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Everything posted by ___

  1. Oh. Then I hope the voting goes well for you. I just don't find Lucina that impressive as a character.
  2. Leader of the pack of Eevees running around the forest. Might also know what iirc means
  3. I don't see it doing much for the world right now/no.
  4. why, oh why, do friends lists exist online?....it's a statement to miscommunication and so much else every time I find myself randomly added to a stranger's list or some one unknown to me randomly asks to add them...am I the weird one for finding this odd?...well... I'm OK as long as Lucina doesn't win in the end what are we voting for exactly??? I just have the feeling that there must be some better in...whatever is being voted for right now, I just know there is some one better.
  5. lol, true enough. I'll make it work, or...well, life keeps going. Tough decision, but I think you can't go wrong either way. And you definitely did not go wrong with this one
  6. Play with his name and you get Soul => Luso, the name of an FF character. That's some statement to make about a character.
  7. Called her girly~ @Randoman who is your avatar?
  8. Previous question: I prefer a physical copy. Current question: I enjoy artbooks, OSTs, and may be a nice case, but preferably the OSTs.
  9. haha, but would it not be just a little rude if I have never even seen the guy? I truly had never even heard/seen the name before. I thought the dude was a girl; imagine how that conversation would go. And I'm not doing too well, but thanks for asking c; More importantly, that's a wonderful set you're using. I value your opinion, even if my own may differ in the end. took you long enough to use it jk, you always use some great stuff
  10. sounds like a great guy; thanks a lot, Mage. and that's a really cool espeon gif in your sig btw.
  11. I...don't know who Fei Mao is...
  12. I just wanna see his face when a girl goes up to him and asks him out, just because.
  13. Post post.................................................................................................post post.........post...........post post............................post post..............post post post post post............post...............post................post..................................post post...................post................post.........................post.........................post post.........................post post.........................post post..............................post.................................................................
  14. Your banner image looks like just the place I would like to be right now, since I'm going to sleep shortly, hah. But it does look peaceful.

    1. eclipse


      Ooh, I'm glad you like it!  Sweet dreams!

  15. I have the impression you would be rather hard to shake away when you are truly curious about something, had you the means to go after it. That or I'm lacking sleep. I may be lacking sleep. 'night.
  16. I say: "hi" to them, because I have no better thought on my head at this writing. I will write you one better when next I see you.
  17. I love beautiful stuff, and it's a problem... Success or failure, pretty much. My year is going wonderfully so far, hah.
  18. I dream strange stuff; I wouldn't discard the possibility.
  19. Eleanor over Magilu I didn't imagine you to be following it.
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