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Second Pronoun

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Everything posted by Second Pronoun

  1. My Final Thoughts Celice, Lover to no one, son to Deidre and Sigurd (118 wins) Celice was a beast but had somewhat low speed and res throughout the second gen for me, but with the leg ring he basically soloed the last chapter up to Julius Radnay sucky sub instead of Skasaha (19 wins) Radnay was useful... for chapters 6 and 7 and chapter 8 and 9, with a wing clipper but otherwise sucked(get LUCK) Oifaye Mr. Man-Stache. A-1 Castle Guarder (45 wins) Great until chapter 9, then completely obsolete. He is Amazingly helpful in chapters 6 and 7 Julia, Daughter of Deidre and Alvis, sister to Celice and Julius (25 kills) My only early second gen healer and a great one, I would have liked more speed as she started to greatly resemble her mother. But nARGA is a must against the final boss and she got the final kill Shanan, Wife to Patty, MVP.(66 kills) My best Holy Weapon user in the second generation, MVP of my team for sure and if I drafted again I would once again pick him over anyone, but Levin. BALMUNG is amazing with it in critical status. Arion respects him so much he didn't even attempt to attack him Patty, Daughter of Noish and Briggid, Sister to Faval, Wife to Shanan (15 kills) Started out slow but I love thieves with Knight rings, Hit and Run Thieving FTW Also criticals for thieves look very cool and she criticaled often. Helped fund my team and got most of the villages and citizens Leaf Son of Ethlin and Cuan, sister killer(well not exactly) (45 kills) Used him with elite ring early game. and then once he promoted I had him be my Staff-Bot he used rescue to keep Shanan up with others and to Bypass the Sleep stave users in the last chapter, Also Leaf has very Manly Stats. Faval, Holy Warrior Kryptonite, Son of Noish and Briggid (30 kills) My second best holy weapon user. He killed five holy weapon users and many flying units. My best Faval ever, with tanky defense hogh luck and high strength, I love Noish's skills. If not for his father Faval would not have killed Alvis. Noish is a better father for Faval Alone than Holyn, Dew, or Jamka. He is amazing and when I see him I think, why don't the women in this army go for him. Is it because he doesn't wield his sword. He is too good for a sword instead I feel the women should go for him, after being hit with his arrows, I mean Faval should be like Cupid to the ladies. I LOVE FAVAL. Aless, Son of Eltosian and my worst Holy Weapon user (53 kills) I love Aless but I would pick a good father over him any day. Useful in the last chapter against sleep staves he maxed RES but I still don't like him that much. He is still a great unit and should be drafted high. Altenna, SOB I now hate killing her but I had no choice because stupid Fin never told Leaf who his GODDAMN SISTER IS Femina 13 kills Could be star of a show called Peg Knights who I don't care about
  2. Chapter 9 (28 turns) Celice quickly took Hannibal's castle, while DAMNIT if Fin isn't alive you can't recruit Altenna. I mean did he just decide he was going to withhold the fact that Leaf had a sister until he saw her in battle. Oifaye stayed on the castle to take on the dragon knights. While Leaf killed Mage knight boss to get Tornado. Julia equipped Fire and was retreated to the castle Femina stayed to guard a castle and was killed. Next chapter Patty and Aless will promote. Shanan and his Balmung took on all of Arion's troops. Once again Faval killed a Holy Warrior, with a critical, God I love Noishs skills(Holy Warrior kill count for Faval up to 3(Altenna ,Ishtor and Arion. Seize on turn 28. Turn count: 337. Oh and Femina died, Well I just LOST 2 GODDAMN FLIERS Chapter Ten 27 turns Got out of castle and after having Dimna talk to Patty(gets her extra stats I tok out the Sleep Stavers and staff users. Faval has 18 Defense, He is better than even my Jamka!Faval or my Holyn!Faval, I love critical. Celice rushes and kills Hilda. Roddlevan eats Civilians, and now is ready to promote. My Holy Warriors beast along with Leaf. Celice goes on a solo mission while I reposition my units. Leaf Reserves for a free level up( He has capped Strength Skill Speed and Defense(I think). Faval kills Ishtor again with a 20-ish hit critical. Celice seizes again and my units move to the bridge. Celice becomes a new Holy warrior and gets Tyrfing. I hate stupid leadership star enhanced meteors. But I kill them and get ready to try to chip down Alvis. Aless hits and Then Faval CRITS ALVIS ON 17 HIT, YES!!!!!(Holy Warrior kills, 5). And it saves one turn. Celice comes back to troops "I am ready to Avenge my father." Faval says "Oops" Turn Count 364. FINALE(8 turns, HAHA actually 30 turns) Had Celice, Aless(28 res with Mistoltin equipped) he has +2 over his average res stat, and Leaf rush forward Shanan talks to Patty. Faval, Oifaye and Radnay stay in castle. Leaf uses his rescue staff to move Celice around all the sleep staff users and he runs and seizes and all of the Sleep Staffers disappear into thin air(like Reidric). All of the Great Knights come out and Shanan takes up sentry in the castle. Celice seizes before the Better great knight brigade gets down. Celice moves up and solos the Barons and seizes the castle. He then goes around Ishtars brigade and takes the next castle and then talks to Julia(nARGA get). Arion respects Shanan so much he doesn't attack him. Julia and Celice tag team Julius and he is taken down on turn 30 and Celice seizes. 394 Turn Finish Stats and Thoughts in next Post
  3. Chapter 8 28 turns I had Leaf solo at Lenster to where he could promote. Faval recruited and he killed Ishtor with a 30% hit. The Mage sisters decided to attack Shanan up close(WTF, he has BALMUNG BITCHES) Patty takes all the civilians except for one(Which Femina took) Then while Oifaye Celice and Shanan along with Faval took on the Ballistae Capture on turn 28
  4. Chapter 6 Celice just rushes up with his amazing 100 kill silver sword Roddlevan and Oifaye clean up behind him while Mana trails behind so she can give the relive staff to Julia. After seizing Ganeishire Celice and Roddlevan take the Isaacian axe knights while Oifaye solos the Sophara Lumberjacks. Julia comes after Celice and Roddlevan using Celice's support bonus. After Oifaye picks up the skill ring(for better critical). I notice that I have not moved Femina. So I move her to take out a bandit. Unfortunately Tiltyu and Claude paired up right at the end of Gen 1 so no Amid for me . After capturing Isaac Celice takes out generic Great Knight Boss, while Julia solos the axe knight brigade using her new rezire tome. Celice than defeats the boss and seizes on turn 33. Chapter 7 I start chapter 7 by going through the arena. Celice clears the arena, Roddlevan clears the Arena, and Oifaye clears the arena. I have all of them sortie and leave the castle. Celice quickly goes north through the desert while Oifaye, Yuria, Femina, and Roddlevan go south down the road. My 2 draftees Shanan and Patty are up north and I quickly get Patty out of harms way while Shanan rushes with the Balmung. Leaf sits in front of the castle with his Earth Sword while Fin guards the Castle. While Shanan rapes the dark mages near the Yied shrine Julia weakens the dark mages on the road while Femina, and Roddlevan get kills. After capturing Yied I wait for Shanan Celice and Patty to catch up. Patty gives Celice the Hero Sword and Femina kills the Bandit and takes the village for the Elite Ring. At this point down in Lenster Janne and Fin have both died which comes back to haunt me later in this playthrough. After Shanan throws himself into the Freege army he goes down south and kills Ishtor while Celice kills Liza and Fire Sword Oifaye weakens enemies for units to kill. Celice seizes and we now have MISTOLTIN MAN, or Aless. After seizing Celice Oifaye and Aless take on Jabarro while Everyone else heads to Alster. After Seizing Aless's castle we head to and seize the last castle(38 turns)
  5. Chapter 3 40 turns I rushed Cuan Sigurd Ethlin and Noish to the Northern Castle. After killing the boss with the Thunder Sword I got the Earth Sword using Lachesis and then rushed to Capture Agusty. After Briggid came out I was ready to subdue on turn 35 until I realized Cuan had not gotten the GaeBolg yet. I captured Orga Hill on turn 40. Chapter 4 35 turns Noish and Briggid are now glued together, and Sigurd makes short work of the Wind mages and Peg Knights. I seize The Northeastern castle on turn 17. Then Sigurd uses his return ring to go back to home base. Sigurd Solos the bottom of the map and goes around the whole group of mage fighters while Briggid and Noishe stick together and Defend The northeastern castle. Sigurd Seizes on turn 35 Chapter 5 30 turns With the leg ring Sigurd gets the Tyrfing and takes Dozel castle on turn 8. After letting newly in-love Noish and Briggid catch up I watch as two of my Draftees die a painful death. Then using the Ichival and a speed ring and some lucky dodges Briggid solos the Dragon Knights while Sigurd takes Phinora. After moving down Sigurd kills the guy with Thor Hammer(I am bad with names). Sigurd Seizes on turn 30. Final Thoughts Sigurd: Amazing, what else is there to say Noish: Once he got the Pursuit Ring he became amazing. Briggid: Helpful against Fliers in chapters 4 and 5 Arden: He Is TERRIBLE, but he did help Noish gain experience in chapter P, 1, and 2. Then he was left guaring the castle 1st Gen total: 209 Turns
  6. Chapter 1 35 Turns Forgot to post about chaoter 1 I moved fast and got to the third castle on turn 20 but then it took a long time to get through the forest Diedre silenced but then was captured Sigurd seized on turn 35 Chapter 2 (50 turns) I easily captured castles up to the one Macbeth guards. I then had a problem with the Sleep staff but Diedre fixed it. Ethlin has the elite ring and will promote next chapter and noish will do the same. Had a small problem with the horseslayer but Diedre sacrificed her life so I could kill Zyne. After that I took the last castle ending the chapter.
  7. I lost my save file So I am starting over. Prologue 19 Turns Look at my first post for an overview of my startegy but somehow one turn faster I am not sure how
  8. Chapter 1 On towards Verdane 31 turns Had my team first take out Kinobis' army. Sigurd then captured the castle. After a talk with Ayra, my team went on to The next castle(forgot the name) After a tough trudge through the forest I came upon Deidre. She silenced the boss and also killed him. Sigurd seized on turn 31 51 turns total Attatched Thumbnails are my Stats(I am too lazy to figure out how to make a table)
  9. Femina I decided to start since I have my entire team together Prologue 20 Turns Rushed Arden, Noish, Cuan, Ethlin and, Sigurd to Jungby castle. Arden chipped on a couple of fighters to help get Noish kills. Got Arden the Speed Ring Village. Jungby was subdued on turn 10. Then I rushed Noish, Cuan and Sigurd to Evans. A large amount of axemen from Evans decided not to think and suicided themselves onto Alvis. Broke through the wall of Axe-Fighters at the bridge on turn 18 using a lucky charge from Noish and a lucky continue from Cuan to get through one turn earlier then expected. I then used Noish and Sigurd to fight the Boss. He was killed and the Evans was subdued on turn 20.
  10. The Master Knight Class with A Weapon ranks in Light Magic and Dark Magic
  11. Question If I use a Holy Weapon user before They get their Weapon (Cuan in the Prologue) do I take a Holy Weapon User penalty or a regular penalty
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