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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. So Fox, mind explaining how you got possessed?
  2. Yeah, he's there. I checked back when he made this and found him by accident.
  3. Oh.


    I see what they did there.

  4. Awesome! Wait, how's he gonna fight? Crap it's gonna be Ulquiorra all over again.

  5. Which program? Where can I find it? How much? (wants to be a game designer) Nice work by the way, especially the QFTHH characters.
  6. Very nice.

  7. Three words, MS: BEST. BIRTHDAY. EVER. Sorry for the double post. I expected someone to be after me. Is there a way I can merge the two or something?
  8. The former. To be honest when I read that last line my exact words were "...Shit," so seeing it as the title for the next one is funny to me.
  9. You and MS are the ones that made two paths. Good chapter, Lyle. "Shit" indeed.
  10. Looks like we're back on a serious note. Can't wait.
  11. Now that I think of it, is Songbird like a traditional cleric, or does she use a sword like RD Mist or light magic? 'Cuz no offense, Songbird, but it seems like in all the fights you just get stabbed.
  12. That's what I wanted: Raven in a fierce battle against the woman he loves. A tragic struggle of blood and tears. Sounds kinda like a Greek tragedy.
  13. And here I was hoping for some kind of epic fight to take place. Oh well.
  14. *sigh* I guess there's really nothing to do for now until Fox breaks through again. May as well call it a night. G'night all.
  15. Now ask yourself: Would a jury buy that?
  16. So it's just like I"S then. Congratulations, MS! You're love life is like the crappiest romance novel ever spawned.
  17. Remind me why I'm sticking around here, please.
  18. He said "excited" not "traumatized."
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