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Second Pronoun

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Everything posted by Second Pronoun

  1. Chapter 12 11 turns 150 total Rushed Zealot and Marcus up the right side while Alan ferried Roy Chad opened chests so that I could get money. Recruited Ray and Rutger got the boss kill with the Wyrmslayer. Alan is looking like Lance, 17 speed along with 11 strength. Name Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Roy 10.40 23 11 11 11 13 9 3 Marcus 10.03 40 12 15 14 12 12 11 Alan 18.16 31 11 12 17 12 10 1 Chad 13.12 32 10 10 20 10 5 0 Lugh 12.00 19 9 10 13 5 5 7 Rutger 3.85 33 14 20 16 4 12 4 Treck 11.58 31 10 8 7 11 9 1 Zealot 5.28 39 11 14 14 6 13 7 Geese 11.41 33 10 10 10 9 8 1 Dorothy 6.35 22 6 8 7 4 5 3 Merlin 1.13 15 0 3 3 10 3 0 Echidna 1.37 35 13 19 18 6 8 7 Lalum 2.86 15 1 2 12 10 3 4 Barth Dead 12x 12 turns Brought my swordusers and Lugh and Geese. Not much to say got the white and red gem. 13 12 turns Alan promoted and got the body ring. Everyone else moved forward. Echidna got the Al sword. Zealot killed the boss with the wyrmslayer Total turns 174
  2. I'm sorry I counted at 3 am so it was off by 40 turns My total is 136
  3. Chapter 11 15 turns Thany died oh well Klein didn't and his NPCs helped me got Echidna seized on turn 15 96 turns total Name Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvl Support Roy 10.34 23 11 11 11 13 9 3 S-C Marcus-C Marcus 9.78 39 12 15 12 12 11 11 L-S, S-C, A-B Roy-C Alan-C Alan 17.44 30 11 12 16 11 10 1 L-C, S-D Marcus-C Chad 13.08 32 10 10 20 10 5 0 S-D Lugh 10.22 19 7 9 11 5 5 7 Anima-C Rutger 2.92 32 13 20 16 4 12 4 S-A Treck 10.54 30 10 7 7 10 9 1 S-E, L-D Zealot 4.69 38 11 14 13 6 13 7 L-A, S-B, A-B Geese 11.40 33 10 10 10 9 8 1 A-B Dorothy 6.22 22 6 8 7 4 5 3 Bows-D Merlin 1.13 15 0 3 3 10 3 0 Echidna 1.13 35 13 19 18 6 8 7 S-C, A-D Lalum 2.11 15 1 2 12 10 3 4 Barth Dead
  4. Talk so you can recruit and gain stats(In fire emblem 4)
  5. Chapter 9 14 turns. My pallies rushed and Fir and Shin were killed Treck got must needed experience. Boss killed by a double crit by Rutger. Chapter 10 11 turns. Quick rush. Rutger promoted. Geese was recruited. I wish Chad could promote. 10 strength, 20 speed, 10 skill, he is a beast.
  6. Chapter 7 12 turns Marcus and Alan go Northwest while the rest of the team goes northeast. Rutger gets the Villages. Zealot and Treck are allowed into my party while everyone goes north. Boss killed and seize on turn 12 Chapter 8, Tough Boss 14 turns/ Marcus, Zealot, and Alan go forward. Treck ferries Roy while Rutger, Dorothy and Lugh clean up. Chad gets the 4 chests but can't get to the others. Barth is gotten. Zealot crits with a killing edge twice and is rescued by Alan Marcus kills the boss with an armorslayor that same turn Chapter 8x, Tough Boss part 2 16 turns Marcus carries up Roy while Barth solos the bottom left. Zealot and Marcus and Alan kill the enemies and Rutger cleans up took 6 turns to kill boss but on turn 16 I seize
  7. If I can go twice Levin Mage to Sage Major Tordo Thor Hammer Pursuit, Continue, Ambush
  8. Chapter 1 (6 turns) Rushed forward Marcus and Roy while Alan hung back for kills, no gold for me, but I didn't want to waste 2 turns going and getting gold. Roy seizes on turn 6. Level Ups Alan--> STR Skill Luck Chapter 2 4 useless units !0 turns/16 total I start the chapter and send my units down south. Merlinius goes shopping. Lott gives all his axes to Marcus, I want Marcus to S rank Lances and Axes. Marcus will use axes for right now. 2 good level ups and Marcus grows Strength, YES!!. Boss is killed on turn 9 seize on turn 10 Level Ups Roy--> Skl Spd Lck Res Alan--> HP Str Spd Lck Def Alan--> HP Spd Lck Marcus--> HP Str Res Chapter 3 Lugh've got to be kidding Me(12 turns 30 total Alan went and got Lugh while Marcus Roy and Chad and rush up. Marcus works on his axe level while Chad and Roy steal kills. Marcus gets the Boss kill and Roy seizes on turn 12. Merlinius got the Mend Village Level Ups Alan--> Str Skl Spd Roy--> Skl Spd Chad--> HP Spd Chapter 4 Merlini-Meat Shield(9 turns 39 Total) Merlinius Meatshielded for me and then died(sort-of) Marcus got the Bosskill and Rutger was recruited Chad got the Angelic robe village and used it Level Ups Roy-->Str Skl Spd Lck Def Alan--> HP Lck Def Marcus--> HP Lck Def Chad-->+7 HP Chapter 5 Split in 2(10 turns 49 total) I split in two groups, Chad Lugh Merlinius and Rutger go north while Roy Marcus and Alan go West. Marcus and Alan get lots of kills and Lugh gets a great level up. Marcus gets the boss down to 1 HP. Alan then kills the boss Roy Seizes on turn 10 Level ups Lugh--> HP Mag Skl Spd Def Res Chad--> HP Skl Spd Lck Alan--> HP Skl Lck Lugh--> HP Mag Spd Chad--> Str Skl Spd Lck Rutger--> HP Skl Lck Def Roy--> HP Str Spd Alan--> HP Skl Def Marcus--> Def Chapter 6 Chad becomes the Man 7 turns/ 56 Total Screw Sue I'm going to Illia. I use Marcus to tank up the middle while my two teams go up the sides. Lugh grows in only Defense, WHAT, Lugh I drafted Hugh to be the Tank Mage. Roy Seize on turn 7. Chad steals Cath's lockpick. Level Ups Alan--> HP Str Lck Lugh--> Def Rutger--> Str Skl Spd Rutger--> HP Skl Spd Lck Def
  9. Make Ethlin Peg Knight to a Falcoknight with major Blaggi Valkyrie and with Nihil
  10. I'll take Barth, and just promote him quick
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