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I.M. Gei

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Everything posted by I.M. Gei

  1. i think you mean the reform party there also i heard this election had the highest turnout since 1993
  2. yeah labour really seems to have some serious structural issues; they've lost scotland, they're losing wales, they bled a lot of their white-working class base to ukip (given that ukip seemed to post its best result in old coal-mining constituencies in places like yorkshire and the north east and south wales), and there seemed to be a lot more libdem voters in england inclined to vote tory over labour (looking at the libdem seats that changed hands, anyway) anyway i guess we're getting off topic
  3. eh from what i read about the campaign, the scaremongering about a labour minority propped up by the snp was huge in bringing over enough english voters to the tories to get them their majority (and of course, this probably worked especially well given that a year hadn't even passed since the indy referendum)
  4. lynton crosby, the strategist harper hired midway through the campaign, was pretty instrumental in engineering tory victories in australia in 2013 and the uk just this past may iirc, crosby helped make a lot of noise about "stopping the boats" in australia and had a huge hand in the line "those devious scots are going to rule the country by holding labour hostage if labour gets elected!", stoking the flames of english nationalism. basically, don't assume this shit is something unique to us; it absolutely has an effect in other parts of the world (and heck, from what i heard from conservative internal polling, the NDP were losing a percent a day in quebec after the whole niqab thing came into the spotlight)
  5. also from what i heard, michael ignatieff being a terrible candidate and all around human being was a huge boon to both the tories and the ndp in 2011
  6. yeah he definitely has to answer for that, given how his crime policies as mayor of baltimore did a lot to contribute to the baltimore riots. and on the other hand, running between clinton and sanders might not even be all that effective a strategy when primary voters polarize between a more centrist DNC type and a leftist. iirc, most polls that include both biden and no biden show that the vast majority of his support comes from hillary supporters
  7. this was martin o'malley's thing and he's not even polling at 1% then again, nobody gives a shit about o'malley
  8. biden is like a walking gaffe machine and absolutely would say plenty of shit that could be used against him, but then again he clowned on paul ryan in the 2012 veep debate. it could go either way. and yeah the right has been trying to pin bullshit scandals on the clintons for a good quarter century by this point; pretty much nobody who wasn't already going to vote republican is going to be swayed by this
  9. okay so i was wrong about biden, then iirc, the original reason he was tapped to become veep was because he had pretty solid blue-collar democratic credentials (hence, scranton joe); at this point, though, a lot of his would-be donors have already been secured by hillary
  10. grab your popcorn, folks, this is gonna get hilarious also ben carson's taking a two week break from campaigning for a book signing tour Bush’s campaign did not respond to International Business Times’ questions about the Florida licenses issued to the hijackers while he was governor[during 9/11]. loool
  11. bbl building giant rainbow dong towers all over the world
  12. the impression of biden i got from his interview with colbert was that beau's death destroyed him like, it's something i watched, and i was like "goddamn, this is the demeanor of a man who's never running for anything again" he's definitely entertaining, though, like your wacky uncle; i wouldn't mind if he was named veep for life
  13. yeah over here, quite a few libertarians want ~the State~ (really, the federal government) out of the way so that state governments or private companies or local strongmen can treat minorities in an ass-backward manner with impunity. they know very well that government power can be used to intervene and protect and enforce a group's rights, and this is exactly what they object to. that lost causer from the confederate flag thread, who all but said he views the civil rights act not as a great achievement in our country's history in which the federal government secured and pledged to protect the rights of people like me from the abuses of segregationist good ol' boys, but instead as "big brother" bossing him around, is a good illustration of this oh they loom large in the kind of libertarian i'm talking about, but it's simplistic to reduce it all to their funding
  14. yeah i guess this quiz defines libertarianism differently from movement libertarianism, which has its fair share of prominent figures who hate the civil rights act and wax nostalgic for jim crow and apartheid, praise david duke and advocate for the police to beat up homeless people, or hate lawrence v texas for infringing upon ~*states' rights*~ to throw gays in jail for bumming each other
  15. if i were a betting man i'd wager on one of the castro brothers (julian moreso) being the veep nominee
  16. jim webb is literally a self-described "reagan democrat"; he was a republican who switched parties because he didn't like the iraq war, but kept all his other right-leaning beliefs
  17. there's a sushi delivery/takeout place about a 5-10 min walk away that also doubles as a convenience store with plenty of pocky, macaron ice cream sandwiches, taiyaki ice cream, and korean fast food products it owns
  18. i got to skip most of them through some special courses sooooo
  19. i literally lol'd when he said "it was my first day on the job!"
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