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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. Are you trying to say that I'm a pervert?
  2. Go ahead. I'll get a good laugh.
  3. What's with the seizures?

  4. Hibari

    Your worst fear

    Why were you watching a horror show when you were only 2?
  5. Hibari

    Your worst fear

    Honestly never would've guessed.
  6. You forgot Bel, Hibari, Chrome/Mukuro and .
  7. Hibari

    Your worst fear

    My worst fear...that would have to be...myself.
  8. Katekyo Hitman Reborn. It's pretty good. Look into it if you've got free time.
  9. Which Ring Type Suits You? Anyway. Take the quiz, then post and discuss your results. In my case: The MIST RING is best for you! just like Mukuro and Chrome I actually guessed I'd get either this or cloud. At any rate, you guys try it out.
  10. That must've sucked.

  11. Sweet. Do you have Gamma?

  12. Own with the hedgehog of death.

  13. *shifts eyes* What are you talking about? Chrome isn't cheap at all. Uses Chrome and Hibari the most.
  14. Nice so far. Nothing much to add.
  15. Taken care of.

  16. That works. Like Allen from D. Gray Man. *remembers Ichimaru*

  17. Finally made the Prologue.

  18. Thank you. Actually my character won't show up for a while. I'm not much for being the lead role. As for who Marlin is...you'll see.
  19. Lol. Those guys were great. Anyway. I actually liked the chapter. Zeek continues to amuse me, almost everyone's met up again, and there's gonna be a big fight.
  20. Sorry for the wait everyone. Book One: Past Part One: Shrouded Mysteries Two years before Ashnard, Daein's "Mad King" declared war on the Kingdom of Crimea. The continent of Tellius houses many dark secrets and conspiracies. Seeking to unlock the secrets of his past, a young mage travels the land in search of the one person who may answer his questions. However, within the answers lie more questions, and in more questions lie more answers. Prologue: Questioning A sad girl wandered in the wastes... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I'm...so sorry." Those words echoed through the boy's mind as he closed his eyes, watching the shadowy figure walk away. "I...couldn't protect either of you." Those would be the last words the boy could hear before his vision sank into the darkness. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a shock a boy that appeared to be thirteen awoke. In cold sweat he ran his hand through his brown hair, "That dream again," he said gasping, " why do I keep having this dream." The boy lied down on his bed as he processed this dream. "Someone whose face I can't see, but feels familiar, 'I'm sorry,' 'I couldn't protect...either of you?' What does that mean?" Scratching his head in frustration the boy barely noticed the knock on his door. "Is everything alright?" The door opened to reveal a green-haired man of adult age and appearance. His red eyes showed alertness that can only be found by someone who has spent years on the battlefield, but still kept the kindness and concern of a normal man. "No...it's alright," the boy replied solemnly as he sat up, "It's just..." "'Just'," the man raised an eyebrow at this. "Nothing." "I see," the man turned to leave without any more questions, "you should go back to sleep. Bastian will come to resume your teachings in the morning." "Yes, sir." The man smiled as he left the room, but was stopped by the boy's next words, "I was alone, right?" "What do you mean?" "Nothing, just something I have to ask Bastian tomorrow," the boy laid back down and tried to sleep. "I see...sleep well." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning arrived and the boy stood outside the manor he stayed in. He adjusted his red robe as he sat on the stone he'd grown accustomed to waiting on. Yawning, he spied someone riding a pure white stallion towards the manor. "Finally," the boy jumped from his rock and moved to greet the rider. On the back of the horse was a man in black and purple clothes . His black cape flowing in the wind with his blond hair. "You're late...again." The boy glared angrily at the man as he dismounted. "Ah, my apologies dear student of mine. I had left early just to be punctual for this very day, but alas fate would thwart my attempt by placing a blue haired angel in my path. Her fair skin wrapped so enchantingly in those white clothes. Bewitched by the sight of such beauty, I had lost all thought and control as I-" "In other words, you were flirting with Lucia...again. You really are hopeless, Bastian." "Your words wound me." "Whatever," the boy motioned to the entrance of the manor and faced, "so are we going to begin?" "Yes, at once," Bastian pulled a wind tome from his robes as the boy pulled one of thunder, "I see you've been practicing on your own." "I have to do something while I wait for you," the boy smirked as a yellow aura surrounded him, "Here I go." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You really have improved in such a short amount of time," Bastian said as he sat next to the boy, who was panting heavily on his back. His clothes covered with sweat and dirt. "You really are strong, Bastian. But you know..." the boy pointed to his teacher's singed shoulder, "I actually got in a good hit there." "Indeed you did," the boy's master chuckled, "I dare say you'll even surpass me if I don't practice more myself." "You really mean that?" "Yes, however I cannot let myself be replaced just yet. I still have much to do for our Lord Renning." "Yeah...that is true," the boy sat up and looked to the sky and thought back on his first meeting with Renning, "That reminds me, Bastian." "Yes." "When you found me in in the streets, was I with anyone?" "Hm," Bastian donned a confused look, "where is this coming from?" "I just...want to know is all." "I can honestly say you were the only one in those alleys when I found you. Not another soul to be found." "I see...but if that's true..." the boy's face grew more worried the more he thought. "Something troubling you, my pupil?" "No, it's nothing." "Well then, I must meet with Lord Renning before I take my leave," The sage then stood and walked towards the manor, "you should get cleaned up before dinner." "Right," the boy sat up and brushed the excess dirt from his clothes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sighing, the boy wandered through the hallways of the estate, wiping his face with a towel. "So I was alone. But he said 'either of you,' meaning there should be another...but," groaning the boy heard familiar voices coming from the study. Looking around for any signs of people, the boy silently moved towards the cracked doors to peek in. In he saw Bastian talking with Renning. Bastian's back was to the door and Renning only looked at his faithful servant, but his face was deathly serious. "I see," Renning spoke, "so that's what's going on. Thank you for telling me Bastian." "Your thanks are appreciated but unnecessary, my lord. The question is: how do we approach the situation?" Situation? What situation? The boy leaned in closer in anticipation. "I'm not sure. To be honest I'm not sure of anything right now. This whole this is troubling." "Indeed it is," Bastian put a hand to his head as he pondered, "so many questions and the only one who can answer them-" "There's no sense dwelling on that, Bastian." Renning stood from his seat and turned to look out the window, "for now, we'll just keep a close watch on the situation. After we've made any significant findings we'll make our move." "Just as one would expect from the man hailed as Crimea's greatest general." Just what the hell's going on here? Closer and closer the boy leaned. Renning turned to Bastian and the two men stared silently at each other as if speaking in a silent tongue. The eerie silence sending shivers up the boy's spine. It would be a few moments later before Renning finally broke the silence. "However, there is another matter that needs to be dealt with." "Yes, my lord?" "Before I get to into the details," Renning turned to the door with the same stern look on his face, "would you like to come in, Marlin? Leaning in like that can't be good for you." Shocked that he was discovered Marlin fumbled into the study, and frantically tried to find an excuse for eavesdropping. "I heard you finally landed a decisive blow on Bastian," Marlin looked at Renning's now smiling face, "well done." "Th-thank you, sir." the boy said sheepishly. Renning chuckled, "You know, it's almost been a whole year since you started living here and you're doing quite well for yourself. I think you deserve a reward." "Re..ward?" "Yes, how would you like to come with Bastian and me tomorrow?" "I'd like that sir." "Wonderful idea, Lord Renning," Bastian clapped, "After all, being left here with no one his own age can hurt the poor boy's growth. Taking him with us to see-" "Bastian..." Renning's tone became low and warning. "Oh right, I almost spoiled it. My apologies." "Spoiled what? What is it?" Marlin looked back and forth between the two men for answers. "Sorry, we can't tell you. Just think of it as something to look forward to," Renning walked out of the study with Bastian following suit, "we leave bright and early, so you should get some sleep now." The doors to the study shut tightly, leaving Marlin alone in the hall of books. Let me know what you think so far.
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