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Gaggle of Geese

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Everything posted by Gaggle of Geese

  1. Well, crap. Maybe I should have stuck with normal difficulty after all.
  2. Given my completely irrational affinity for axes, I like to use him. There's just such a visceral pleasure to be had from having a walking tank in your party. EDIT: I didn't vote in the poll, because I still haven't beaten Thracia yet. I'll wait until later in the game before I form an opinion on Marty.
  3. Chapter 8x was so rageworthy that I just decided to start over on Elite mode. Seriously, f**k Gomes. I (stupidly) used Asvel in the previous chapter, so he ended up fatigued on 8x. Does Gomes's difficulty reflect at all the difficulty of later enemies/bosses?
  4. After beating FE4, I thought it was so good I decided to play it again. I might not start it immediately, and I may play it at the same time as another FE, but I've already come up with some potential pairings. I wanted to do different pairings than I did last time, so I got a little creative. If any of these seem weird, then that's why. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated. Here are the lists: My Previous Pairings Aideen: Midir Aira: Lex Lachesis: Beowulf Sylvia: Claude Fury: Levin Tiltyu: Azel Briggid: Jamka My New Pairings Aideen: Jamka Aira: Holyn Lachesis: Dew Sylvia: Azel (or just unpaired) Fury: Claude Tiltyu: Levin Briggid: Beowulf
  5. Well, after repeatedly getting my ass handed to me by Gomes on chapter 8x, I've decided to restart on Elite mode.
  6. Since this thread is up, I might as well ask for some advice myself. I just started playing this, NOT on elite mode, and I'm on chapter 8. It's a bitch, but I figure I'll get through it somehow. I have two questions: 1. I noticed that weapons do not go away once they're broken. Is there any other way to repair them besides the Repair staff? 2. Since I'm playing this on a PSP, I do not have ready access to a list of the Crusader scrolls. Is there any way to gauge what they do in-game, and who should get them?
  7. I really, really, really want to help. I'm great at speaking clearly, and I've always wanted to voice-act. My computer access is not exactly reliable, however. I believe I could participate with a degree of regularity, but I don't know things would be scheduled.
  8. Wait, why would FE2 and FE5 even need easy mode patches? They already HAVE easy modes!
  9. Ah, I see. Still, the hero axe would be pretty useful for Dashin. I restarted my game (wanted to switch roms), but when I played chapters 4 and 4x, it seemed like my weapons were wearing out awfully quickly.
  10. Regarding the transferring of items to Manster--is it possible to get those items again if you don't bring them? I know Evayle doesn't have the Flame Sword when she next appears, but if, say, I forget to transfer the Hero Axe, will Halvan still have it when he next appears?
  11. There are two available in the "translations and hacks" section of this site. I don't know where to find the others. Even romhacking.net isn't coming up with anything...
  12. I don't think so. Most of the hacks are in Japanese, but if you've played the game before, you should know what everything is. It helps to understand kana. A lot of the words are transliterated, so katakana is especially helpful. That failing, just look at the pictures.
  13. Interesting idea. Maybe after I've played some of the other games in the series. I do, however, like the idea of a usable Swanchika. I don't care if it's heavy, I just love axes.
  14. I see. Thanks. Actually, I'm not sure if it was b. It might have been d. Well, whatever. Great game, regardless.
  15. Hey. I finally beat Seisen no Keifu, and the game hung up in the epilogue. I was using Reparation 0.87b, and while I knew about the garbled text, I didn't know about this. It hung up when it was showing the different countries on the map, right after Verdane. I decided to just delete my data, but I have a few questions. 1: Is there a way to avoid this? (I doubt there is, but I figured I'd at least seek confirmation.) 2: How do people do ranked runs when this happens? Do they just use the Japanese version? 3: Is there any project to complete this patch? (Once again, I doubt that there is.) Thanks to all who reply!
  16. I did that with Sword of Seals because I hated the 30 use dragonstone and 20 use Sword of Seals, but I felt like a cheater, so I never played it.
  17. I'm on the final chapter. Both of them are at level 30, and Lakche has maxed skill and speed. She also has a Hero Sword. She has consistently been one of my best units, and pretty much kills anything that moves. But yeah, not having a horse kinda sucks.
  18. Take your time. I'll just play 1.0 if I feel like playing FE1.
  19. Wow, that's impressive. Good luck! Is the 1.1 version out yet?
  20. Anyone else think it looks like Gurren Lagann?
  21. Oh... okay. Guess I won't have to do that then. I actually do have the time to play, but due to other circumstances cannot do so. I'd prefer not to go into details, but I hope to be able to do so again come September... when I have the time.
  22. Ah... a patch that's just like 1.0 except for the shop music would be much appreciated. Actually, I won't be playing any video games until September, so I can afford to wait. I shouldn't try to push you or anything. Sorry. Anyway, do what you feel like doing. The 1.0 + music patch would be nice, though. I'd consider that translation to be essentially "complete." The current 1.0 is more like 0.99. Thanks for all your hard work, Quirino. EDIT: I'd play up to a chapter with a shop, but like I said above, I'm unable to play any video games until September. Could someone else do this? You only need to get to Port Warren. FYI, that's chapter 8. Raddy and Caesar start right next to the shops, so you can enter one right from the start of the chapter. EDIT EDIT: What, no one wants to do it? It's not that hard. Come on, someone get a save... or I'll slack your head off. EDIT EDIT EDIT: Do I have to do EVERYTHING myself? Geez! Okay, fine. As soon as I get the opportunity, I'll play SEVEN MEASLY CHAPTERS. And I'm going to have college classes and a part-time job at the same time. You all are useless, you hear? USELESS! I'm going to have to do some serious head-slacking...
  23. I really hope you don't decide to scrap it... The only major change that needs to be made is the shop music. Is that one of the complicated changes you need to make? Is it possible to just update the simple stuff?
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