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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. Hey, how goes it?

  2. Soren. He could kill anything with a regular Wind Tome.
  3. Well you did start one back in the actual story.
  4. Hibari

    One Wish

    The power to grant my own wishes. That way I'm set for life.
  5. To some girls that's considered harassment.
  6. According to Intelligent Systems...he already is. At any rate...keep up the good work, MS.
  7. The way I see it, she's the only one for Naesala. Without her the only other options are Tibarn(no), Reyson(just no) and Nealuchi (hell no). And since we know you're not into that, Leanne's the only choice left. *shrugs*
  8. Back when he was ignored he asked us why and I replied by saying, "You guys hear something?" ...Needless to say, he was not amused.
  9. sounds good.

  10. I know. I just like to think of it as a running gag of sorts.
  11. Nice chapter. I can't help but feel I'm being left behind as payback for that comment I made to Zero. Meh. Keep it up.
  12. *grabs MS and pulls him back* Not until I get my R4. It was an honest mistake, really. Do be so overly dramatic.
  13. I see. Princess has just gotten 5% cooler in Branded's mind...
  14. So you don't like it, then?
  15. You put "(may" as part of the link why? And that was a good chapter. Ikkaku/Po: Funny Hisagi/Findor: Bleh Yumichika/Coolhorn: Hilarious Kira/Abirama: Kira doesn't get all depressed when Gin's mentioned, so he's like what Hinamori shoulda been.
  16. Yeah. I made a topic about it and everything. I did. I just said I wouldn't be as active. I'm just letting you guys know I'm back home. I saw. They're very good. Good to be back, Songbird. You can just die.
  17. Hey. I'm back from Orlando. Howsit goin'?
  18. Yeah...he can be a bit over the top though. Calm down, Zeph.
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