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Status Updates posted by Relinquished

  1. why hello thar :D


  2. hi there. welcome back, man! (again lolz)

    i need your help: rate my sig plz :D

  3. hey there. i've finished a sketch of the drawing i told you earlier. It went pretty good, actually. i'll send ya the pic later

  4. now that you mention it, it's a brilliant idea. I'm holding down a bit because i think for the good of your psyche lol xD

  5. i suck a bit at drawing men (lol my artwork is about women) but i hope you like it.

  6. hi there. sorry for not replying to your message in my panel. I'm doing pretty fine. btw, just for fun, i've been sketching Lyle Dayek myself xD

    I hope that's fine with you :I

  7. hai there lylez

    doing fine?

  8. hai chiki. i've bought an EU Radiant Dawn and playing it in spanish. it's cool lolz :D

  9. i got the images in a website dedicated to original artworks. alas, i forgot the name

  10. photoshop. it was easy-crafting but i liked it.

  11. you didn't noticed the sig earlier? :'(

    they're adel and liza from Blazing Souls

  12. lol chech VANESSA>ATHENA topic xDD

  13. it is lol xD

    that's why i refuse to pick translated. english games FTW

  14. a strange thing is that i don't liek playing translated to spanish games. i rather liek OV games

  15. yep, i can talk plenty of spanish. But i like talking in english as well (and 'cuz is the only way to be understood here lolz)

  16. btw, i've been wondering where did "Cinco Minutos" came from. Would you explain, plz?

  17. hai thar. i'm about to hug everyone randomly. Wanna a hugz? :D

  18. i'm kinda tired as well. Mix that with boredom and makes the concoction to hug strangers xD



    lol how's it going?

  20. hai there. WANTZ SOM HUGZ??? xDDD

  21. nah, im bored to death. it's 00:50 right here.


  22. hai thar. wanna gud luk on teh HUGZ?

  23. making fun of Narutards, huh? i'd like to see you in action :D

    Mind if i add you?

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