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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. Got ya covered, CGV: Wasn't commented on.
  2. My mom's here so she'll just drop me off at 11, 'kay.

  3. No problem.

  4. Yeah. Hey, could you meet me at Safeway at around 10:30? As you know my sense of direction leaves much to be desired.

  5. Um... *hugs Songbird* It's...gonna be okay. You'll see. I royally suck at this. C'mon, everyone's a little emotional now so let's just take a minute to cool our heads and wait for the next chapter.
  6. Night. ... Think we scared her away?
  7. Refresh my memory: what happened then?
  8. Could be worse. You could've asked if she wrote the pages.
  9. Doesn't mean you're a bad guy. I'm sure you've got some redeeming qualities, otherwise Hikari wouldn't be with you. If anything, you write good stories.
  10. Well something's gotta happen soon.
  11. Hey Princess, MS, I gotta ask you something: What was it like when you first met? *takes another sip*
  12. I wasn't talking about that. To be honest my well done was congratulatory (yes, I can praise people...occasionally). I was thinking of...y'know what not here.
  13. Well it did start out funny...then I think Lyle sorta ruined it.
  14. *hugs back* I know that. It's just the use of your knowledge I question.
  15. True. You guys see anything interesting today?
  16. If she doesn't want it I'll take it.
  17. C'mon, princess. Join us for a drink. *sips more Sprite*
  18. *Helps himself to Sprite* Good stuff.
  19. Hey. What's goin' on?

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