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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. Yes, you are. This does sound interesting though. *follows Lyle*
  2. I've heard that line before. ...waitaminute no I haven't.
  3. You and me both, princess. You and me both.
  4. Everyone's insane, Lyle. It's just a matter of how you are insane.
  5. Depends on whether or not my perfectionism kicks in. If no, then I can draw decently. If yes, I'll never finish the drawing.
  6. Replace "Sonic" with "Mario Bros" and you have my life story. To answer the question: never.
  7. Of course. More Phoenix Wright stuff.
  8. <_< Dammit Songbird now she's on to us.
  9. Great it's ToS all over again (Hung out with MS yesterday as he pretty much explained to me how there's always a clone in those games)!
  10. *chuckles* You guys never cease to amuse me. *takes ring to get it appraised*
  11. *chuckles* Well done. It always seems like there's one part you don't like, doesn't it?
  12. To be honest, I didn't even realize you were gone. Welcome back, I guess.
  13. Now that you mention it, it does seem more navy than black. Hm.
  14. According to Nasir the Red Dragon Squad or something went to Daien to get Almeda or Rajaion and was warped into steeds like Rajaion was. I just assumed the same was done to the white dragons, or they were just painted to blend in with the snow. "Wyvern" was the changed from dragon in the US.
  15. I read the base conversation about how the dragons were warped and made into steeds, which makes sense considering the generic dracoknights on red mounts and even the white mounts from the snow missions in PoR. But one question remains. How did Haar get a black dragon and not have it be an issue with Goldoa? And more importantly, how did Jill get green one? Did Izuka breed some new type of dragon laguz?
  16. Maybe they have to be the from the same type of Laguz. Nasir could tell Soren was one, and Vika had a feeling around Micaiah.
  17. Yup. At any rate, I'm turning in. G'night all.
  18. *sips Sprite amused* I'm probably gonna shut down soon. Or is there something we're all waiting on?
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