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Everything posted by Relinquished

  1. well, i have no trouble at all. btw, that's a hawt avy u got there ;)
  2. oh i forgot to tell you that the drawing was ready days ago, but i'm having a hard time trying to scan stuff. i'll have to take a picture then :/

  3. happiest? ashnard and nino takes the throne easily in that matter
  4. i'm doing just great. i finished Lyle's drawing decades ago but i can't scan it :(

  5. yo how's it going out there? :D

  6. hello there, brother man. how's it going? :)

  7. hello there. i think this is my first time posting a comment here

  8. why hello thar :D


  9. man, what a great moment i'm going through right now. I met the perfect girl of my liking. Her name's Natalia dude, teh love we are sharing! XDDDDDD beautiful and she's a great Brawler (Srsly, zelda and ike are her greatest choices :D) man, it's great to log out of teh internetz for a week (suspension's acceptable too). anyway, i hope that Jyosua bans me for asking a question to Meteor that had only 2 words (since that's spam, it's the same shit) and i figured out that i have to add unnecessary words to make the same question. But that's never gonna happen, right? anyways, hello thar Serenes.
  10. it's up to them, not me.
  11. lol i know of this game. i played it for a bit. it was a glove running on top of a ball. EPIC fun
  12. how about : Don't create any more rules? I'm pretty sure i stated that in my post. Or do i have to tell it slowly and easily? blindly criticize? wow i'm flattered.
  13. cool dream lolz *stares at micaiah* XD it may be intense, but it's annoying to change sheets that many times
  14. not constructive, you say? so an opinion is NOT CONSTRUCTIVE? hell, we need more mods.
  15. BOOOORING limitations won't make this forum better
  16. hi there. welcome back, man! (again lolz)

    i need your help: rate my sig plz :D

  17. [bullshit]RESPECT THE OTHER USERS. i've seen that a LOT in here. So much that makes me behave like them.[/bullshit]
  18. ROLLERBALL!!!!BECAUSE IT'S JUST THAT GOOD!!!! it's a lame rule. is it that hard to realize?
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