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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. Antonio told me about it so I saw it earlier. I love Lal and Gokudera's reaction.

  2. To me you're more like the girl who always dashes behind something when a person walks by. I suppose some people could interpret it that way.
  3. You still can. I'm just gonna have the first chapter up then. If you want to, just PM me with your character's information and I'll see what I can do.

  4. Yeah...should be up Monday or so.

  5. I...will ensure...that you die...in the most...painful way I can imagine. *stomach churns* uuuggghhh.
  6. G'night, princess.

  7. I read it...anyway, thaks for the advice. I'll probably just buy them online or something. BTW when's the R4 coming?

  8. If you do you should take a picture and show us.

  9. *Head on desk foaming at the mouth* UUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
  10. What do you make? I can't make anything out of sand to save my life, well except for a hill.

  11. That happened with my first copy of KH2 I couldn't get through Port Royal the first time. It pissed me off.

  12. Oh. Well...you do volleyball then? Like I said I suck at this.

  13. Cool. You surf or just swim?

  14. Thinking about it. It was $29.99 used and I think I can get a better price though.

  15. Yeah I'm trying to find it but all the store had was Abyss.

  16. Yeah...I kinda suck at conversation...hm...what're you doing for the summer?

  17. Cool. I'll be sure to check it out.

  18. Thanks. As you already know, MS is big on the Tales series and tries to get me into it. So I found the clip looking for videos.

  19. Hm. How's that going?

  20. Alright. So what're you up to?

  21. Pretty good...you?

  22. You're welcome. Just keep up what you've been doing.
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