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Second Pronoun

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Everything posted by Second Pronoun

  1. I disagree. Glitches should not be exploited in drafts. I can't use the Rescue off a castle glitch in FE4 and other like glitches so I certainly shouldn't be allowed to glitch the game. I don't agree with this at all.
  2. I'll take Hannibal(don't want to recruit him)
  3. I'll join. So you HAVE to draft 2 mothers and at least 2 fathers right
  4. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Roy, Marcus, Merlinus, Lalum/Elphin and Fa are free for all to use. 3. The first Draft will chain off of a free character 4. The game will be played on Normal Mode. 5. The units will drafted based on chaining off supports of the previous draft. If that draft can not be chained the drafter will go back to the last member of his team with a support option. The options in the first round are Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, and opening Doors or Chests. 3. Use of the Warp staff is banned. 4. All Gaiden chapters are required to be visited. Chapter 20x (either route) does not count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken. 5. NPCs may do as they please without penalty. 6. The game must be played out to the True Ending. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty per unit, per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items. [spoiler=Units]Alan Lance Wolt Bors Ellen Dieck Ward Lot Thany Chad Lugh Clarine Rutger Saul Dorothy Sue Zealot Treck Noah Astohl Lilina Wendy Barth Oujay Fir Shin Gonzales Geese Klein Tate Echidna Bartre Ray Cath Miredy Percival Cecilia Sophia Igrene Garret Hugh Zeis Douglas Niime Juno Dayan Yodel Karel Teams 1.SP 2.SH 3.Racer 4. 5.
  5. Finished Cam's Cluster Conundrum(Cam's Strange RNG-Draft) in 276 turns(201+75)
  6. Final Character Review In order of Most useful to least useful #1 My MVP by alot. He could be thrown at enemies up until the final battle. His strength allowed him to one shot many bosses he might not of. Once I used the Speedwings on him he seemed to gain a lot of speed. #2 My number 2 for one reason. He could Warp. With capped magic warp proved to be very useful in shaving large amounts of turns in three chapters. Also he could damage the dragon. #3 An integral part of many of my strategies. Cut numerous turns in many chapter by giving Marcus an extra push. Also allowed Canas to do a 90 damage crit to the final boss. #4 Now I know you are thinking. A knight at 4 really. But he was a reliable combatant from the start and on many maps there is very little catching up he had to do. With his crazy Defense and Okay Res I could throw him into any situation and he would come out just fine #5 He was a beast. He was very good from the time he came and never slowed down. He was a tank against all comers and his low speed did not hold him back at all. He was always on the front lines and did a stellar job. #6 He was very good. I could have him tank with Nosferatu and he would stay alive. He killed many bosses with Luna and even got the final hit in on the Dark Dragon. #7 Just good. Promoted him at level 12 and then he reaked havoc for a long time. Slowed down near the end but then benefited from me buying a ton of killing edges. #8 meh, she was very good when fliers were involved and she could dodge. #9 She stank. She grew terribly and was only used for utility for the majority of the game. And her utility wasn't even that important #10 He blew. #11 Not Around for long enough for me to even try to use him. Unranked Section He did what he does, seize. Soloed Dragons on a fort in the level in the mountains. His utility is always welcome and he did very well He's a beast. Especially with a bolting spell and Luna. What A Joke I loved this team especially my two favorite characters in this game(Hawkeye and Canas)
  7. Chapter 28 15/150 turns I got all the items. Canas got the boss kill. Oswin and Marcus hunted down the boots and Brave Lance. Chapter 29 14/164 I had Marcus solo the north. Oswin solo the Middle and the others in the south. Hawkeye stayed behind to fight Vaida's crew. Fiora got the warp. I had Lucius get kills to grind to S Light. Chapter 30 11/175 turns Just a defend chapter Chapter 31 4/179 turns I warped Hector and that was that. Shopping 5/184 turns Shopping Chapter 32 8/192 turns I warped Canas and Hector in. Canas Luna'ed the Boss and then Hector Seized. I got Renault. Chapter 32x 1/193 turns Warped in Marcus and he got a Hero Lance Crit on Kishuna to ice it. Final 7+1/201 turns Used all my Door keys. I had a Canas, Lucius, Athos and Hector party at the dragon. And Canas got a Luna Crit Final Thoughts and Stats in the next post. Final Turn Count: 276
  8. Chapter 25 7/111 turns Hawkeye went to the other side. Oswin hit Level 20. Marcus and Oswin went north while Guy went Southwest. I'm early promoting Lucius in hopes of hitting A staves next chapter. Chapter 26 11/122 turns This is now officially the High-Res Team. I have 7 units with Res 10+(Louise, Oswin, Canas, Lucius, Fiora, Hawkeye, and Marcus). I had Oswin use the devil axe and he reached A axes in one chapter. Now Stats Unit Lev Exp HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Hector 16 91 33 14 13 08 08 16 02 Axe A Marcus *18 92 43 22 26 17 16 13 13 Sword A Lance S Axe A Matt 10 22 24 06 07 15 06 06 00 Sword C Guy *04 21 34 14 18 17 13 08 02 Sword A Oswin *05 34 46 19 16 13 08 25 13 Lance A Axe A Lucius *02 11 27 13 12 14 06 04 13 Light C Staff C Canas 17 81 26 15 12 12 10 07 14 Dark A Fiora *01 58 29 10 13 16 08 08 10 Lance B Sword A Hawkeye*09 29 53 19 16 12 15 16 14 Axe S Louise *04 48 28 12 14 17 16 09 12 Bow A Ninian Dancer so Stats don't matter Can use Rings Chapter 27(Jerme) 13/135 turns I knew all those door keys I bought earlier would come in handy. I had everyone take a door key. I got Bolting, White Gem and Talisman. I had Oswin solo the Knight room. Canas and Lucius soloed the Archer room. Karel took the Mercenary Room(as an NPC). Marcus took Jerme's room. Guy soloed the Fighter room.
  9. Only those with healers spamming barrier can reliably get there
  10. Chapter 14 8/34 turns Marcus ran forward. Guy went down and recruited Prissy so I can go Prissy-->Raven-->Lucius. I also got the iron blade. I had Hector stay back and kill the Peg Knights. Chapter 15 7/41 turns I had Matt go and get the stuff. Marcus killed Sealen to get a Steel Bow. Got a Silver axe which Marcus might use soon and Merlinius didn't die. Unit Lev Exp HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Hector 07 32 24 11 07 06 06 11 02 Axe C Marcus 06 22 34 16 18 12 10 12 09 Sword A Lance A Axe B Matt 06 26 20 04 05 12 05 05 00 Sword D Guy 07 26 24 09 13 13 08 06 00 Sword C Oswin 11 65 30 13 10 06 03 15 05 Lance B Chapter 16 6/47 turns Sain, Kent, and Lyn went shopping. Marcus carried Hector forward. I got the red gem village. Chapter 17 10/57 turns I rushed and I think Lucius cost me 2 turns. I got everything except the Silver sword, with Marcus getting the chest key through the wall. Merilinus died but not before I got the treasure back to him. All three soldiers survived. Chapter 17x 6/63 turns I got Canas. Marcus rushed to get to Fargus. Chapter 18 5/68 turns Marcus Rescue Matt and ran towards the boss. All the others took care of the other side. Matt stole the Speedwings and Marcus killed the boss with his Silver Lance. Chapter 19 6/74 turns Marcus Rushed to kill Uhai and he has 19 Strength. He's a beast. I got Fiora and a Nosferatu book. Guy got some kills and is turning into a beast. Stats after next chapter Chapter 19x 6/80 turns I rush everyone forward and have Fiora get the Goddess Icon Marcus kills the boss and I have Hector seize right after. Unit Lev Exp HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Hector 12 63 29 13 09 07 08 14 02 Axe B Marcus 12 75 39 20 22 15 15 13 10 Sword A Lance S Axe A Matt 08 74 22 06 06 13 05 06 00 Sword C Guy 11 77 27 10 16 15 10 06 01 Sword B Oswin 15 56 33 13 11 07 04 17 07 Lance A Lucius 05 34 20 07 08 11 02 01 08 Light D Canas 11 92 22 12 09 10 08 06 10 Dark B Fiora 07 41 21 08 11 13 06 06 07 Lance C Chapter 20 8/88 turns I got the Luna, Guiding Ring, Member Card, and Barrier Staff. I had Lucius go against some archers. Canas got some level ups and Marcus kept being awesome. Probably gonna be some promotions soon, we'll see. Chapter 21 3/91 turns Marcus rush what more is there to say. Chapter 22 3/94 turns See Above Marcus Rush Chapter 23 7/101 turns I got the Ocean Seal, Eclipse and Fila's Might. Pent killed both bosses while everyone else killed other stuff. Canas did especially well as did Hawkeye. Chapter 24 3/104 turns Marcus rush and I bought some flux.
  11. I think it really devalues Matt to do that. Matt should be allowed to do most thieving utilities but there is no need to allow him to steal unimportant items. I know I like to steal Vulneraries but I don't think that utility should go to everyone. And to start I think the lowest turncount in Lyn mode should be the amount given to those who don't play Lyn Mode at the start. I mean it is already an advantage to have a trained Florina coming out of Lyn mode. But maybe that is just me. And to Start Chapter 11 7/7 turns Just standard 7-turn Clear Chapter 12 4/11 turns Had Matt, Oswin, and Hector guard the south while Marcus solos the north. Chapter 13 8/19 turns Matt recruited Guy while Marcus rushed with Hector. Oswin got the village and I got the sidequest. Chapter 13x 7/26 turns Had Guy go East while Matt, Oswin, Marcus, and Hector held down the fort. Marcus got the boss kill while Guy got some stellar level ups.
  12. I think he should be allowed to open doors and chests and steal promotion items. But not to steal other stuff
  13. Why is Wallace optional to recruit. Everyone is going to get that chapter.
  14. My thoughts on this very odd team(in draft order) Second Pronoun - Oswin, Renault, Geitz, Fiora, Louise,Matthew, Hawkeye, Canas, Guy, Lucius Oswin-Don't really want you but you should have early game utility Renault-GTFO Good for 1 chapter of suckage Geitz- Not recruited Fiora- Not as good as Florina, in this draft, but very good Louise- Okay I guess Matt- Okay I guess, but I'm not going Lyn Mode Hawkeye- He's a beast. Canas- Good pick and a great guy too Guy- I have Matt do he shouldn't be hard to recruit Lucius-Will cost turns I hopefully can get back.
  15. Florina, bet I get Dorcas cause my team has just been ass the whole way.
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