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Second Pronoun

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Everything posted by Second Pronoun

  1. Minerva 28 Michalis 25 Altenna 28 Trabant 15 Arione 25 Dean 25 Eda 25 Miledy 34 Zeiss 25 Narshen 20 Gale 25 Heath 28 Cormag 31 Glen 25 Valter 10 Jill 27 Haar 25 Shiharam 20 Ashnard 25 Raffin 31 Julius 25
  2. Best:Bartre Worst:Desmond, that's for killing that cute little fox.
  3. My Final Thoughts Eliwood 20/06.71 43 16 21 18 19 15 13 A Sword C Lance Did okay but his best part is horse utility when promoted. Rebecca 20/13.41 42 18 21 25 19 11 13 S Bow Rebecca is a good unit and can sit on a forest or fort and dodge hits all day. Other than that she only gained strength the last few levels and she couldn't kill for squat. Bartre 20/10.72 53 20 25 15 8 14 14 S Axe C Bow Very helpful for killing fliers when promoted. He was also very useful against mages and once he got going he was golden Raven 14/20.00 54 22 24 26 11 14 6 S Sword A Axe My 2nd most helpful unit for sure. He promoted and with those manly ending stats one can only believe what would've happened had he promoted at 20. Once he promoted and got 1-2 range combat he was unstoppable Prissy 20/18.01 35 21 20 18 27 7 21 S Staves B Anima Did what she was supposed to and was good with Warp. However Pent is a better choice. Wallace ??/13.05 42 22 12 11 13 24 9 A Lance S Axe Wallace is a killer in this mode. Once he was recruited he walled up and he was nearly invincible. Isadora ??/17.32 37 20 19 23 16 10 8 S Sword A Lance B Axe This is odd for me to say for a Pre-Promote but she started off slow but after a few levels really got going. A paladin is always welcome on my team Matt ??/14.57 46 14 18 28 19 15 5 S Sword Meh, He was good for thief utility and he got me the silver card. Matt silenced a few bosses which is always nice. Nil/Ninian 12.71 29 2 3 21 19 7 13 Dancer Refreshed people, NUFF SAID. Marcus and Athos Total Beasts Both Amazing. Athos with bolting killed 5 morphs in the last chapter and he soloed the dragon. Marcus is always good and I was sad to see him go. My team killed. My only regret is I got to Jerme's chapter, my least favorite in the game. I'm no beast at drafts and this is no exception in recap, my team ranked by performance 1.Marcus 2.Isadora 3.Raven 4.Wallace 5.Prissy 6.Eliwood 7.Bartre 8.Rebecca 9.Athos Utility. Matt and Ninian/Nils
  4. I'm finishing this in this post Chapter 27 19/185 turns I had Raven and Rebecca go one one way as everyone else went the other way. Raven and his axes are great against lances and Rebecca cleaned up after him. The other group was stacked and had no problems. Bartre and Matt took on the Wyverns with Matt silencing Vaida. Raven got some lucky crits and killed the boss. Chapter 28 11/196 turns I brought Wallace for the archer side and Raven for the Mage side. Eliwood is a beast with his Javelin and Wallace helped him on the boss. Eliwood claimed a spot on turn 11. Chapter 29 12/208 turns I defended got all the treasure and that's it. I killed Denning on the last turn. Chapter 29x 5/213 turns Shopping. Brought mostly fliers and mounted to shop. Got a hell of a lot of mends and finally got Priscilla thunders. Chapter 30 9/222 turns Used Priscilla and Warp to easily clear this map. Once I got in range I warped Eliwood who was rescuing Raven in. Raven killed Limstella and Eliwood seized. Final Chapter Part 1 6/228 turns Used up my warp rescue and unlock staves. Isadora, Rebecca, Raven, and Athos killed Nergal. Final Chapter Part 2 3/231 turns Athos got in some hits but ELiwood could not because he gets doubled by the Dragon. Athos did 20 on PP and EP because on Prissy's Recover staff. That comes out to 120 HP lost in three turns. Unit Analysis an Final stats next.
  5. Chapter 25 20/151 turns This map is my least favorite in the game. Jerme's map should be a seize map. It is so hard to go everywhere and kill all the enemies. I just don't want to try to get a lower turn count. Chapter 26 15/166 turns I missed the boots and promoted everyone but Matthew. Wallace is just and absolute tank and Raven is uber useful. I got Nino to talk to Jaffar so yay Gaiden. Chapter 26x (20)/166 turns This map is simple Nino is annoying but them's the breaks. I only got the speedwing and after Raven killed the boss Matt promoted. Yay all my team is promoted. Also my Bartre had 13 res with no stat boosters at 20/1. that's 5.5 over his average. He actualy is able to somewhat tank mages. Name Level HP Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon level Support Eliwood 20.00 34 13 18 15 16 13 7 A Swords Matt 20/1.00 34 9 12 20 13 10 4 A Swords Raven 14/14.89 48 19 22 26* 8 11 5 S Swords A Axes C Prissy Prissy 20/5.97 28 17 15 13 18 6 18 S Staves D Anima C Raven Rebecca 20/4.49 37 15 14 20 15 9 8 S Bows Bartre 20/3.95 47 17 21 11 7 12 13 A Axes D Bows Ninian 9.37 27 1 3 18 17 6 10 Isadora ?/9.48 31 18 14 20 13 9 8 S Sowrds A Lances C Axes Wallace ?/6.85 39 17 10 9 11 21 8 A Lances S Axes
  6. Chapter 23 8 turns I bought Florina to recruit Wallace. Newly promoted Raven went up the left along with Bartre and Matt. While everyone else went left. I got the Earth Seal and recruited Wallace. He is really good and is a great Wall. I had Raven get the boss kill. Chapter 24 12 turns Eliwood blocked off the East while Raven came up to help. I got Wallace to B rank axes using the Devil's Axe. Rebecca was great against Wyverns even though she has little strength. Isadora and Bartre helped with the Wyverns to the west using their axes. Name Level HP Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon level Support Eliwood 19.18 33 12 17 14 16 13 7 A Swords Matt 16.80 28 7 9 20 10 7 2 A Swords Raven 14/5.58 39 16 19 24 6 8 4 A Swords C Axes C Prissy Prissy 15.23 20 13 9 11 13 3 11 A Staves C Raven Rebecca 15.97 28 9 12 15 9 6 5 A Bows Bartre 18.19 41 14 17 11 7 8 8 A Axes Ninian 4.40 22 1 2 14 13 6 6 Isadora ?/3.74 29 14 12 17 10 8 7 A Sowrds B Lances D Axes Wallace ?/2.69 35 17 9 8 10 20 5 A Lances C Axes
  7. I'm okay with NM since I am absolutely stuck on chapter 3
  8. Well visiting villages is prohibited and usually is prohibited. It was stated in the rules that visiting villages is not something a unit is allowed to use. Just take some penalties or start over.
  9. Chapter 19 12/95 turns Raven and Prissy supported. Marcus and Bartre moved up the wall. Eliwood recruited Legault and Matt stole the Memeber Card. Bartre got the kill and Eliwood seized on turn 12. Missed the Killer Bow but Rebecca got the Long Bow Chapter 20 5/100 turns Matt bought more equipment. Raven rushed forward and killed the boss on turn 5. Prissy barrier-spammed to get to A-Rank Staves. Rebecca went one round in the arena. Chapter 21 3/103 turns Raven promoted and moved forward. Matt went secret-shopping. The silver card is a life-saver. Prissy kept spamming her staves to get exp. Isadora was got and went forward. Raven and Isadora chipped the boss and Bartre killed it. Chapter 22 8/111 turns I actually had enough expierience to get the sidequest. Pent killed all. Eliwood got one boss. Raven got the othe all enemies died by turn 8. All the treasure I got was the Ocean Seal or in my mind, 25000 dollars. Name Level HP Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon level Support Marcus ?/8.14 34 17 18 12 11 11 12 A Swords S Lances B Axes Eliwood 14.03 28 11 13 13 14 10 5 A Swords Matt 12.51 26 7 7 19 7 6 2 B Swords Raven 14/2.76 36 12 18 23 6 6 4 A Swords D Axes Prissy C Prissy 12.33 18 12 9 10 11 3 9 A Staves Raven C Rebecca 13.46 27 8 12 14 8 5 3 B Bows Bartre 17.08 40 14 16 10 6 8 8 A Axes Isadora ?/1.57 BASE Ninian 2.80 22 1 1 13 11 5 5
  10. Chapter 19 12/95 turns Raven and Prissy supported. Marcus and Bartre moved up the wall. Eliwood recruited Legault and Matt stole the Memeber Card. Bartre got the kill and Eliwood seized on turn 12. Missed the Killer Bow but Rebecca got the Long Bow Chapter 20 5/100 turns Matt bought more equipment. Raven rushed forward and killed the boss on turn 5. Prissy barrier-spammed to get to A-Rank Staves. Rebecca went one round in the arena. Chapter 21 3/103 turns Raven promoted and moved forward. Matt went secret-shopping. The silver card is a life-saver. Prissy kept spamming her staves to get exp. Isadora was got and went forward. Raven and Isadora chipped the boss and Bartre killed it. Chapter 22 8/111 turns I actually had enough expierience to get the sidequest. Pent killed all. Eliwood got one boss. Raven got the othe all enemies died by turn 8. All the treasure I got was the Ocean Seal or in my mind, 25000 dollars. Name Level HP Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon level Support Marcus ?/8.14 34 17 18 12 11 11 12 A Swords S Lances B Axes Eliwood 14.03 28 11 13 13 14 10 5 A Swords Matt 12.51 26 7 7 19 7 6 2 B Swords Raven 14/2.76 36 12 18 23 6 6 4 A Swords D Axes Prissy C Prissy 12.33 18 12 9 10 11 3 9 A Staves Raven C Rebecca 13.46 27 8 12 14 8 5 3 B Bows Bartre 17.08 40 14 16 10 6 8 8 A Axes Isadora ?/1.57 BASE Ninian 2.80 22 1 1 13 11 5 5
  11. Go into Other Styles and Click on Code and put your table into it like this Name Lvl Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Marth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  12. Chapter 11 6 turns Wasted a turn getting the village and Marcus rushed while rescuing Eliwood. Chapter 12 8/14 turns Oswin and Hetcor took care of business. Again wasted a turn getting the village Eliwood camped out and killed many on a forest. Chapter 13 7/21 turns I got the village. Marcus river dropped Eliwood and he went and got the boss kill. I got the torch and spent 1 extra turn buying hand axes Chapter 13x 8/29 turns I got the village. Eliwood blocked the left entrance, Marcus and Bartre blocked the north entrance with Bartre visiting the village and Marcus getting the boss kill. Matt blocked the south Chapter 14 8/37 turns Bought Serra to recruit Erk. I rushed with Marcus to get the boss Bartre took care of reinforcements. Eliwood got the upper village. Chapter 15 7/44 turns Marcus carried Eliwood over the mountains. Bartre, Matt, and Rebecca took care of the south. I used Sain in the Southeast and he got the Heavy Spear village. Many weapons were bought. Chapter 16 10/54 turns I got Raven. Matt went and got the Unlock and the Heroes Crest. Marcus carried Priscilla up and she recruited Raven. Raven Rescued one soldier so I could get the Gaiden. Eliwood got the kill on turn 9 EP and seized on turn 10. Chapter 16x 7/61 turns Marcus rushed North while I got Canas and gave Bartre the secret book. I also got the Devil's Axe. Raven got a few kills while Prissy healed around. Marcus talked to Fargus on turn 7. Chapter 17 6/67 turns Marcus rushed south, while Bartre and Raven held down an entrance. Prissy stayed behind them so she could heal every turn. Raven got good levelups and Marcus killed the boss on turn 6. Chapter 18 7/74 turns Marcus rushed down while Raven held the north and Prissy healed. Bartre killed the reinforcements and Rebecca and Eliwood just helped around. Chapter 18x 9/83 turns Marcus Rushed and Matt stole the silver card. There is not really much else to say about this one. Name Level HP Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon level Marcus ?/8.14 34 17 18 12 11 11 12 A Swords S Lances B Axes Eliwood 10.48 25 9 11 12 10 10 4 A Swords Matt 10.26 25 7 7 17 6 5 0 B Swords Raven 10.61 27 12 15 16 4 6 1 B Swords Prissy 4.74 16 8 7 9 8 3 7 C Staves Rebecca 9.12 23 6 9 11 7 5 2 C Bows Bartre 11.78 37 10 11 8 5 7 4 B Axes
  13. I'll get them both anyway so I'm picking Geitz because I don't want Dig to be the only one using the free character.
  14. Thieves, when undrafted, can only do what undrafted units can do. Stealing is a penalized action
  15. Lady and the Tramp in my Pants tee hee hee
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