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I.M. Gei

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Everything posted by I.M. Gei

  1. if most white homeless men are less privileged than quite possibly the wealthiest black woman in the world, that doesn't really speak to what the idea of privilege actually addresses like there's no doubt that oprah has it easier than they do, but if you're in the average (assuming such a thing exists) homeless white man's economic nexus, then holy hell is being white the better deal
  2. yeah i don't care to distinguish between whether rand paul actively wants a return to jim crow, or whether he'd be totally fine with jim crow returning as a result of the civil rights act being repealed for "freedom" and "business rights" and other libertarian boilerplate, because there's no functional difference between the two to me
  3. yeah seriously, he got caught with his pants down on the civil rights act five years ago and has been furiously trying to backpedal since; you could tell on npr back then, when the interviewer asked him if he'd considered that some people would view his desire to repeal the civil rights act as legalizing racism, that it threw him, since it was something he'd never had to think about in his libertarian, right-wing circles. he knows that if he wants a shot, he has to shed his image as a racist to any interested parties, especially racial minorities, and shit like him seeking out cliven "let me tell you one thing i know about the negro" bundy's endorsement says a lot more about him than his half-hearted attempts to walk back his anti-civil rights act stance. i spit on him and his "attempts" to curry favor with minority voters lol that you think this, given that ron paul supported doma and repeatedly pressed "life begins at conception" legislation and attempted to repeal lawrence v. texas at a federal level and decried the end of apartheid in south africa as "the end of civilization" in that country in his newsletters apparently all government is bad government, except when it can be used to repress gays and nonwhites! call it a hunch
  4. i guess if you only get your news from RT, which likes him and doesn't give a shit about how he's fine with tens of millions of nonwhite americans being consigned to jim crow 2: electric boogaloo if white businessmen just want the freedom to tell us "we don't serve your kind here, boy, now get out of here before we hang you from the tree out back", you'd probably think that
  5. you're going out of your comfort zone in going abroad, it's totally understandable to feel nervous.
  6. there's nothing "moderate" about randy's stance on the civil rights act posted ad nauseum itt, but the fact that the paul family views the passage of the civil rights act not as a proud moment in our country's history which liberated millions of their countrymen from literal de jure apartheid-esque conditions, but instead as a massive overreach of federal government power that infringed upon their "property rights" to chase anyone who fails a paper bag test out of their medical offices with noose in hand, really gives away the ruse imo also here's another two fun facts: he may have done a filibuster on overseas drone strikes two and a half years ago, but he is a-okay with drones chasing down and blowing up shoplifters. he also wants to reform the american disabilities act because "it's unfair to businesses" tbf, cubans are the most likely latino group to skew conservative, though younger gen-x and millennial age cubans are much more liberal than ones cruz and rubio's age and older
  7. as someone who dearly values the civil rights act i am ecstatic to see rand floundering so hard also this is from an article back at august, but imma post it anyway
  8. trump and his supporters are the endgame of your party's half-century-long electoral strategy of courting dixiecrats, birchers, falwell-types, tea partiers and the like. chickens coming home to roost, reap what you sow, mickey mouse shitting his robes as the brooms flood the room, whatever. don't think you can wash your hands of him because he's rude and buffoonish
  9. so this contest turned out to be where the war on christmas was lost??
  10. if nothing else, i'm voting d for the prospect of a blue scotus once scalia kicks the bucket also at a trump rally in nevada yesterday, another black dude got beaten up
  11. well it definitely helps to take breaks every now and then from studying; some fresh air and exercise can go pretty far
  12. eh there's no harm (for you, i hope) to commute from home after a year or two, should that be an option; i know quite a few people who did that to save money and because they had enough of dorming after one or two years, but then again a lot of my school draws its attendance from its county of 3 million people
  13. i imagine it's like a window into stormfront
  14. define "a few weeks ago" because walker dropped out of the race entirely in late september
  15. the internet was so much more enigmatic to me before i realized it's just packed with mentally ill people
  16. ah, roommate troubles and yeah using the RA or shit should be pretty effective. i got the frat boys who live upstairs in trouble a few times when they were partying at like 2 AM on tuesday night a few times
  17. this sounds like something i'd really have to be motivated to give a fuck about, op. how much will you pay me for my vote?
  18. the hagia sophia owned. i got chills just walking around inside, knowing i was in something so ancient and still so majestic
  19. family pride, i'm guessing. and yeah trump's entry into the gop primary has made everything about the election too weird and hard to predict
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