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Everything posted by Grithalmur

  1. Chapter 17 - 4/226 Had Barst endure some ranged attacks so that I could nab the Fortify and VIP card from the enemy bishops. Palla introduced the boss to her Dragonpike, and Navarre killed a dragon off to the side to be able to promote. Given the rules, Lena couldn't suppress the urge any longer. On the turn I seized, she ported Julian to the treasure room. However, since I forgot which chest would have been best of the ones that were left (and none looked that desirable, really...) I just had Julian attack the sniper for some XP. Name Class Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES WEAPON Marth Lord 15.98 30 10 0 7 15 17 10 0 Sword A Jagen Paladin 9.81 25 8 2 13 10 6 10 6 Sword C/Lance A Barst Warrior 6.31 47 22 0 15 18 13 13 1 Axe A/Bow E Julian Thief 16.45 29 10 0 14 19 18 9 0 Sword C Lena Sage 6.14 25 3 15 17 14 24 5 12 Tome B/Staff B Navarre Paladin 1.00 40 18 1 12 19 14 13 6 Sword A/Lance D Vyland Cav. 17.10 29 10 0 8 13 11 10 0 Sword D/Lance A Mac. Hunter 13.48 22 11 0 8 15 7 4 0 Bow D Beck Siege 9.73 24 8 0 6 6 11 16 0 Siege Palla Peg. 14.84 24 11 2 13 16 5 9 7 Lance B Caeda Surprised at Marth's choice of interior design Chapter 17x - 19/226 Another gaiden, another training session; and this one with treasure! Vyland, Mac, and Palla went to town on these guys. Julian, Navarre, and Jagen, on the other hand, took chest duty. Was slightly surprised at the Paladin reinforcements, but that meant that Barst could actually get some worthwhile XP in this chapter. Btw... Apparently hunters cannot use longbows. Weird. On the plus side, Jagen got speed and Beck got a perfect physical level. Name Class Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES WEAPON Marth Lord 16.22 31 11 0 8 15 18 10 0 Sword A Jagen Paladin 10.06 25 8 2 13 11 7 10 6 Sword C/Lance A Barst Warrior 8.11 49 22 0 17 18 14 14 1 Axe A/Bow E Julian Thief 16.96 29 10 0 14 19 18 9 0 Sword C Lena Sage 8.36 26 3 15 18 14 26 5 13 Tome B/Staff A Navarre Paladin 2.29 40 19 1 12 19 14 14 6 Sword A/Lance D Vyland Cav. 18.66 30 10 0 8 14 12 10 0 Sword D/Lance A Mac. Hunter 16.26 24 13 0 10 16 8 4 0 Bow C Beck Siege 11.50 25 9 0 7 8 13 17 0 Siege Palla Peg. 16.91 25 13 2 13 16 5 9 8 Lance A Caeda Looter Base Everything
  2. Chapter 14 - 17/205 Man, when I take things slow, they end up slow. Decided a Thoron tome was nice as well, so I had Marth go the long way. I figured that I could reach the mainland before Palla and the reinforcements showed up. Boy was I wrong. They ended up intercepting him on the narrow stretch of land, waylaying him for a bit. Least it gave me time to improve some guys and get the silver card. Still, Palla joined, effectively completing my army even though Lorenz and Elice are yet to be found, and went right to work with Catria's Killer Lance. As for Jiol, he thought he was all high and mighty, just because Barst was hung up blocking the reinforcements, so Lena decided to shut him up by doubling him with good ol' fire. Also, I like keeping my army together, so I gave Beck the boots. Name Class Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES WEAPON Marth Lord 15.37 30 10 0 7 15 17 10 0 Sword B Jagen Paladin 9.57 25 8 2 13 10 6 10 6 Sword C/Lance A Barst Warrior 1.45 44 20 0 13 16 12 12 1 Axe A/Bow E Julian Thief 15.81 28 9 0 14 18 18 9 0 Sword C Lena Sage 2.92 25 3 13 15 12 21 5 10 Tome B/Staff B Navarre Cav. 18.47 35 14 0 8 16 14 12 0 Sword A/Lance E Vyland Cav. 16.12 28 10 0 7 13 10 10 0 Sword D/Lance B Mac. Hunter 10.09 21 10 0 8 14 6 4 0 Bow D Beck Siege 6.28 23 8 0 6 5 10 16 0 Siege Palla Peg. 9.80 23 8 2 9 14 5 8 6 Lance B Caeda Gather Base Everything Chapter 15 - 7/212 Now this is more like it. Used the generics and Catria to occupy Gharnef, blew through the west with Palla and my army. Quick, easy, and to the point. Name Class Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES WEAPON Marth Lord 15.55 30 10 0 7 15 17 10 0 Sword A Jagen Paladin 9.57 25 8 2 13 10 6 10 6 Sword C/Lance A Barst Warrior 1.82 44 20 0 13 16 12 12 1 Axe A/Bow E Julian Thief 15.81 28 9 0 14 18 18 9 0 Sword C Lena Sage 3.87 25 3 14 15 12 22 5 11 Tome B/Staff B Navarre Cav. 18.91 35 14 0 8 16 14 12 0 Sword A/Lance E Vyland Cav. 16.47 28 10 0 7 13 10 10 0 Sword D/Lance B Mac. Hunter 11.74 21 10 0 8 14 6 4 0 Bow D Beck Siege 7.32 23 8 0 6 5 11 16 0 Siege Palla Peg. 12.08 24 9 2 11 16 5 8 7 Lance B Caeda Of Arabia Base Everything Chapter 16 - 10/222 Since either village recruit kinda sucks, I smushed my army through Xane's prison, sending Navarre and Vyland to duo the western area. Barst is being awesome right now, killing enemies without a care in the world, and with Lena able to heal, I can get through without too much damage going on. Name Class Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES WEAPON Marth Lord 15.98 30 10 0 7 15 17 10 0 Sword A Jagen Paladin 9.57 25 8 2 13 10 6 10 6 Sword C/Lance A Barst Warrior 4.11 46 21 0 15 17 13 13 1 Axe A/Bow E Jullian Thief 16.19 29 10 0 14 19 18 9 0 Sword C Lena Sage 5.58 25 3 15 17 13 23 5 12 Tome B/Staff B Navarre Cav. 19.44 35 15 0 8 17 14 12 0 Sword A/Lance E Vyland Cav. 16.78 28 10 0 7 13 10 10 0 Sword D/Lance B Mac. Hunter 13.21 22 11 0 8 15 7 4 0 Bow D Beck Siege 9.02 24 8 0 6 6 11 16 0 Siege Palla Peg. 13.69 24 10 2 12 16 5 8 7 Lance B Caeda Rushed Shopper Base Everything
  3. Chapter 12x 19/179 Training time for Macellan! Since having a speed of 3 would help no one but the enemy, I decided to reclass Macellan to Hunter, as I still need a bow user. Being a gaiden chapter, taking things nice and slow is a must. Plenty of time to visit the villages with Marth and take on all the reinforcements. As a result however, I didn't have enough time to take on Horace's troops afterwards, so I let him live. Besides, with lots of health and defense, his meatshieldyness may last until the very end. Everybody wins! On a side note, promoted generics are starting to appear. Chapter 13 - 9/188 Everyone's favorite Ballista cluster chapter. A lot of luring was done here. While my guys did try to do stuff, it basically boiled down to Navarre up top, Vyland down south, and Barst in the middle, supported by a freshly recruited Beck. With Generics, Midia, and Astram all baiting the boss and his support, Barst and Jagen rushed their way to victory. Interestingly enough, on the last enemy turn, the remaining ballistas killed Astram and then Midia. EDIT- I don't know what just happened, but the code section went wonky, so these stat logs were deleted.
  4. Personally, I like her, but there are two issues that I have. 1. Gameplay-wise, low speed. Having come from the GBA games where nearly all the mages I used were okay to speed demons, (or at least seemed like that with enemies being weighed down with weapons,) having a Lord (Mage-Lord, natch) who sucked at speed and enemies who took their multi-vitamins was a real blow to the gut, especially in the Hide-and-Seek level (1-9). 2. The plot of RD in general. The Dawn Brigade doesn't matter once the Greil Mercenaries show up, and Micaiah herself pretty much falls out of importance story-wise once Part 4 comes to town. Once Yune wakes up, Micaiah simply becomes a plot device so that Yune can force everyone to unite and storm the final boss because she says so. Doesn't help that Mid-Part 3 onwards is pretty much where it feels like the entire story falls apart. Warning, rant ahead. (Subjective impressions of convoluted plot ahoy!) The explanation of the blood pact was no better. Even with Micaiah saying it would work and using her plot powers to try and get me to understand, I was convinced it was a bluff until it was revealed that Naesala had one tying his hands as well. And even then, I was only barely convinced. Also, you think with how much Sothe was idolizing Ike, he would have paid a risky visit to him to let him know what was going on. Senator eyes and ears be damned, Sothe struck me as a little more rash than to just do nothing, given his PoR persona. Course, it also doesn't help that in Part 1, you do some slightly significant thing for one chapter and then OMG! Everything is being FIXED and falling into place all because of the ONE THING you and Micaiah do! One reason why this is bad and contributes to her hate: It wasn't nearly this easy with any other lord. Even for easy mode Lyn and bare-bones plot Marth (Shadow Dragon), each territory had to be dealt with in a battle by the player. There were no easy offscreen victories. And from a gameplay perspective, you really could have used the experience. Basically, for a lot of the problems that people have with Micaiah, I identify the problems more with the story in general. Just from playing Part 1, I feel that things wouldn't have been so bad if she didn't have to compete with God-Mode Ike. Oh, and as for sending Volke, even if they remembered he existed, they couldn't have hired him. Volke was busy hunting down Izuka at Bastian's request from Parts 2-4.
  5. True, but it is rather uncanny how both names are similar, both their rulers were generals, they both are manipulated into betraying a close ally (the main character's country no less!) and then dumped afterwards, and that their successors impact the journey of the main character in some way (though FE8 takes it to a much greater level than FE3.)
  6. Okay... Best: Ilia. I like how it sounds. Worst: Gra. Just a pale imitation of FE8's Grado. Also their king is a wuss. Yes, Gra did come first, even if those outside Japan who don't know the original game order don't know it. There were just some striking similarities (possibly intentional) and I feel that Grado > Gra (Only 1 syllable away from each other!)
  7. Chapter 8 - 9/125 Reclassed Navarre to Cavalier and Lena to Cleric. Figured I'd need someone who could heal and it turned out I did. Julian and Lena stayed portside, but the arena wasn't as helpful as I was hoping for. Caeda bought some weapons, and Lena Physic-ed those who needed help up north. Boss was a bit stubborn, having just enough speed to not be doubled by Barst, but he still went down. Just in time too, as reinforcements were starting to overwhelm Jagen and Vyland. Name Class Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES WEAPON Marth Lord 11.61 26 9 0 5 12 14 8 0 Sword B Jagen Paladin 7.21 24 8 2 12 9 5 9 6 Sword C/Lance A Barst Fighter 13.30 34 16 0 10 11 9 9 0 Axe B Julian Thief 9.05 22 6 0 11 14 13 7 0 Sword D Lena Cleric 15.19 19 0 5 10 9 16 3 10 Staff C Navarre Cav. 11.68 28 12 0 6 12 12 10 0 Sword B/Lance E Vyland Cav. 10.20 26 10 0 6 12 7 10 0 Sword E/Lance C Caeda On a Boat Base Everything Chapter 9 - 8/133 Reclassed Lena back to mage. Things went very smoothly. Julian looted the nearby treasure and Navarre soloed the entire eastern half, though the Wyrmslayer did get stolen away. For some reason, the Devil Axe user suicided himself when trying to kill Marth, but I'm not complaining. Barst and Lena took down the boss, and Marth seized. Not much else to say. Name Class Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES WEAPON Marth Lord 12.08 27 9 0 5 12 15 8 0 Sword B Jagen Paladin 7.38 24 8 2 12 9 5 9 6 Sword C/Lance A Barst Fighter 13.93 34 16 0 10 11 9 9 0 Axe B Julian Thief 9.28 22 6 0 11 14 13 7 0 Sword D Lena Mage 16.01 19 0 8 11 9 17 4 5 Tome C Navarre Cav. 12.73 29 12 0 6 12 12 10 0 Sword B/Lance E Vyland Cav. 11.00 26 10 0 6 12 7 10 0 Sword D/Lance C Caeda Explorer 1.00 Base Everything Chapter 10 - 15/148 Now I could have finished this in less time... but I really wanted Barst to get Hauteclere. So I went the long way through the castle with my army. Not sure how it happened, but a horseman got itself against my meatshield wall and made it so that nothing could attack it since it wouldn't move (lucky!) Opened the north door before recruiting Maria so that Minerva wouldn't be an idiot and leap in the back of the line. Meanwhile, Barst sauntered up the western path and smashed in the boss and his guard with his trusty hammer. Name Class Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES WEAPON Marth Lord 13.43 28 9 0 6 13 15 9 0 Sword B Jagen Paladin 7.59 24 8 2 12 9 5 9 6 Sword C/Lance A Barst Fighter 15.52 34 17 0 10 13 10 9 0 Axe A Julian Thief 10.34 23 6 0 11 15 14 8 0 Sword D Lena Mage 16.55 19 0 8 11 9 17 4 5 Tome C Navarre Cav. 13.38 30 13 0 6 12 12 10 0 Sword B/Lance E Vyland Cav. 12.50 26 10 0 6 12 8 10 0 Sword D/Lance C Caeda Castle Crasher Base Everything Chapter 11 - 15/163 Although I took the time to get Linde, or rather, her Aura tome for Lena, I don't think taking the time to send Marth there made too much of a difference. I was getting a bit full on people so I used generics, Minerva, and Maria for Ballista bait. With Jake being such a pain to recruit I just decided to off him. Beck can do without one for a while. With no reinforcements to mess things up, just worked my way around and in. (Though Barst getting crit by the sniper was not in my plans, thank goodness for high health.) Name Class Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES WEAPON Marth Lord 13.81 28 9 0 6 13 15 9 0 Sword B Jagen Paladin 8.03 25 8 2 13 9 5 9 6 Sword C/Lance A Barst Fighter 16.19 35 17 0 11 13 11 9 0 Axe A Julian Thief 12.18 25 8 0 12 16 15 8 0 Sword C Lena Mage 17.21 19 0 9 12 9 18 4 5 Tome C Navarre Cav. 14.61 31 14 0 7 13 12 10 0 Sword A/Lance E Vyland Cav. 13.41 27 10 0 6 12 9 10 0 Sword D/Lance C Caeda Merchant Base Everything Chapter 12 - 16/179 Going the dragon route took longer than I thought, so I ended up having to deal with the reinforcements. Had Jagen spring Macellan, though I ended up not doing much with him at the moment. Barst and Lena covered my flank, Julian and Vyland ransacked the treasure room and it's general, while Marth, Navarre, and Jagen went forward. It was a good thing I had bought some vulneraries. Didn't have any healing units on the map (let Boah, tomas, and Dolph die to the prison guards,) and only when I was at the boss did I realize that there were no forts on the map. Thankfully, Navarre and Julian were on the ball and I was able to clear without having to sacrifice. Name Class Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES WEAPON Marth Lord 14.60 29 10 0 7 14 16 10 0 Sword B Jagen Paladin 8.64 25 8 2 13 9 5 9 6 Sword C/Lance A Barst Fighter 17.90 36 17 0 11 14 12 9 0 Axe A Julian Thief 13.70 26 9 0 12 16 16 8 0 Sword C Lena Mage 18.48 19 0 10 13 10 19 4 5 Tome C Navarre Cav. 16.26 33 12 0 7 15 14 11 0 Sword A/Lance E Vyland Cav. 14.63 28 10 0 7 12 9 10 0 Sword D/Lance B Macellan Knight 3.00 Base Everything Caeda Liberator 1.00 Base Everything
  8. Chapter 7 - 16/114 This chapter threw me for more of a loop than I thought it would. The reinforcements surprised me, starting at turn 4 and all. Good thing Generics exist. Didn't have any archers with me so Minerva and co. flew free while I dealt with the dragoons. Gonna have to prepare for air units next time I see them. In preventing the reinforcement cavaliers' assault I wasn't sure when they finally stopped, so I ended up burning a few turns. At least the team's doing well so far. Name Class Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES WEAPON Marth Lord 10.93 25 9 0 5 11 13 8 0 Sword B Jagen Paladin 6.60 24 8 2 12 9 4 9 6 Sword C/Lance A Barst Fighter 12.16 33 15 0 9 11 9 9 0 Axe B Julian Thief 9.05 22 6 0 11 14 13 7 0 Sword D Lena Mage 12.77 19 0 6 10 9 14 4 4 Tome C Navarre Myrm. 10.06 25 9 0 13 17 12 7 0 Sword B Vyland Cav. 7.86 24 7 0 4 10 5 10 0 Sword E/Lance C Caeda Mountaineer Base Everything
  9. Sad to hear that. Hope it was fun for the parts you did do though. Chapter 6x - 16/98 Not much to say here. Forts were available so I reclassed Jagen back to Paladin. Had the team mop up the revenge of the pirates, mostly Vyland for training purposes, and Caeda just toured the sights. Those were some very lovely mountains and streams. The generics had a mobile poker game, (they couldn't agree on a winner,) and I decided to keep Athena out of the butchery that was to come. Name Class Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES WEAPON Marth Lord 9.68 24 9 0 5 11 12 7 0 Sword C Jagen Paladin 6.06 24 8 2 12 9 4 9 6 Sword C/Lance A Barst Fighter 10.77 31 14 0 7 11 9 9 0 Axe B Julian Thief 8.30 21 6 0 10 14 12 6 0 Sword D Lena Mage 10.65 19 0 6 9 9 13 4 4 Tome D Navarre Myrm. 8.75 23 9 0 13 15 11 6 0 Sword B Vyland Cav. 6.63 23 7 0 4 9 4 9 0 Sword E/Lance D Caeda Tourist 1.00 Base Everything
  10. Chapter 6 - 11/98 Reclassed Jagen to Bishop. Needed a healbot to get through this and felt like keeping Vyland as his base class. Held back at the start so that I could kill the guys without getting overwhelmed by range. My main force took on the army while Julian and Vyland went thief hunting. Got everything except the killing edge. Wendell and most of the generics fell baiting out the rest of the guys, and Hammer!Barst saved the day against the boss. Name Class Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES WEAPON Marth Lord 9.08 24 9 0 5 11 12 7 0 Sword C Jagen Bishop 5.59 24 1 4 9 6 3 4 8 Tome E/Staff D Barst Fighter 10.52 31 14 0 7 11 9 9 0 Axe B Julian Thief 7.29 20 6 0 9 14 11 6 0 Sword D Lena Mage 10.17 19 0 6 9 9 13 4 4 Tome D Navarre Myrm. 8.27 23 9 0 13 15 11 6 0 Sword C Vyland Cav. 3.39 22 5 0 4 7 2 9 0 Sword E/Lance D Caeda Provisioner Base Everything
  11. Just musin'. Already got it mostly planned out in my head.
  12. Chapter 5 - 10/87 To get my new guy, I had Vyland take Roshea's weapons and blitz his way across the river while the rest of the Wolfguard did their job as meatshields. Recruited Wendell for his tome and staff, but ignored the village since I plan on ignoring Bantu. Got some nice levels here and there, though the boss was very stubborn. Glad I had Mage!Lena. Now the only question is what to have Vyland become... Name Class Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES WEAPON Marth Lord 8.21 23 9 0 4 10 11 7 0 Sword C Jagen Paladin 4.81 24 7 1 11 9 2 9 6 Sword C/Lance A Barst Fighter 8.80 29 13 0 7 10 7 8 0 Axe C Julian Thief 6.00 19 5 0 8 14 10 6 0 Sword E Lena Mage 9.07 18 0 6 8 9 12 4 4 Tome D Navarre Myrm. 7.15 23 8 0 12 14 11 6 0 Sword C Vyland Cav. 1.97 Base Everything Caeda Connoisseur Base Everything Wall of Meat: Wendell
  13. Chapter 4 - 11/77 Finally got it in my head to kick things into high gear at this point. Reclassed Lena to Mage. I used the non-draftees and my generics to block off the eastern forces while everybody else pushed west. Ignored Merric because I'm not planning on using any male mages, from looking at my draftees. Matthis did what he was most famous for and poked Lena in the face. In return, she whacked him with a fireball. Being the forgiving type, I recruited him, disarmed him, and sent him to bolster the failing wall of my generics. None of them survived. Julian wanted to try his hand at the arena, but a Pegasus Knight ended those gladiatorial aspirations. One quick boss kill later and it's on to the next map. Name Class Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEAPON Marth Lord 7.88 22 9 0 4 9 10 7 0 Sword C Jagen Paladin 4.48 24 7 1 11 9 2 9 6 Sword D/Lance A Barst Fighter 7.67 28 13 0 7 9 7 7 0 Axe C Julian Thief 5.04 19 4 0 7 13 9 5 0 Sword E Lena Mage 7.61 18 0 5 8 9 10 4 3 Tome E Navarre Myrm. 6.55 22 7 0 11 13 11 6 0 Sword C Caeda Browser 1.00 Base Everything
  14. Chapter 3 - 20/66 All right! A chapter where I don't have to kill my new guys! Had my main force take on the west fighters while Julian led the incoming train from the north. Once the west guys were slain, I had Caeda recruit Navarre and switched to the other side. Lena made nice use of the late Wrys' healing staff. Lost Castor the Meatshield, but these things happen. Thanks to a great level from Navarre, I could fight the boss using his Killing Edge without being doubled. Between him, Barst, and Jagen, he went down easily. Also, since I won't be getting a full army anytime soon, I think I'll be keeping Caeda as my flying shopping unit. Name Class Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEAPON Marth Lord 7.41 22 9 0 4 9 10 7 0 Sword C Jagen Paladin 3.91 23 7 1 11 8 2 9 6 Sword D/Lance B Barst Fighter 6.99 27 13 0 7 9 7 7 0 Axe C Julian Thief 4.20 18 4 0 6 13 8 4 0 Sword E Lena Cleric 5.38 17 0 2 7 9 8 3 7 Staff C Navarre Myrmidon 5.07 21 6 0 11 12 10 6 0 Sword C Caeda Bargain Hunter 1.00 Base Everything Named Wall of Meat: Ogma
  15. First boss was a dodgy master! Only reason I did better the next time was that I remembered the Silver Lance is awesome instead of swearing fealty to the weapon triangle and using only an iron sword. Chapter 2 - 22/46 (Give or take one turn on this chapter. Gotta remember to write these down before clearing. Ah well, that's what the epilogue's for.) Had Jagen take Ogma's Steel Sword, Barst take Bord's axes, and went to town on the enemies. Darros made a good meatshield in the NE, while the others came from the front. Marth had fun putting his first Rapier uses into the cavaliers, and everyone not on my draft except for Ogma, Castor, and Caeda became pirate food. Name Class Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES WEAPON Marth Lord 6.97 21 9 0 4 9 10 7 0 Sword C Jagen Paladin 3.55 23 7 1 11 8 2 9 6 Sword D/Lance B Barst Fighter 5.24 26 12 0 7 9 7 6 0 Axe D Caeda Shopaholic Base Everything I still feel I'm going a bit slow compared to some of you guys, but at least this boss went down more easily, thanks to not having to heal on a far-away fort.
  16. Time to get started! This is my first time in H2, and my first successful try took around 50-60 turns, but then I realized that would suck in the long run, so I suicided Marth to restart. Chapter 1 - 24/24 Used my Meatshields as best as I could, Gordin and Cain served their duty well. (Thanks for that Disarm tip by the way, it saved a lot of trouble where I would otherwise be convoying weapons to my supply.) Got to the boss at around Turn 13-ish, but I screwed up with Jagen and had to heal him back up to full with the fort before I could assault. Silver Lance helped a lot, sad that it will be leaving soon... Name Class Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES Weapon Marth Lord 4.20 20 7 0 4 9 9 7 0 Sword D Jagen Paladin 2.72 23 7 1 10 8 2 9 6 Sword C/Lance B Caeda Shopper 1.00 Base Everything (Will Transfer to Meatshield duty after I get Navarre.) Named Meatshields: Abel, Draug, Wrys
  17. This is gonna be crazy, all switched up on us and all. And I would like a stat template, please. It would take a lot of room if I did my own thing, I'm sure.
  18. Just 3 left then... Since I already have a strong-ish early game: Est! I choose you!
  19. Best: Hector Seriously though, I'll go with Boyd from Tellius. (FE9-10) With you forever, is powerful, and fun to boot. Worst: Probably Dorcas FE7. A bit bland compared to the others... and that's all really.
  20. Getting down to the wire here... I'll give Jeorge a shot.
  21. Still in need of a healbot, so I choose Wrys. Btw... Xane is missing from the list.
  22. Oof, I was going for that... Ah well, I'll go with Athena then.
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