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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. Hm...I'll have to check which song that was and get back to you.

  2. Thanks for the info. I'll keep it in mind.

  3. "Fresh?" I just wanted to cheer her up after Damon died so I asked if she wanted to go to the party. And yeah I do like Zelgius. I always mess with MS and my other friend's heads with him, they're in denial about the whole BK thing. Thinking about getting a new pic soon.

  4. Never mind. I'm going to sleep now. G'night.

  5. *facepalm* This is why I stopped coming here.
  6. I'm usually the one taking the picture. So I'd have to dig around a bit.
  7. Hey there's a party in FFtF right now. You wanna come with me?

  8. Come on now, guys. Damon wouldn't want you guys to be sad about him. If anything those thoughts would just hurt him. Just keep all your fond feelings and memories with you and wish him peace. That's the best thing we can do.
  9. *chuckles* no rush. By the way, I posted the prologue of my story if you want to check it out.

  10. I've actually read up to the latest one. What chapter are you on?

  11. True. I'm just glad that I'm somewhere with solid ground.
  12. Hey. Howsit going?

  13. Hm...looks like the quiz actually got a good match for us. I wonder what Songbird or Hikari would be.
  14. And here I thought you'd complain about not getting Thunder... At any rate, it suits you.
  15. Yo. Made a Reborn topic. Check it out.

  16. *eye twitch* That's different. It's...morbid curiousity. At any rate this is getting weird...I'm going to sleep. Also...what if someone else here gets what you're saying?
  17. It's for survival. If I had said she should cut of her arm or leg to get out of a trap, you'd have no problem with it. Hell, you might even try to cut it yourself, but taking off a shirt is just too much for you.
  18. And we later learned the reason for that. Doesn't count.
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