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Everything posted by Erureido

  1. Looks like you forgot Chrom in that list. Where would he be in your lord ranking?
  2. That's what I think too. Conrad definitely felt like the character who was trying to give players insight into the other part of Celica's childhood: her time growing up as a royal. It's also through Conrad's backstory we learn more about Lima being a cruel king because of the relationship he had with Conrad's mother and how life inside the Zofian palace wasn't pretty. But looking at what Conrad amounted to, it seemed like Conrad didn't need to be in the story to emphasize how bad of a king Lima was considering other parts of the game already delve into that. Maybe Conrad could've been a big contribution to the plot had he successfully convinced Celica not to fall for Jedah's plan (considering the moment he revealed his identity was treated as his biggest moment in the story), but considering Celica decided to go along with Jedah's plan... yeah, poor Conrad.
  3. Doh! Yeah, them too. They completely slipped from my mind when I typed the OP.
  4. Azura was my first S-Support in my initial playthroughs of Birthright, Conquest, and Revelation. She was basically a case where she was the only character that was left for Corrin to pair up with since I already planned the other characters to marry someone else in their respective games. When I first Corrin and Azura's supports in Birthright, it also made me interested in seeing how their relationship would develop, so it ultimately led to me pairing them up in the end. I eventually learned Corrin and Azura had differing supports with each other varied from route-to-route. Thus, the same thing carried over to my Conquest and Revelation playthroughs. Yet again, I wanted to see the support conversations between them unfold while also already planning out the other characters and who'd they marry (most of which were for gameplay reasons to create the ideal child and/or because the gave good stat boosts to the other), leaving Corrin and Azura to themselves.
  5. Five new characters were added to Shadows of Valentia that were absent from its original version on the NES: Faye, Fernand, Berkut, Rinea, and Conrad. These five characters have their fair share of fans, but they also have their criticisms from Fire Emblem players. One of the biggest issues they all share is that in the end, they were all rather inconsequential to the story; if you were to remove them from the game, the plot wouldn't change. But that hasn't stopped Fire Emblem fans from looking into why these characters were added for Gaiden's remake. In some cases, we have a clear cut answer from the developers. In other cases, it's left to players' interpretation. Looking at four of these new characters additions: Faye's reason for being added into SoV was something revealed by developers: it was to give more female representation in Alm's army (where Clair, Silque, and Tatiana were the only females recruited in Alm's route in Gaiden). Fernand and Berkut's reasons for being added into SoV weren't stated by developers (as far as I'm aware, correct me if I'm wrong on that), but fans have reached the consensus that the reason they were created was to highlight the game's theme about nobility and classism as shown by how the two villains are characterized. Fans also speculate they were added to act as rivals/foils to their respective counterparts that has a major contribution to the plot (Berkut to Alm and Fernand to Clive) Rinea's reasons for being added into SoV also wasn't stated by developers, but most fans agree that the reason she was added was probably to serve as a plot device that showed Berkut's good side in that he loves her with all his heart. But then we are left with Conrad. Conrad is another character who many criticize for being another character who turned out to be irrelevant to the story (and even I too agree with the sentiment), but I've never seen fans speculate why he was added into SoV's story compared to the other four. Even if he turned out to be irrelevant, surely the developers/writers had a reason to add him for the remake. Otherwise, he probably wouldn't exist in this game at all. So that leads me to this topic: why do you think Conrad was added into SoV? Perhaps there was a story-related/plot-adding reason to why he was added? Or maybe he was added from a certain gameplay standpoint? If this topic was already addressed in an official interview, well... I don't think this thread will last very long. However, I have heard no mention about an interview delving into this topic, so I have faith this could lead to some interesting discussion. I'm interested in hearing all of your answers to my question. I'll probably pitch in and give my answer to the question I posed if it has enough discussion. (This is also one of two discussion topics I have planned for Conrad. The other I plan on making sometime later on, probably once discussion in this thread dies down).
  6. Takumi only ever did that name-privilege thing with Zola, and that's because he still distrusted Zola and viewed him as a good-for-nothing villain that was pointlessly dragged along until Zola protected him from the hooded man. Takumi didn't bark at Leo or Elise in their supports for them calling him by his name despite him initially being hostile to them, nor did he call out Camilla, Jakob, or Felica on that when they initially talked to him in their supports. Very true. FE13 & FE14 felt like a case of "quantity over quality" when it came to supports, especially in Fates where it seemed like the writers wanted to a character to have support conversations with everyone of the opposite sex along with a few of the same sex. With the writers' need to go for as many supports as possible while saving time and not wanting to make the extra effort, it leads to many supports coming down to "here's what happens when person A's most defining characteristic meets person B's most defining characteristic," basically flanderization. It ultimately leads to most supports turning out that way with only a small handful turning out to be good for exploring something else about the characters in a meaningful. Meanwhile, with FE15 and arguably even the GBA games (I can't speak for FE4 since I haven't played it, but I've heard lots of good things about its cast), there are a lot less supports, but with those less supports, it really felt like the writers wanted to make the most out of those few supports to help characterize them (basically "quality over quantity"). Those games also had the added benefit of making more members of its casts have some sort of moment of relevance to the plot, unlike FE13 & FE14 where most of its cast showed up and made an impression with just their introduction and that's it, and so we learned something else about them from their spotlight in the story (i.e. one of Clair's traits is her curiosity and interest in learning more about commoners, and that's something we learn when she first meets Alm and not something brought up in supports).
  7. I don't care for Subaki all that much, but I'll admit there are four Subaki supports I recommend checking out where he doesn't come across as unpleasant. The first one is his support with Sakura, and I'd argue it's his best support. He does come across as his perfectionist self, but mainly in that sense that he messes up on certain things and it causes him to panic. Sakura calls him out on his behavior several times and explains that she still accepts him even when he makes mistakes despite what he thinks of himself. The A-support between the two characters also reveals how Subaki developed his perfectionist attitude: his parents served the royal Hoshidan family for some time, and thus they put very high expectations on him. It lead to him convincing himself that he needs to be perfect in everything he does. We also learn the backstory about how he and Sakura first met and how he became her retainer: he tripped while landing from his pegasus, which he considered to be a huge embarrassment in front of royalty, but Sakura and Hana found it funny and presented a nice side to Subaki they didn't know prior. She decided to make him one of her retainers following this event. The second I'd recommend is his support with Hinoka. The supports are mainly about them just reminiscing about their past. Subaki trained her to becoming the Pegasus Knight she is now, and they worked together one time to rescue Sakura trapped in a forest during a storm. Subaki doesn't act like his snobby perfectionist self during it, and you get the sense that him and Hinoka are rather close. The third I'd recommend is his support with Nyx. The support doesn't delve into their backstories. Subaki introduces Nyx to Hoshidan tea, while Nyx introduces him to coffee. He also tries to bond with her in the first two supports while she comes across as her usual distant self, but she warms up over the course of the supports. You don't see Subaki acting like a perfectionist, and he instead comes across as someone who just wants to get to know someone better. The fourth Subaki support worth checking out is the ones with Selena, and I'd say it's his second best support. Selena is similar to Subaki in that she also strives for perfection, and when she learns that about him, it lead to some interesting dialogue between the two. The A support is particularly my favorite, because it involves Subaki reaching out to Selena and understanding she tries to be perfect because of the reputation her mother had. So two things interested me about those points you made in connection with your statement that you like the majority of SoV's cast character-wise aside from Gray: what is your opinion on Jesse and Python from SoV? Jesse's most defining characteristic is that he is a major flirt. He hits on Celica (and I think Mae is well, though I don't completely remember) when they first meet on her way to stop Grieth, and we also see him flirting with Silque shortly after he rescues her during that Memory Prism of the two characters. When you promote Jesse, he even states, "I think Mila has a crush on me!" Yep, he hits on a goddess, though not directly. Meanwhile, Python is someone that seems to fit in the asshole category you mentioned there. He also has various moments in the story where he comes across as an asshole (i.e. feeding him the food he doesn't like when he's in a dungeon), and he also has a sharp and cynical tongue when speaking to to others similar to Innes, Shinon, and Takumi (and funny enough, Python happens to be an archer just like them). You don't see very many characters calling out Python for his cynical tongue either.
  8. Azama x Sakura definitely comes to mind because of how the whole "I was in love with you since we first met" from Sakura came out of nowhere despite Azama being an ass to her from the C to A conversations. Another contender would be Kaden x Peri's S support. The C through A conversations were okay: Peri wants to kill a caterpillar because she hates insects, but Kaden convinces her otherwise by showing her how the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. We don't see Peri turning all murder frenzy... until the S-Support. She throws a tantrum because Kaden won't reciprocate her feelings, and after Kaden comforts her, she even admits she planned on ripping his heart out if he didn't love her back. You can tell Kaden has got himself trapped in the relationship and is visibly disturbed by her when he says, "Um... yeah..."
  9. While his younger brother, Seth, and arguably Kyle outclass him, Forde is my favorite Sacred Stones character and one of my favorite FE characters overall. I just really like his character, namely his chill personality and his pretty good backstory regarding how he became so passionate with painting. Despite how hated he is as a unit for his poor performance by missing a lot, Python happens to be my third favorite Fire Emblem character overall. This guy is honestly the funniest character in the series for me with his sarcasm and some of his quotes (like the "WOW! This is really terrible!"), and he also a personality that I can relate to: being chill enough that you want to focus on the present rather than the future. Funny enough, despite the lackluster reputation these two characters have in the FE community as units, both of them proved to be surprisingly good in my playthroughs. Forde still held on his own most of the time when I used him, and my Python was blessed enough that he didn't most of the time (he even became a pretty competent unit when he promoted to Bow Knight later in my playthrough of SoV).
  10. I remember making a post in a thread with that exact same topic a few months ago. I'll just copy and paste my least favorites here: I think I should list some dishonorable mentions just to bring something more originality to what I wrote. Anna: Never found her character appealing in the slightest. She is basically just a far less entertaining version of Mr. Krabs, where she talks about money and business in a way that feels dull, uninteresting, and quite frankly, annoying. I ended up liking her Heroes incarnation more just because she doesn't get annoying with all the money talk and only brings it up in the seasonal-themed prologues, but I still don't care for her all that much there. Miriel: "For Science" is basically the extent of her character, and it ultimately leaves me feeling nothing for her. Laurent inherited that same gimmick from her mother, but I appreciate him much more because he at least has more character beyond that because of how he came from Lucina's past and thus feels the trauma that she has. Gharnef archetypes: More specifically, the three that I've encountered thus far: Validar, Jedah, and Riev. They just want to resurrect the ancient evil god for reasons that can be summed up as "I'm evil" and that's about it. They feel so shallowly evil that end up being hate-able and disappointing characters. Garon/Iago/Hans: Saturday morning cartoon villains who'd probably kick a puppy just for the sake of being evil and that's it. I like Garon a bit more than Iago and Hans just because Garon has some backstory behind how he became corrupted, but Fates didn't explore it very well, so it doesn't save Garon all that much. Slayde: Another Saturday morning cartoon villain who felt so generic, dull, and hateable I couldn't care less about him. I mean, sure, he is supposed to be the coward-type villain, but I didn't find him to be a good one at that. He even overstays his welcome for a villain. Was there really a point in bringing him back in Act IV, because honestly, he felt only relevant during Act I and that was it. Fernand: As I like to call him, "The Green-Armored Douchebag," Fernand is a classist douche who leaves the Deliverance purely because of Alm being of "common birth" and not because appointing a soldier that just recently joined the army as a leader can have serious consequences. He also comes across as a snobbish jerk in most of his cutscenes following it. The game tries to make him a tragic villain when they explain his backstory of how he developed his hatred for commoners, but he takes it to such an extreme (not to mention his betrayal happens too early in the game), it's hard to feel bad for him. The DLC does portray him in a better light though by showing what he was like before his family was killed, but it still didn't change my opinion on him. It doesn't help that he can just be removed from SoV and the plot wouldn't change at all. At least Fernand has a good VA though. Berkut: Abusive boyfriend to his fiancé who also comes across as a whiny man-child. Maybe if the game actually showed how accomplished he is a Rigelian general and more scenes of him and Rinea bonding, I probably would've been convinced otherwise, but that doesn't happen. His redemption in Act V is also a joke (Rinea shouldn't even forgive him after all the crap he did to her), and he ended up being as inconsequential to the plot as Fernand was because he didn't actually affect SoV's narrative. Admittedly, Berkut does have a nice character design, arguably one of the best voice performances for an FE character, and all of his themes are some of my favorite tracks in Fire Emblem; it's his character that bothers me.
  11. From the games that I played: I love them: Chrom: Shocking to see he's the only lord I have listed in this tier, but I'll admit that first-lord bias plays a major factor into why he is ranked this high. In terms of everything else, there's a lot a love about him. To me, he just feels very human as a main character. His whole character arc in the beginning of the game was pretty good, especially when he has to confront Gangrel and face an inner conflict regarding his aggression but remembering Emmeryn's pacifism. I also enjoyed his dialogue with Walhart, which showed the similarities of the two characters but as counterparts in what they stood for. Many of his supports were fun to read. He's dorky in a pretty fun and memorable way, and he comes across as a nice straight man to the other characters. He's probably the lord I relate to the most, from the way he comes to terms with balancing his aggressive tendencies and better embracing peaceful concepts to just how much of a socially awkward guy he can be. My only real issue with him is that he trusts Robin way too quickly. I like them: Eirika: She was a character that I was initially indifferent to and didn't see much appeal in her, but overtime, I've developed more appreciation for her. I found her development from a princess with little combat experience into a true leader rather interesting, and while her giving Lyon the Sacred Stone made her look dumb (what made me roll my eyes to her initially), I've come to understand why she did that when remembering her close friendship with Lyon the more I've analyzed it and hearing input about it from others. She also has a nice personality that I can appreciate. Definitely the more interesting Renais Twin IMO, and the only other lord that I can confidently say I like at the moment. I'm indifferent to them: Lucina: She certainly been through a lot of trouble and tribulation because of what Grima did to her kingdom, and that in term makes her sympathetic. She also has a funny, bad taste in fashion. However, I have a hard time truly calling her a lord that I like. I guess it's because she feels stale with how she keeps preaching about changing fate and saving her father. Luckily, she's not a lord that grinds my gears all that much. Ephraim: Man, everything goes perfectly for this guy, huh? He managed to storm a castle with just four people, and he got out scot-free? Yeah, not buying it. Most of the characters also kiss Eprahim's feet a lot, and he's also pretty cocky with his whole "he doesn't pick fights that he can't win deal," like a guy that does badass stuff but ultimately feels hollow in how he does it. Strangely enough, despite his Gary-Stu ness and his other issues, he doesn't bother me that much. I guess it's because his rivalry with Lyon was good stuff, but that's mostly Lyon who made it interesting, not Ephraim. In all, he's a lord I just don't care for. Alm: To me, he's the most overrated lord in the series. He's just as much of a Gary Stu as Ephraim is. Practically everything goes perfectly for Alm, facing little repercussions as things go along like the battle with Nuibaba (he fell for a trap, but he walked out with no casualties and recruited a Rigelian nun and general by the end of it) and all his battles with Berkut. Every character also worships him in a way that just doesn't sit well with me (his friends even calling him a prodigy when he's just 11 years old), and the only time there was good criticism laid on Alm from other characters was Clive during the Mathilda and Delthea rescue operations. My other main issue with Alm is that he is way too forgiving towards those that constantly do ill toward him, like with Berkut and Fernand during their deaths. On a more positive note, he's a pretty big dork in a nice and relatable way in a manner similar to Chrom, though not as socially awkward. That's what balances Alm out to the point he's a lord I'm indifferent to. Celica: She starts out promising in the first half of SoV. Her quest to try and find Mila at her temple was interesting and the whole deal of "cleaning up the mess her dad left behind" with the Grieth problem was interesting to me. She also has some nice supports where she bonds pretty well with Mae, Atlas, and Conrad. Unfortunately, Act IV happens, and her character turns into a flawed character I just cannot get behind. The fact she just decides to go along with Jedah's manipulations like that made her look pretty dumb. It ultimately reaches the point where her character journey amounted to being a damsel-in-distress needing to be rescued by Alm because of it. Jedah's overly evil portrayal definitely played a big factor into Celica's downfall in character portrayal as well, but that's not something to delve into now. Basically, she's a good character to me for the first half but not the second half. The Heroes and Warriors OC lords: I really don't have much to say about them since they didn't leave enough of an impression on me to say whether I like or dislike them. Alfonse does get some bonus points for having some nice little development in Book II, particularly in that chapter where he saves the villagers from Surtr. I also initially liked Sharena for her personality and openness, but she hasn't received much screen time lately. I dislike them: Robin: The perfect tactician that faces little repercussion in what he confronts, and he doesn't have a real personality that strikes me. He is also worshiped left and right by the near majority of the cast to the point it is eye-rolling. I also didn't like how he basically stole Chrom's spotlight in those final chapters of Awakening. Admittedly, His friendship and supports with Chrom are nice (for Male Robin that is), but it's still not enough for me to like the character. I hate them: Corrin: Yeah, I don't need to say much for this character. He's stupidly naive, and the fact the majority of the Fates cast worships save for three characters is also pretty bad. Heck, there's a point in Revelation's story where Ryoma and Xander praise Corrin for being naive. That pretty much speaks volumes about how much of a Gary Stu/Mary Su Corrin is. Revelation and Conquest's interpretation of Corrin are the ones that grind my gears the most. Birthright Corrin is more in the range of dislike-tier, but that's mainly because I found his reasons for siding with Hoshido far more justifiable than what the sides he chose in Conquest and Revelation (I mean, Corrin's dialogue in Birthright Chapter 6 was good because he spelled out the problem to Xander pretty well). He still suffers from most of the same problems that the other two routes have though. There are some other lords that I could factor into these tiers. Hector and Ike seem like lords I will love based on what I've seen of them in Heroes so far and heard from other FE fans, and Lyn is looking to be a character I won't care much for. However, I'd like to actually play their games first to really gain impressions on them before actually factoring them into my lord ranking list.
  12. Takumi is my personal favorite. I mean, he was already my favorite character going into the game, and I find his moveset to be a blast to use. All of his arrow attacks feel satisfying to land, especially that tornado and that orb-like attack. I know his moveset is shared with Sakura, Anna, and Niles, but I tend to associate the moveset with Takumi the most because of the emphasis on wind for most of the attacks that fits the Fujin Yumi. Lissa is the runner-up. She's another character I really like from personality alone, and she has lots of great supports in Warriors. Her moveset is really fun too. In fact, that Axe Wheel attack may just be my favorite attack in the game because of how strong and satisfying it feels! I also had a lot of fun using Oboro. She's unique, and her lance attacks pack a good punch.
  13. I predict we'll get our first Red Archer for the next Legendary Hero banner since its the only colored bow we're yet to have a unit for, and I don't think it'll be Alm to claim that title. Rather, I think it'll be Roy. Why I think Roy could be the next Red Legendary Hero, and why I think he'll be the first Red Archer: He is the only character from CYL1 that doesn't have a Legendary Alt yet. Lyn and Lucina were two CYL1 characters whose Legendary Hero alts were the first Green and Blue Archers respective to their color scheme, and I feel like IS will fill both the void of Red Archer and the last CYL1 character with Legendary Roy. Roy may not seem like the kind of person that wields a bow, but he does already have an alt in Heroes where he uses a bow (his Valentine alt). Moreover, his close friend Wolt is an Archer too, so I can imagine Legendary Roy mentioning how he learned Archery from him. In his hypothetical reveal trailer, his quote would sound something like, "My best friend Wolt is a really good Archer, and he taught me how to use the bow. Never have I thought I'd be testing my archery skills in a time like this!" If not Roy, then Hrid is my other prediction. By the Water Blessing season alone that next month's LH will bring, he'd be a good choice for that, and his art does show him depicting a sword. However, I'm prepared for the worst if Hrid doesn't show up (I originally thought he'd show up in the LH banner where Legendary Marth appeared, as it would've been a great time to bring Hrid there seeing how his sisters Gunnthra and Fjorm made a return for that banner).
  14. Hrid tops the list for me. I like his design a lot; its cool yet majestic, fitting for a male member of the Nilf of the royal family. He also left a pretty nice first impression in his debut chapter as a kind man who knew what he was doing and was the one to suspect the traitor was in the Askr group. I'll admit he definitely could've benefitted from screen time though; he debuted quite late into Book II. Hopefully, we'll see more of him in Book III as the new king of Nifl who could use his position as a major ally to the Askr group. I'd love for him to be playable too. Laegjarn and Helbindi are close behind. Both are not completely evil characters that show plenty of good traits, and I like the development they had throughout the story. Shame that they were both killed at the end of Book II. I've also been warming up to Veronica recently. Part of is because of how useful of a unit she has been ever since I got her as my free unit from the CYL2 banner, but I've also been enjoying her development that started after she got that advice from Seth, and this would also lead to that cool moment in Book II when she calls out Surtr.
  15. Takumi to SoV just so he can be the one to really pinpoint Jedah's suspicions and be the one to truly knock some sense into Celica when Conrad failed to do so. You might as well also put him in Heroes's story alongside the Askr Trio to join Hrid in his suspicion regarding who that traitor in Book II was. Forde to Fates so that him and Kagero can bond over paintings, and perhaps he can even become her personal art teacher (not to mention the shipping potential). Oboro and Hinata to Awakening so that the former can become Ylisse's top fashion designer for the royal family and help Lucina with her taste in fashion (it was missed support potential in Warriors), and Hinata could bond with Vaike quite a bit since the two have similar personalities. Deirdre and/or Julia to any of the Archanea games so that they can pay homage to Naga and maybe even meet Tiki to tell her about their tomes. Walhart to SoV so that he can meet his likely ancestor Rudolf, and the two would engage in what could be the greatest battle in Valentia/Valm's history. Laurent to Blazing Sword so that he can meet Canas can geek out about the many books they read. Mitama to SoV so that she could perhaps inspire Genny to write about a character who loves haikus, or maybe even learn how to tell multiple stories through haikus.
  16. @Jotari Could you add Conrad to the list? He's my personal most wanted character for Heroes at the moment. Some other characters I'd love to see in Heroes, though not as high as Conrad at the moment, are Python, Forsyth, Atlas, Forde, Cormag, Laurent, Gangrel, Kaden, and Charlotte.
  17. Fernand: I find him to be quite disappointing. Even if his entire family was killed in a peasant uprising, he comes across as too much of a douche to be considered sympathetic IMO. In fact, his betrayal happens to early into the story, and because of that, it makes him come across as unsympathetic. If his betrayal happened towards the middle of the game, I think he would be more sympathetic. That way, we would see more of his conflicted nature and a bit more of his sympathetic side. While the DLC does portray him in a much more favorable light and shows the early roots of his distrust with the Deliverance, I think it shouldn't have been locked behind the paywall, and more scenes in Echoes should've featured that version of Fernand. Desaix: He serves his role as a major early game antagonist decently well, and he had justified reasons for overthrowing and killing Lima IV and taking the throne. However, his personality felt so cartoonishly evil that I ultimately didn't care for him all that much. Slayde: Never found him to be appealing. He struck me as a generic Saturday morning cartoon villain with a rather dull personality, and his only bit of relevance was in Chapter 1. I don't know what was the point of bringing him back for the late game chapter either since there was very little buildup to it, with the only scene foreshadowing another battle with Slayde being his dialogue with that Cantor that tried to kill Celica at the end of Act 2. He just didn't really leave an impression compared to the other villains in this game. Grieth: For a bandit villain, I think he was decent. In fact, I'd say he's the most memorable bandit villain that I've experienced in the series so far. He managed to create a criminal empire in Zofia because of Lima's negligence, and the effects of his empire as early as Act 2 with the death of Valbar's family and Est's kidnappng in the hands of Grieth's pirates. It also helps that he had a rather entertaining personality for a villain. I wish that his impact in the story would extend to even after his death. His death quote where he says "There will always be another me" struck me since it implies he could have a successor that might rise up and instill more chaos, but that ultimately didn't happen.
  18. I'd love to see a crossover event between Fire Emblem Heroes and Fate/Grand Order. Pretty much all the Fire Emblem characters would make fitting servants in classes like Saber, Caster, and Berserker, and many of the Fate servants look like they'd fit in perfectly with the Fire Emblem universe. Imagine being able to summon Ike as a 5-star Saber, Sigurd as a 5-star Rider, and other prominent Fire Emblem characters in a feature Fire Emblem banner in Fate/GO. Then imagine being able to summon a 5-star Infantry Blue mage Tamamo, a 5-star Infantry Lance unit Cu Chulainn, and other major Fate servants in Fire Emblem Heroes. That'd be really cool! Alas, I can only dream...
  19. Saber: Most of the Lords in addition to most Myrmidons and Mercenary class units. Some fitting choices for a Saber servant from the latter two classes include Ryoma, Joshua, Navarre, Lyn, Inigo/Laslow, Owain, and Gregor. Lancer: Ephraim, Azura, Oboro, and Nephenee. Archer: Takumi, Innes, and Shinon. Caster: Basically any Mage and Cleric from the Fire Emblem series. Rider: The Cavaliers, Pegasus Knights, Wyvern Knights, and even the Kinshi Knights would work well for this. Sigurd, Xander, Eliwood, Jagen, and Frederick are the notable ones that I think would make fitting servants, Assassin: Thieves and Ninja units are most appropriate. Sothe, Gaius, Saizo, and Matthew would make fitting Assassins. I think Kaden and Selkie could also fit as Assassin because of how nimble and agile the Kitsunes, though they could also fit as Berserkers because of their beast-like characteristics. Berserker: Peri and Camilla could work just because of how crazy they are, and I can imagine Mad Enhancement would kick in to make them extra powerful. I'd say even Henry and Karel could be fitting Berskers too. For the more Feral-type, I think any of the Laguz, Taguel, and Beastkins would fit too, though Keaton seems the most fitting to me just because of the werewolf thing going for him. Some axe-users like Charlotte and Vaike could also fit as Berserkers just for their crazy fighting-style. Avenger: Any of the possessed versions of certain Fire Emblem characters. The ones that would be chosen for it would probably be the major antagonistic ones where they are possessed by some entity that wants to destroy humanity. That in mind, Takumi and Lyon would work well for this; they would both be their possessed versions for that class. In a hypothetical Holy Grail War featuring the Fire Emblem characters as servants, these would be my choices: Saber: Lyn Lancer: Ephraim Archer: Takumi Caster: Leo Rider: Sigurd Assassin: Sothe Berserker: Keaton Most of these choices are major characters from the games they appear in with the exception of Keaton. Takumi and Leo are together in this war to have the good ol' younger brother rivalry they are commonly known for. Hmm, the only female Servant in this hypothetical Holy Grail War is a Saber and the other servants from the other classes are male... reminds me of Fate/Zero!
  20. I like Alm the best when he's being a dork, and it really shows in his dialogue whenever you explore villages or similar areas of interest. However, I do find him to overrated when it comes to how he is written. He never has a clear character arc in the story, and he feels like he gets praised too much. The only time someone ever truly criticizes him for a character flaw is Clive's moment following the battle to rescue Mathilda. Alm also comes across as too forgiving for me when it comes to his biggest enemies, especially with Berkut considering how he was never nice to Alm for the entirety of SoV. Alm is ultimately a character I kinda like but not completely. He has a nice and approachable personality that makes him a fun character at times, yet I can definitely understand why some fans label him as a Gary Stu.
  21. I'm a big fan of Hrid's design. His outfit looks great on him, and the silver hair complements him well. He also leaves a good first impression for a character in the chapter he first appears in. He definitely showed a lot more character in his one chapter so far compared to what Gunnthra and arguably even Fjorm did as well IMO. I thought he was going to have the Ephraim's personality judging from the whole deal about how he tried to assassinate Surtr on his own, but he turned out to be a lot different from Ephraim. He seems like a pretty likable dude who knows what he's doing. I'm really hoping he's the next Red Legendary Hero. Yeah, I'm aware of the whole trend of "female-female-male" when it comes to Legendary Heroes, but I'm hoping Hrid will break the trend.
  22. I've recently been completing Infernal GHBs using my Summer Takumi alone with the help of three Dancers to allow him to deliver more kills a turn, move him out of enemy range when needed, or soften up the enemy at times when Summer Takumi can't make the kill. My biggest accomplishment with my solo Summer Takumi run was defeating the Infested Takumi GHB on Infernal. Although I wasn't able to provide pictures, I did write a step-by-step process to how I beat the map with my Summer Takumi solo:
  23. Pretty much any of the characters drawn by Tobi are most of my favorites when it comes to Heroes art. There's just something about the vibrant colors and the soft yet distinct outlines the artist uses that really make these characters stand out, not to mention the artist does a great job conveying their expressions that accentuate their personalities. Summer Takumi, NY!Takumi, Clive, Summer Leo, both Morgans, and Canas are among my favorites. Lyon's and Soren's art are also among my favorites. Lyon's default Heroes art does a good job conveying his good-hearted side with his facial expression, and his attacking arts do a decent job showing his serious side. Soren's Heroes art is also good for similar reasons, in that each of his arts highlight his personality quite well. The use of colors and shading are also quite good. The two characters even share the same artist. Exalt Chrom's is also a favorite of mine, though I think it comes close enough to what I consider to be the "best art" in the game. He looks really handsome in that art, probably the most handsome Chrom has ever looked out of all the artworks he has received from his game, Heroes, and Cipher. He's got the determined look nailed down with his default art, his attacking arts bring out his fierce and brave aspects, and his damaged art still makes him look cool while he has an expression that conveys his iconic "We're not done yet!" line. The armor also looks quite nice on him: yellow/gold, white, and blue make a nice combination!
  24. I watched the Attack on Titan Season 2 compilation movie and the Season 3 premier at a local theater last night. The theater was nearly a full-house with a diverse audience. I even saw some older adults as I walked up to my seat! Having such a large audience made the watching experience quite fun, from laughing along with others in some of Season 2's funniest moments to even cheers in the more intense moments. The 12-episode run was still the better experience though, especially since the movie cut out some character building moments and even removed several music tracks that made certain scenes quite memorable in the TV run, but the movie does its job for a highlight reel of the season. The real reason I went to the showing was to see the first episode of Season 3. It was a solid start to the season. I obviously can't say much since the worldwide release date for Season 3 is still a week and a half away and thus most haven't seen it yet, but I will say it had some nice character interactions, great animation and action when it was relevant, and even a solid beginning and an epic cliffhanger. As a manga reader, a part of me did have some qualms about the first episode since it seems to reorder some scenes, making me worried about potential cuts, but I have hope this season of the anime will adapt the source material well, perhaps even exceeding my expectations. For the summer season, AoT Season 3 and Free Season 3 (I'm a big fan of Free because I was swimmer in high school and still swim for both exercise and leisure, so it was easy for me to connect with the characters and setting) are the two new ones I will be watching weekly. I am also still following Steins; Gate 0; its currently at the halfway point with a break from new episodes this week, but I've still been enjoying it a lot.
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