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Second Pronoun

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Everything posted by Second Pronoun

  1. Prologue, The Epic Journey Begins 15 turns Sigurd rushes forward while Alec takes the north. Azel shows up and takes a village. Sigurd continues down and I am ready to take a penalty for Midir when for some odd reason all the enemy units attack Sigurd. Sigurd picks up the speed ring and then the silver sword and seizes on turn 15. Name LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Items Sigurd 11 37 41 17 00 13 14 09 12 03 Silver Sword, Speed Ring, Iron Lance, Steel Sword Alec 05 66 33 09 00 11 12 04 08 01 Iron Sword Azel 01 49 Base Fire
  2. Where are the bananas they have to be on a fruit tier list.
  3. Yes I'd be quite happy seeing as how every FE4 draft I've been in you've kicked my ass. Does Integrity always get the last mother or does it just seem like that.
  4. Best: Alec's Turban Worst: Levin his hat is weird.
  5. I think thieving should just be like in FE5. The theives are more useful in that game because their utility is increased. If they grow build every few levels and use the build ring they can steal many things.
  6. Finished FE4 Draft VII in 299 turns Also I noticed you didn't have Jave's turncount in the same draft in the backlog. It was 398 turns
  7. FINAL STATS AND THOUGHTS Celice Son of Diadre and Sigurd and Husband to Mana 164 Wins Celice was the best I've ever had him, he grew speed early and often and was able to pretty much solo some of the later chapters My overall number 1 MVP. Oifaye Better than usual 33 wins I have been using Oifaye less and less in drafts but this time through he shocked me with how he grew quite well. Not the greatest but good enough. Lachke Daughter of Ayra and Noish Wife to Johan 71 wins My new favorite pairing for Ayra she grew what she always grows and Defense. Also she attacked 40 straight times, no joke at range on a dark mage with the Thunder Sword to kill him. She is a Goddess. Skasaha Son of Ayra and Noish 36 wins He was great as well. The only difference between him and Lacke was no continue and fewer kils not because he was worse but because he started with the elite ring. A real killer he Becam Lachke with the Hero Sword. Mana Wife to Celice 0 Wins Although she didn't promote she was very helpful in warping people around. She warped in Leen to help Sigurd and Julia one turn the final boss. Altogether not the best but not the worst. Johan Husband to Lachke and A big fat Loser 12 wins I will never draft him again. He has a horse but axes suck and so does he not useful after chapter 7. Hawk, Best Sub Ever!!! 33 wins Hawk was amazing. He has great stats and can use Restore. He helped a ton in chapter 10 when Celice needed to be restored and was always a reliable fighter and dodge tank. Overall, my 2nd best after Celice. Leen Dancer Single 0 Wins Worth the turns used getting her, why because she helped in a few turn saving strategies I used. Not a fighter but one of my most prized possesions(Sounds Creepy) Corple He who Awakens the Dead 0 wins He reawakened Hawk as I was just about to rage quit and restart chapter 10 and was a godsend with his healing power. Joined Celice's brigade in the final chapter because of his Res. I don't like him though. Julia nARGA 25 wins Always useful and she killed Julius. Another Staff user was always welcome in my team and she filled that role well. Also she can tank well with her Rezire. 299 Turn Clear.
  8. Chapter 10 26/270 turns I have Celice rush ahead and seize. Mana then warps most people forward. Corple Rescues Celice back from Rados and then eats civilians. Corple than spams Return, Rescue, and Reserve staves for extra expierience. Celice just goes goes around Ishtar and Julius and seizes the castle. Having Hawk is very helpful as he restores people. Corple gets two villages to help with his money. Hawk dies on the turn I'm going to seize and I'm about to restart the turn when I remember I have Valkyrie. Celice kills Alvis and seizes on turn 26. Epilogue 29/299 turns I got under 300 yes!!!! Standard Celice rush with a One turn KO of Julius helped by Leen. Final Thoughts and Character stats in Next Post
  9. Chapter 7 38/210 turns This is where I am stuck in the SOYO draft. I couldn't get past Ishtor's army with my sucky team. But now I have a secret weapon named Julia. She took out nearly that entire army, with Rezire. Celice takes Ishtor out with a Silver sword Crit then Celice and Oifaye rush up to take on Jabarro's army. After conquering the castle Celice runs back and Kills Blume and seizes. Once again a double crit from the Silver Sword. Stats Name LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Items Celice 16 78 50 17 06 18 15 17 14 03 Silver Sword, Slim Sword, Light Sword, Thief Sword, Speed Ring, Power, Ring, Leg Ring Skasaha 17 32 48 19 01 23 20 17 19 01 Defense Sword, Hero Sword, Iron Blade, Slim Sword, Iron Sword, Skill Ring, Elite Ring Lakche 12 03 42 19 00 17 18 07 13 01 Silver Blade, Silver Sword, Prayer Sword, Thunder Sword, Skill Ring, Knight Ring Mana 05 10 26 01 10 09 11 07 01 10 Live Staff Johan 15 51 44 15 00 11 13 05 12 01 Steel Axe, Hero Axe, Hand Axe, Shield Ring Julia 12 84 34 00 22 10 13 05 04 19 Relive Staff, Rezire Oifaye 18 74 43 18 09 18 17 08 19 09 Cutter, Javelin, Fire Sword Leen 03 40 26 03 02 02 08 08 01 06 Slim Sword Chapter 8 16/226 turns This was just a straight up Celice charge. All my units cleaned up after him and Hawk helped divert attention from him by being in range. Hawk is a beast. Also Skasaha promoted and Lachke will promote next chapter Chapter 9 18/244 turns I had another Celice charge. I recruited Corple than he returned Celice to home castle to be danced for and he headed out. Hannibal died boo hoo. Celice kept charging. Corple spammed Reserve because he needs to promote. He had a convo with Daisy for an extra 3 HP. I also had Mana spam warp and she leveled up alot. Celice did not kill Arion but seized with one Hit Point left
  10. Worst: Xavier, how exactly do I recruit you Best: RNG
  11. Chapter 6 23/172 turns Celice rushed forward while Skasaha and Lachke followed and Mana healed them. Oifaye came and helped on the leftovers. Lakche recruited Johan and Celice rushed ahead. Mana gave Julia a Relive staff which just begs the question if you have a relive staff with you, why do you start with a live staff? Celice seizes the next castle and gives Julia a Rezire tome. Skasaha gets the skill ring village. Celice double crits the last boss on EP turn 22. He then Seizes. Name LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Items Celice 09 64 38 14 04 15 12 13 12 02 Silver Sword, Slim Sword, Light Sword, Thief Sword, Speed Ring, Power, Ring, Leg Ring Skasaha 07 24 36 14 00 16 15 12 10 00 Defense Sword, Hero Sword, Iron Blade, Slim Sword, Iron Sword, Skill Ring, Elite Ring Lakche 06 37 36 14 00 14 15 06 10 01 Silver Blade, Silver Sword, Prayer Sword, Thunder Sword, Skill Ring, Knight Ring Mana 02 50 24 00 10 07 11 06 01 10 Live Staff Johan 13 23 42 15 00 11 12 05 12 01 Steel Axe, Hero Axe Julia 02 00 25 00 12 08 11 05 03 14 Relive Staff, Rezire Oifaye 15 82 40 16 09 17 16 08 17 08 Cutter, Javelin, Fire Sword
  12. Chapter 5 21/159 turns Alec promotes and guards. Sigurd rushes and is danced for. Sigurd double-crits Langabart in one turn and seizes on turn 3. Noish and Ayra go in the Arena and Ayra single handedly takes out the Dragon Knights. Claude and Sylvia finally fall in love and some final item shuffling is done. Surprisingly Reptor's army had a hole and I killed him in one turn with the Tyrfing. This so far is my best showing ever in the first gen of a FE4 Draft. Important Inheritance Sigurd --> Celice Silver Sword, Light Sword, Thief Sword, Leg, Speed, Power, and Barrier Rings Noish --> Skasaha Defense Sword, Hero Sword, Elite Ring, 2x Iron Swords, Steel Sword, Slim Sword Ayra --> Lachke Silver Sword, Silver Blade, Clipper, Prayer Sword, Thunder Sword, Skill Ring, Knight Ring Sylvia --> Leen Slim Sword Claude --> Corple Silence Staff, Reserve Staff, Return Staff, Valkyrie, Libro Staff, Live Staff Last Character Thoughts for Gen 1 Sigurd- A God among men. If only all lords were this beastly Ayra- She is very good and capped Speed and Skill Noish- Sucks but he's in this for the skills alone Alec- Very good but Noish was more needed at the front lines with Ayra Diadre- Not bad because a healer is always welcome Sylvia- Blows chunks but might have saved a turn here or there Claude- A staff user was crucial in my Ayra solos the Thracia Dragons plan and he did it, Very Helpful Ardan- No Comment Just started Gen 2 Starting stats are Name HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Celice 30 08 01 08 08 10 07 01 Skasaha 29 10 00 12 12 11 07 00 Lakche 29 10 00 13 13 05 07 00
  13. Chapter 3 25/112 turns I rushed Sigurd and got the first castle in 5 turns. Everyone used the arena to heal and Noish got the hero sword. Alec stayed behind as everyone rushed forward towards Eltshan. Eltshan missed on Sigurd with a 98% hit chance and everyone survived. Noish and Ayra fell in love. After I seized the next castle on turn 13. I had Alec sit on the castle to take hits. Briggid died . I got Claude and After Noish killed the boss Sigurd seized on turn 27. Chapter 4 27/139 turns I have Claude and Sylvia stick together. Claude buys some nice staves. Sigurd Decimates almost all the wind mages and all the Peg knights in getting to the castle. Dew opens the bridge and Sigurd seizes the first castle. Sylvia got the Defense sword and has a pretty funny talk with Claude. Oh Claude so naive. Claude returns Sigurd, Noish and Alec. Sigurd moves out after Mahnya died. He skips Selesia and goes straight for Zaxon. A lucky double silver sword crit kills the boss on turn 27 and Sigurd seizes. Chapter 5 Later
  14. I put Midayle-Aideen Gives Lester Pursuit and Charge, Lester is most important as Lana is always good. If a pursuit ring is there I like Jamka!Claude better, but I always use the pursuit ring to make Levin!Arthur a God Noish-Ayra Gives a great array of skills to both children. I find critical to be overall more effective on her children than Moonlight hit because it activates more and many enemies at the start of gen 2 have low defense. I also like it better than Lex being their father because I have never had problems raising the swordtwins stats. Delmud-Lachesis Delmud is the most important part of this pairing I believe. Nanna can always heal but if you make Delmud a great fighter than Nanna becomes a good fighter also. Delmud has a great skillset and it is easier and more efficient to make than Fin and Lachesis. Noish-Briggid My personal favorite. This is my pairing for Noish if he doesn't have Ayra. Noish passes down swords to Patty and Patty really only needs to steal gold. Faval becomes amazing as he can critical anything and gets okay HP good strength and good defense. If Patty promotes she also becomes a great fighter, and the Thief critical animation is beastly.
  15. 16+8 is 24 not 22 just pointing that out. Not sure if 22 or 24 is right but you must have calculated something wrong Also Chapter 2 42 turns This chapter gives me nightmare but this time I found by luring an archer to shoot at Sylvia the swordsman, archers, and mages all start moving this meant I did not have to wait for Diadre to use the Silence staff. Ayra and Noish sat together and I gave Sigurd the Light Sword which now has 22 kills on it. Ayra got the Elite ring and is ready to promote. Sigurd rushed with Cuan behind and I killed and seized on turn 42 Name LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Items Sigurd 23 01 55 23 01 22 18 17 16 03 Silver Sword(38), Javelin(2), Speed Ring, Light Sword(22), Barrier Ring Noish 14 70 42 18 00 10 11 05 11 00 Steel Sword(13), Slim Sword(9), Iron Lance(1), Thief Sword(2) Alec 11 34 38 15 01 12 12 06 08 00 Iron Sword(7), Steel Sword(28), Iron Lance(0) Ardan 07 74 40 13 00 05 05 04 15 00 Iron Sword(2), Slim Sword(1) Cuan 15 34 47 25 01 12 13 05 16 03 Steel Lance(4), Javelin(5), Iron Lance(0), Silver Lance(11),Shield Ring Ayra 20 84 43 21 01 30 27 04 11 05 Steel Blade(10), Iron Blade(13), Skill Ring, Prayer Sword(9), Deidre 11 43 32 00 21 11 13 06 06 22 Silence, Aura(6), Live, Circlet, Warp Sylvia Dancing for Joy Slim Sword(0)
  16. Prologue 17 turns I had Sigurd and Noish go south while Alec and Arden went north. Cuan came and followed Sigurd. Sigurd got the speed ring village and the Silver Sword and rushed forward. Noish, Alec and Cuan cleaned up behind him. Arden saved village and killed some things. Name LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Items Sigurd 10 52 41 16 00 14 13 08 10 03 Silver Sword, Iron Lance, Steel sword, Speed Ring Noish 07 47 35 15 00 07 08 05 10 00 Steel Sword Alec 05 36 34 11 01 09 11 05 08 00 Iron Sword Ardan 04 63 37 13 00 05 04 03 14 00 Iron Sword Cuan 05 46 35 17 00 10 10 05 11 03 Steel Lance, Javelin Chapter 1 28 turns I got Ayra and immediately she and Noish started their pairing. Alec got the kill on the warrior boss and I got Aideen and Ethlin their staves(for Claude, obviously). Ayra got the Skill ring and the units moved through the forest. Deidre silenced the boss and Sigurd killed and seized on turn 28. Note: Stats are After chapter 2 Arena Name LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Items Sigurd 17 38 49 19 00 17 16 12 13 03 Silver Sword, Javelin, Speed Ring Noish 11 18 39 15 00 09 09 05 10 00 Steel Sword, Slim Sword, Iron Lance Alec 09 58 38 13 01 11 11 05 08 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Iron Lance Ardan 07 74 40 13 00 05 05 04 15 00 Iron Sword, Slim Sword Cuan 09 54 38 19 00 12 12 05 13 03 Steel Lance, Javelin, Iron Lance Ayra 12 84 39 15 01 21 20 04 07 01 Steel Blade, Iron Blade, Skill Ring Deidre 06 75 28 00 16 10 12 06 04 18 Silence, Aura, Live, Circlet
  17. No they have a conversation in chapter 1 and then it is very easy to pair them.
  18. Is it if you use your hands but not your brain things are not done properly if you use your brains but not your hands things are not done at all but if you use both in harmony things are done correctly We learned a poem like this in my Chinese class(but it was in Chinese)
  19. Azel/Fury Lex/Briggid Beo/Ayra Sylvia/Holyn Aideen/Claude Fin/Tiltyu Noish/Lachesis Come on for somewhat new pairings!!!!
  20. FE6 Chapter 1 6 turns I had Marcus carry Roy and Roy got the boss kill. Wolt chipped from forests. FE6 Chapter 2 9/15 turns Wolt killed soldiers and Roy got some kills. Ward joined and sat on a fort taking on bandits. Marcus used the Steel Axe and killed the boss. FE6 Chapter 3 10/25 turns Marcus leads the way and Merlinius gets Mend. Ellen has been really helpful so far and I hope it continues. Marcus killed the boss on turn 9 and Roy seized on turn 10. FE6 Chapter 4 9/34 turns Marcus moves forward and gets kills as my others units mop up. Chad visits the Angelic Robe village and shops. Clarine is gotten. Ward gets the boss kill and Roy seizes. FE6 Chapter 5 7/41 turns Marcus forces the gate and kills most everything. I work on a Roy and Wolt support so thy stay with Marcus. Everyone else heads north. I set Chad on a fort and Ward on a fort and Chad gets loads of expierience. Marcus gets the kill with the Killing Edge and seizes on turn 7. FE6 Chapter 6 13/54 turns I got Dorothy and Sue so yeah archers. Took a while but I wanted to get unlock for staff exp. Marcus kills and Roy seizes. FE6 Chapter 7 10/64 turns Having three bow-users worked out. I got the Torch, Longbow, Heroes Crest and Killing Edge villages. Chad opened the door and MArcus went after the boss. I had Wolt hit the Arena. Noah went shopping. FE6 Chapter 8 20/84 turns I hate this chapter. I got some of the chests and I got many levels to Noah and Sue who helped carry Roy and Chad. Marcus got two lucky hits with the hammer on the boss, and Noah killed with Oujay's armorslayer and Roy seized on turn 20. FE6 Chapter 8x 16/100 turns Marcus rushes with Roy in hold and I use this oppurtunity to train Sue and Dorothy to the left being healed by Clarine. Marcus Crits the boss with a killing Edge and then does it again. Roy seizes on turn 16. FE6 Chapter 9 10/110 turns I recruit Fir and Shin just because. I am sad because I am running out of killing edges as Marcus Crits another boss and then NOah kills it Roy seizes on turn 10. FE6 Chapter 10A 10/120 turns Marcus Rush. Noah is at level 18 and I will promote him soon. I recruit Geese for his brave axe and Then ferry Roy down. Noah kills a boss with a killing Edge for once and Roy seizes. Chapter 11A 10/130 turns Unfortunately I lost Lalum restarted forgot and Saved over my file. Well its not like my turncounts are going to win this draft anyways. Got a lot of villages, Marcus killed, Noah got to level 20 and promotes next chapter. Chapter 12 15/145 turns Marcus and Noah rushed with Roy in tow. A restore staff was brought and needed Chad opened chest. The wyrmslayer slayed the boss and Roy seized. Chapter 12x 11/156 turns I used Noah and Marcus to rush Roy and they teamed up to kill the boss. Chad got some treasure. Sue killed some people. Wolt, Dorothy and Ellen were not brought. Chapter 13 12/178 turns This was easier than expected as Dorothy, Wolt and Sue killed Wyverns, Marcus and Noah rushed and my healers healed UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL SUPPORT Roy 16.10 33 11 11 13 18 9 2 A Sword C Marcus C Wolt Marcus ??/15.43 40 13 16 17 13 9 10 S Lance A Sword C Axe C Roy Ellen 11.84 25 4 7 10 16 0 11 C Staff Chad 20.-- 32 11 11 20 15 8 0 C Sword Clarine 11.09 25 4 10 14 13 5 9 C Staff Sue 18.94 26 12 14 18 12 7 3 A Bows Noah 20/2.62 39 13 15 17 11 11 4 A Sword B Lance E Axe Wolt 17.25 28 9 10 11 10 11 3 A Bows C Roy Dorothy 13.64 28 11 11 11 6 6 4 C Bows Ward 15.69 38 14 9 10 8 8 0 B Axes
  21. Minerva 31 Michalis 25 Altenna 31 Trabant 10 Arione 25 Dean 25 Eda 25 Miledy 34 Zeiss 25 Narshen 20 Gale 25 Heath 31 Cormag 31 Glen 25 Valter 10 Jill 17 Haar 25 Shiharam 15 Ashnard 25 Raffin 34 Julius 25
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