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Everything posted by FRZNHeir

  1. I feel like the stats idea can be elaborated upon, or made even worse. Just display the formula for hit chance with only one of the fields filled in. As far as the enemies walking through walls thing, I do believe that it's already evil enough having pass. And being in a swap. And them being flying units. Don't enemies in FE typically ignore FoW anyways? Though I will say, all enemies should have effective weapons. At all times. I also think we should take a cue out of Final Fantasy 2's stat growth system. Instead of characters having growths, they gain stats based on how much that stat gets used by them. Very. Slowly.
  2. So Maddening Mode/Lunatic mode but as the base difficulty?
  3. That might be the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. You're in. Combining these two together makes it absolutely unplayable. I'm a fan of that. I think we should take some cues from Fates/Awakening and have an Avatar character, but their appearance is randomized.
  4. Alright, for some reason, Nintendo has decided to let SF make a Fire Emblem game. Who knows why, but I think we should make them regret that decision- let's make the absolute WORST possible FE game. I'm talkin bottom of the barrel. Absolute dogwater. We've only been given one rule- Must be in the style of mainline Fire Emblem; not a Warrior's style game I'll start- All reinforcements are Ambush Reinforcements with Pass. No matter what class. Berserker? Has Pass. Sage? Has Pass. Paladin? Has Pass.
  5. Outside of my standard weekly Yugioh shenanigans, I'm currently (read:finally) attempting to S-rank every mission in Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon. So far, I have all of Chapter 1 S-ranked, as well as a few stray missions and Attack the Watchpoint. I'm pretty nervous about the Defense missions later in the game, but I might run a long-range build for that. Or I could just keep running Zimmerman+Stun Needle go brrr.
  6. The American Constitution has become almost mythological in nature, it is practically a holy object to the country. It's practically the focus of half the history lessons on why America:tm: is America:tm:. It's a big part of the reason that nationalism is such a problem in the country. The pledge in schools and the national anthem at Every Event Ever also contribute to this. I imagine the Constitution was originally constructed in the way that it was in order to guarantee that an elected official couldn't like. Decide to change things and strip away certain rights LIKE gun ownership, however it's also started conflicting with the actual needs and wants of the people in the nation. Not being able to push forward serious gun reform due to a two century old piece of paper drafted before guns were able to accurately and quickly injure/kill/maim people en masse is quite the consequence of this, and I feel is a misrepresentation of the original intent of the Second Amendment, as I doubt the founding fathers intended civilians to have open access to tools of mass murder. The Constitution was not constructed in a way that takes into account the advancement of technology or society. 1) That is the main issue regarding gun control/regulation in the states, I feel. Regardless of political alignment it's just not feasible to attempt any major gun bans as there's just TOO MANY people with guns who are a bit crazy about owning them. 2) That is true, however I feel like there's just as many people of those ideologies who themselves support gun ownership, if only because people on the other side of the aisle own the majority of firearms and American propaganda has made being labeled a socialist/communist akin to being the devil (though this is less prevalent nowadays, it's just more likely to get your opinion ignored).
  7. I guess the main reason I feel this way is a personal definition? I see tons of people in the say, Persona community, who haven't actually played the games themselves offering opinions when all they've done is watch a playthrough (which is the subject of a more than a few memes), and I feel like it's a bit weird to count this as experiencing a piece of media as it's done vicariously. But that's my own horrid opinion.
  8. Takes like this are the reason that older FE fans tend to get the label of elitist. It's a super gatekeep-y mindset that's quite toxic. I think that a first time player's perspective is quite important to discussions about the game as many people tend to only play a game once or twice, and the feelings someone may have had playing the game for the first time could be lost/forgotten by those who have many playthroughs under their belt. I think the only (probs dogass) take that's valid here is that someone should at least experience the media they are engaging in conversation/fandom about at least once before their takes are valid, but that's still gatekeep-y and exclusionary, especially in regards to a series like Fire Emblem, which has notable issues with accessibility and availability.
  9. I agree with the statement but not the reasons. we are not the same /j But fr, I do think that Radiant Dawn suffers from scale. I feel like I didn't get enough time to actually care about the Dawn Brigade, outside of Sothe and Micaiah, but I will admit that is probably due to having spent an entire game with the Greil Mercenaries, and being excited to see how they had progressed as people. I think if the game was longer (and it's already long), it would have suffered from a player fatigue issue. It's a really weird spot to be in. Also I agree with the support conversations take. I like them a lot and wish we had proper ones.
  10. This whole comment implies that Marth is NOT packing.
  11. I mean we all know that the only male lords with big nattys would be like. Ike, Hector and Ryoma (if you count him).
  12. I mean skill/dex is an important part of the accuracy calculations. The formula in Sacred Stones (per https://serenesforest.net/the-sacred-stones/miscellaneous/calculations/) is Weapon Hit + (Skill x 2) + (Luck / 2) + Support bonus + Weapon triangle bonus + S Rank bonus. While the hit rate itself is the most important part of the calculation, the battle accuracy formula checks it against enemy avoid, in which the bonuses provided from Skill and Luck may be impactful. For Three Houses, the formula is almost identical, at least according to the Fire Emblem Wiki, as I could not find a page on here regarding the combat calculations: Weapon accuracy: Hit + (Dexterity × 2) + (Luck / 2) + (Support bonus) + (Skill bonus). For Awakening, per SF's section on calcs- Weapon’s Hit rate + [(Skill x 3 + Luck) / 2] + Weapon Rank bonus Awakening Crit Calc- Weapon’s Critical + (Skill / 2) Without getting into Skill proc calcs, which are usually just based off of raw Skill/Dex, the Skill/Dex stat is SUPER important for combat calcs, not just providing a "lil boost" to hit rate. It can make or break certain units (usually axe users). To use an example that may be a bit of a stretch case- Vaike, the man, the myth, the legend from FE:A is notably the first dedicated Axe user you get. His bases for Skill and Luck are a respective 8 and 4. He starts with a D rank in Axes. The first weapon you get for him is an Iron Axe. Not accounting for enemy avoid, if we plug in the numbers to the calc formula 75+[((8 x 3)+4)/2]+5 75+[(28)/2]+5 75+14+5 94 This gives Vaike a 94% Hit rate, assuming enemy dodge is a 0. If we grab enemy data (Risen Barbarian, Lv 2) from the chapter he was introduced in (On Lunatic, as Serenes doesn't seem to have the enemy data for chapter 2 on normal or hard) we can get a full combat calc- Risen Barbarian Avo Calc: (Speed x 3 + Luck)/2-> (10 x 3 + 6)/2 -> 36/2 -> 18 avo Combat calculation- Hit rate + Weapon triangle bonus + Support bonus – Enemy’s (Avoid + Terrain bonus + Support bonus) [%] 94 (Vaike's hit rate) + 0 (Both are axe users) + 0 (No supports) - Enemy's (18+ 0 + 0) -> 94-18 -> 76% This gives Vaike a 76% chance to hit, and that 25% chance of missing is not insignificant on higher difficulties. Taking the same combat but bumping up his Skill by 2, assuming a REALLY good level or two gives us this- 75+[((10 x 3)+4)/2]+5 -> 75+[34/2]+5 -> 75+17+5 -> 97% 97 (Vaike's hit rate) + 0 (Both are axe users) + 0 (No supports) - Enemy's (18+ 0 + 0) -> 97-18 -> 79% Three points may not seem like too much, but you can see that this does make a difference over time, as it compounds more over time. If Vaike somehow, some way gains 10!!!! points in Skill (and got screwed in Luck) the calc looks like this 75+[((18 x 3)+4)/2]+5 -> 75+[58/2]+5 -> 75+29+5 -> 109% Hit Rate 109 (Vaike's hit rate) + 0 (Both are axe users) + 0 (No supports) - Enemy's (18+ 0 + 0) -> 109-18 -> 91% This makes sending Vaike into combat against said Risen Barbarian a lot less risky, with a 15% difference in hit rate through only(lol) gaining 10 points in Skill. This isn't even taking to account Crit calculations, where he'd have a simple 9% chance to crit- Weapon’s Critical + (Skill / 2) -> 0 + (18/2) -> 9 TL;DR- Skill/Dex actually plays a non-insignificant part in Combat Calculation. It's not *as* important as strength, but it is an important stat nonetheless. There are some units who can be considered unplayable on higher difficulties as they have low Skill growth and will rarely hit their attacks. All that is without getting into the usefulness of using Skill to help characterize units.
  13. I DONT HAVE TO EAT A CARD WOOOO! I have like, 60 free orbs left, and while sniping reds on the L+M banner, got my last Marth Merge. Time to pull the Sacred Stones banner, I suppose
  14. GOOD NEWS- I only need 4 more marths- bad news, I'm getting close to halfway through my free orbs AND there's a Sacred Stones banner. Meaning I need to try and get all 4 units on it, so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I think I got the card picked out But there's also a tempest trial going on now, so that helps with the orbs situation a lil
  15. yeah but that makes OG Lyon ever so slightly bigger and that's all I really care about
  16. I'm doing it bc emblem unit's give stats to whoever they are engaged to, as good as Marth is.
  17. FRZNHeir

    Katsucon 2024

    Any other gamers going to Katsucon later this month? IG on saturday there's gonna be a FE cosplay meetup, If i can get it done in time, i'm going as Joshua. Also, any advice for first-time convention goers? I'm super nervous.
  18. Oh god I have to choose between getting the Marth to +10 or my personal ongoing quest of getting all Sacred Stones units before this game's inevitable EoS announcement. Or finally breaking my (mostly) F2P status. We'll see what happens.
  19. please say sike rn i mean like, oh well. If I gotta eat a card i gotta eat a card.
  20. I mean I've already hard pulled 1 marf, i just need to make sure i get 2 more through pulls, I think? When I did the math I calc'd that I would get to choose a free 5* 7 times if I needed to use every orb. That puts me at +8, so that lowers the burden on actually pulling the Marths. Plus, I still have the BHBs to do, which adds another few orbs Edit- Shoulda mentioned I have FEH+ or whatever it's called.
  21. I'm super glad I took a break from this game, I have HELLA f2p orbs available for me. If I somehow don't manage to 40+10 Emblem Marth (Who's already 40+1) with roughly 1100 orbs yet to be claimed, I'm gonna eat a Cipher card.
  22. Actually, since Larian did such a good job with Baldur's Gate 3, give Icewind Dale to them. It's the same universe, and it's another old AD&D game that is pretty well loved. I think this makes sense
  23. Yeah the biggest loss is going to be the resource acquisition. It makes actually upgrading any weapons in fates impossible if you don't already have a few of other resources lying around. Also, you lose out on inheriting skills from other units. That's a big loss IMO, as you can make some pretty broken units with it. Granted, you can just. Hack the units into being busted but it's really not the same. Getting my Witch!Ophelia a near guaranteed crit chance through inheriting skills was my fav thing during my first run of owning Fates.
  24. I mean Pokémon is so tied in with Nintendo's identity as a corporation now that I think the only reasonable response to having a Non-Game Freak entity taking of the franchise would be for Nintendo to make an in-house team for it. There's realistically no other options out there, given the massive size and popularity of Pokémon. Although my absolute crack brain says give me Squenix working on a proper Pokémon JRPG where you play as a Pokémon, sorta like Mystery Dungeon. That would be fire IMO.
  25. In that case, let me say that I think biorhythm should be a thing on a map-by-map basis, with a slightly larger effect on performance, though I think to balance it, the more experienced the unit, the less biorhythm should affect their performance, but that's not really related to unpopular opinions anymore. Edit: Biorhythm worked chapter-by-chapter in Path of Radiance. SF Page on PoR Biorhythm
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