would do this is through interactions, backstory, and other things that would give them enough personal flair to make it interesting despite the fact that the character archetype itself might be a common one. Another thing that can really make or break a character is believabitlity. Characters should never be perfect, because this in turn will make them both predictable and unrelatable, which is basically a death sentence in my eyes. Even comic book heroes, often superhuman beings with powers well beyond a normal human, usually have some sort of inner struggle that makes them feel human in a lot of ways. If it's part of their character to think that they are indeed perfect, then the supporting characters need to make up for this by their treatment of said character. A character doesn't have to be relatable to to avoid being boring (I.E a character like the Joker who is basically insane, Jonah Jameson being a prick like Augustein said), but it certainly never hurt. Believability shouldn't be compromised however, because if I can't believe that this character could exist in whatever universe they're from, then I'm inclined to be a lot less interested in whatever antics they may be up to.
  5. I thought it was pretty neat. I cut around most of that fight to save time, but I did check and no, the shop isn't accessible from the battlefield.
  6. Yeah when I went back and looked, I noticed that the Killer Axe is pretty decent except that 10 Weight. I think I probably will give Samson a go just for the sake of variety tbh. That's a very crazy way for steal to work by the way, I could see that being very silly if Juni ever got enough bulk to make trying it not an instant death sentence. I still can't believe Shigen though lol his sword literally invalidates the whole permadeath mechanic up to 40 times. That's so crazy it sounds like some wild fan-made item, not something that would actually exist in a real game.
  7. Spoilers in tags don't bother me really, but absolutely no spoilers on youtube comments, since there's no way for me to avoid them. Anyways, Part 11 It's at this point I have to ask myself...what the hell where they thinking with Shigen? I mean, seriously?
  8. Will do, I'll keep an eye out for that glitch. Also, friendly reminder, if it hasn't happened yet, don't talk about it! Even if I think I sent a 15 year old girl to her death, well, let me think that until the game proves otherwise :p Ah that's really interesting! I didn't show it, but I did actually approach the for at one point and Mintz left the battlefield. I thought I screwed up so I loaded from the Save Staff. Weird how I almost got that glitch as well haha; you'd have to move in on the same turn Mintz enters the fort I guess? Didn't seem like Runan could make it otherwise. Good info on Flurry as well. Mintz seems pretty decent. I actually didn't realize that haha. Thanks man.
  9. Yeah, that makes sense in regards to Eugen. I was mostly just messing around haha, I've come to accept that advisor type characters tend to just appear whenever convenient. Still, it's funny as hell for me to imagine people like Dorias dodging Ballistae when I send Leif into the middle of the field to drain their bolts. Here's another part as well, and oh lord, this game makes me feel so bad sometimes.
  10. Oh god I'm so glad you said this haha. I probably would have searched the entire map otherwise. I'm having way too much fun with Richard and I don't know why. I think I handled the editing a bit better this time too. Fair warning, there's a toooooon of story this time.
  11. Thanks for the feedback guys, both in here and on the videos themselves. This game has a lot of depth to it, and the more I play the more I like it. It really is way ahead of its time, it's really a shame more people don't know about this one! Here's another part as well. Definitely gonna have to check out that spoiler free guide after this haha. I see what you guys were talking about now.
  12. Well, I cut a lot more in this one, and it was still very long lmao. I think animations will be the next to go in the next one unless there's something new to see. Also I promoted Narron, and oh God, I take it all back.
  13. Thanks a million! I'm sure that will be useful when the time comes. And that is good to know, I was kind of worried about a missed conversation/item or something like that. I'm probably gonna start editing these down a bit more. This one was pretty long even for my tastes tbh so they'll probably be a little shorter in the future. Anyways Part 6 - Battle on the Big Bridge
  14. Hello! Greetings and all that. Definitely have to second Sacred Stones as a game you should check out when you're done with Fates. It'll be a nice little break after going through Lunatic for sure haha. You'll probably want to play on hard though, because Sacred Stones is notoriously easy. Awakening Lunatic is kinda bleh imo, but I like the game alright enough. For Lunatic Conquest, well, I hope you didn't use your Rescue staves :p the big thing that helped me out in Fates was making sure that I always unpaired at the end of the turn if I didn't need the stats or the shield gauge. Dual Strike is so much better than Dual Guard in Fates; it's pretty much the opposite of Awakening. Good luck!
  15. Noted! Didn't look at the spoilered bit, but I assume that something big must be coming up here eventually. I do appreciate the hints, but please don't say "have X talk to Y" in the future. I've beaten every Fire Emblem 100% and recruited every character (yes even Xavier) at least once so I'd prefer to figure these things out on my own. Same for maps, their layouts, what strategy to use, etc. Mechanical things and things you'd have to be psychic to know (I.E. Buy lots of keys) are different though. Part 5 - The Temple of Mars in which the NPCs do everything
  16. Thank you! Hearing thoughts like that is very encouraging, and this is all very useful information. I definitely don't mind stuff like this at all. As for whether this is luck or intuition I'd say a little column A, a little column B. Plum was 100% luck, but I do have a habit of getting very into the games that I play, especially if I'm enjoying them, and I've played a TON of RPGs even way back in the NES days where everything was cryptic haha. I think that really helps me pay attention to things like having Sasha visit the village in Chapter 4, or having Enteh go back in Chapter 2, since the game kept mentioning it over and over again. Roger can be killed though? Uhhh I'd like to ask what happened, but I'm afraid it might spoil something lol. Might have to go back and rewatch what happened. I record these videos the same day they go up, for the most part. These tend to be pretty long as is and I enjoy reading feedback and in this case, hints. A little guide like that would be AMAZING, please do! Here's the latest two videos as well 3 - Back Attack! 4 - Roger's Gambit
  17. 1) Go to your channel 2) Click Video Editor 3) Click edit on the video you want to private 4) Select Private from the drop down menu.
  18. Ah yes, TearRing Saga. The brainchild of Shouzou Kaga, claimed to be so similar to Fire Emblem that Kaga himself ended up in a lawsuit over the likeness to the beloved Nintendo series. Normally, this is where I'd go on and on covering the similarities, the differences, what this game brings to the table, etc. However! I know nothing about this game other than the first two lines of text I wrote for this thread. The classic Fire Emblem titles (1-5) have a special place in my hearth though, and I couldn't pass up a chance to play this when I learned of a new translation patch, so here we are! That said from what I hear (and the two hours I've played), if you enjoy your characters with plenty of backstory, along with plenty of classic Fire Emblem action and kickass music, then I say let's play us some TearRing Saga. NO SPOILERS please. 1 - Fire Emblem Gaiden 2 - The Bandits of Taurus
  19. I took a crack at rebalancing FE8 at one point and what I decided to do was [STR+SKL]/2 for Bows and if I were to do it again I'd probably work standard 1-2 Range weapons into that same formula as well. That makes Skill a very important stat for any ranged attacker. It also nerfs Javelins/Hand Axes at the same time, while still allowing Archers/Snipers to be the best Bow users bar none thanks to weapon rank and generally higher Skill than say, a Warrior. The thing with making SKL add more crit is that it will also increase the amount of BS deaths at the hands of low percentage crits. The thing is, if SKL suddenly gave 2 points of Crit per point of SKL all the enemies who normally had 0% Crit now suddenly have 5-10% Crit right off the bat. Even if you reduce Crit damage to 2X I don't see how it promotes more tactical play since you've just increased the element of randomness significantly. True, Fire Emblem at heart is a game about taking weighted risks with the best chance of success, but something about every enemy having low percent Crit chance doesn't sit right with me. Nerfing the Crit multiplier would also hurt Generals, as one of the very few things they have going for them is their ability to soak crits for days thanks to their naturally high defense. If everyone can reasonably be expected to tank a crit that kind of goes out the window however. Ultimately I guess it depends on how you would handle luck though, since these two things are so closely related. For RES I wanted Healing to be based off the RES stat rather than MAG, and Magic Swords would be changed to work from RES for damage (keep in mind this is GBA, MAG is fine in modern titles). Also, like someone else said, increasing the frequency of Magic users automatically makes this stat better. It's not really bad on paper, it just gets so few chances to actually come into play compared to say, Defense. I also agree completely with more Magic variety instead of every spell being some flavor of 1-2 Range with varying MT. For LCK IDK man you got me. I never really thought about this one too much, maybe a 50% boost to its effect on current formulas or something like that (I.E 2 LCK = 3 AVO and so on). The thing with Luck is that it's not a stat with any real focus, so increasing its attributes too much can quickly swing things in the opposite direction, making it OP. Correct, there is no Luck Base for classes in GBA, however there is a Growth Rate tied to the class which is why
  20. Part 24 - is now uploaded! In this part, we take on the boss that ends so many runs of this game prematurely, and put another Zodiac Demon in its place.
  21. Holy geez it's been a minute since I updated this thread! We're still going pretty strong though, and closing in on the end of Chapter 3.In we head on into Riovanes Castle to rescue our beloved sister Alma and Hannah gets her dance on. There's also a few more parts I put up since updating this thread, so I'll just drop those too: Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - To this day I still have nightmares man. And thank you haha. It's actually kind of hard to go back and watch the first parts of this to be honest lol.
  22. You're thinking about it too much :p play what you want. I think the point people are trying to make is that (generally) the sequels tend to be a little disappointing compared to the original/WOTL is all.
  23. Already said my piece but I found this so funny because recently I'd been drawing parallels between the two games and they do have almost the exact same story. Of course, I personally think that one is told much better than the other, but that's an opinion :p The game does tell you about Br/Fa too (I think Lavian/Alicia/Rad/Ramza in Ch1 but I can't remember). The worst offender is knowing job requirements imo.
  24. The PSX original is easily the strongest out of the three FF titles; haven't played Tactics Ogre so I can't really comment on that. In terms of enjoyment that one has the greatest ability to draw you into the world, but on the other hand, after playing it A2 and especially A1 can leave a lot to be desired especially in terms of story. I know some might disagree with me on this point, but I don't think FFT is actually all that easy if you're going into to it completely blind. There are at least a few fights I can think of off the top of my head that you could reasonably be expected to lose if you knew absolutely nothing about the game other than what you had learned firsthand, whereas A1 could be beaten blindfolded and A2 is only really difficult at the start and even then only on Hard Mode. Of course, that said, there's nothing in any game I've ever played as ridiculous as the one and only Thunder God so FFT doesn't exactly get a free pass either. If you do play these games, I say do it blind to have the most fun. Once you start looking things up its far too easy to break any of the games in two without even trying. Oh, and if Tactics ever asks you to save after a battle always do it in a separate slot.
  25. I derped on the whole modest Queen thing. That makes sense lol. Queen>King tier wise because Poison/Ground carries a very useful set of resistances that Queen can better capitalize on combined with her natural bulk, allowing you to more easily take on things like Doublade and Mienshao repeatedly whereas King would be worn down more quickly. Queen also made for a good Stealth Rocker with actual offensive presence, being able to run LO for damage or Black Sludge for reliability. She also makes better use of T-Spikes, if that's your thing. Base 85 Speed while okay, doesn't make up for the loss of beef since both Nidoking and Nidoqueen find themselves outsped by plenty of things that can KO them pretty easily, but Queen takes the edge for being able to take neutral hits a bit better giving you less to fear against something like Rotom-H or Hydreigon.
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